4) Hiding

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"We either make ourselves miserable or strong. The amount of work is the same." - Carlos Castaneda


{3rd person}

Simulation Name - FNAF Hide and Seek

All three woke up at the same time. Jin, Adam, and Aphmau. Looking around they had noticed they were in the middle of a large cafeteria. It had looked like they were in the set of Five Nights At Freddy's. There vision was blinded by blue words:

HIDING - Hide from the Seeker!

"What?" Aphmau asked. They turned when they heard a high pitched scream. Behind them was a yellow bunny. It's skin was gone in parts and you could see the mechanical parts in it's body. One thing went through all of their minds.


"Hiders have 30 seconds left." They heard a feminine voice say through a intercom.

"We're playing Hide and Seek." Adam said. The other nodded.

"Don't get caught or you die." A screechy voice, belonging to Springtrap, spoke. The three quickly got up and ran fearing for their lives.

Aphmau hid behind the stage crouching behind a cabinet. She put her hand over her heart in order to calm herself down.

Adam hid in the vents. He snuck around trying to avoid the monster that was after them.

Jin hid behind an unmoving animatronic. It was Foxy and he watched as Springtrap was released.

"Seekers have been released. 4 minutes and 30 seconds left." The feminine voice called from the intercom.

'4 minutes?!" Aphmau asked as she heard movement. She stood still and covered her mouth. The animatronic passed her and she sighed quietly.

Adam crouched in the vent that led into the hallway. His ears perked up as he heard movement in the vents. He turned around and saw nothing. The noise had grown louder and he was going to have to leave the vents. He climbed out and ran. He pulled himself into a room and saw a closet. He opened the door and immediately shut it upon seeing what was inside. He slowly opened it back up and snuck into the closet trying not to touch the Chica standing in the doorway. He shut the door upon entry and sat down behind Chica.

Jin wasn't so sure about his spot. He climbed out from behind Foxy and walked into the open. He looked around at the empty cafeteria.

"Found ya." He heard a voice say. He screamed as he was found. He looked around and saw he was a ghost.

Adam and Aphmau both cringed at the scream from Jin.

"2 minutes left." The voice on the intercom called.

Aphmau was still in her spot and had managed to calm down enough to breathe properly. Springtrap had only passed her once and she wasn't going to risk going out in the open.

Adam sitting in his closet heard the door to the room beyond the closet open. He clasped his hands over his mouth. The door to the closet opened.

"Oh, Chica who is that behind ya?" He heard the ugly voice of Springtrap ask. Springtrap forcefully moved Chica and found Adam. Adam being found became the same state as Jin.

"30 seconds left." The voice on the intercom said. Aphmau sighed in relief.

"Where are you?" She heard. It was a bit before she heard the voice say there was 10 seconds left. It started counting down and she heard the door open.


Springtrap entered the room.


Springtrap took a few steps forward.


Aphmau gained courage.


Aphmau left her spot.


Springtrap charged.


"Hiders Win" The intercom called. Adam and Jin, who were flying, had fallen beside Aphmau as Springtrap was deactivated. He was a foot in front of her and she was frozen.

Simulation Complete


Simulation Name - Parkour

Joel and Lizzie had been staring at a brown wall for a bit until they were greeted with a new sight. They were really high in the air and there were floating pieces of land.

"What's going on?" Lizzie asked. Joel shrugged and looked around. Surrounding them were a ton of signs. They said:

"Welcome to my Parkour Map! The goal of the game is to jump on the platforms and get to the end! Try not to die but if you do just respawn at your last checkpoint!"

"I think we have to get to the end." Joel said looking over the course.

"What?" Lizzie said.

"Is there a problem?" Joel asked. Lizzie shook her head furiously.

"Are you--"

"NO!" Lizzie interrupted.

"You are!" Joel said. He smiled as he jumped to the first platform.

"Well if your not scared, jump." Joel said tauntingly. Lizzie took a breath and looked over the edge. She wouldn't admit it, but she had a fear of heights. She visibly paled and looked away. Joel laughed.

"Ok fine! I'm afraid of heights!" She said.

"Ok well we need to get to the end, so just don't look down." He said. Lizzie turned back towards Joel and nodded. She took another breath and leaped off the edge, landing on the other ledge. The next hour was them jumping on many of the ledges. They hadn't fallen and they were on the last jump. Joel jumped first, as he had been to show Lizzie it was safe. Lizzie nodded and took a breath again. The jump was farther than the others and she was doubtful.

"Come on, you've been good through this whole thing, you can do this last jump." Joel said. Lizzie nodded for what seemed like the one-hundredth time and jumped. Her foot skidded across the edge and he face hit the ledge. Hard. She passed out and Joel grabbed her hand before she could fall. Using his strength he pulled her up and laid her down next to a sign, that read:

"Congrats you've completed my Parkour Course! Now you both need to push the button and you win!"

Joel sighed. He'd have to wait for Lizzie to wake up but they were done. He stared down at her studying her features. Her wavy pink hair that had darker strands through it. Her dirty white t-shirt and jeans. Her pale skin with unnoticeable freckles that you could only see if you really looked at her. His face turned a shade of pink and he turned. He was checking her out. He looked back over and tried to shake her awake. She groaned and sat up.

"What happened?" She asked looking around till she saw Joel.

"You hit your head on the ledge and I saved you." He said standing up.

"Oh.. Thanks." She said.

"No problem, now we need to push the button." He said walking over to where the button was. He pushed it and disappeared. Lizzie followed and pushed the button, disappearing along with Joel.

Simulation Complete

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