Chapter 7: Moscow is Really Cold and Dangerous

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The group walked out and Sam, Steve, and Nat were wearing warm enough coats. Bucky didn't mind the cold but Ella was freezing. She shivered, and Bucky noticed, so he took off his warm coat and put it around her shoulders. She blushed and smiled, thanking him. That reminded him of a memory from long ago.

"Hey Ella, you sure you don't need my coat?", he asked the shivering girl carrying home medicine for her brother and mother.

"N-No, but thanks for the offer, Bucky." Her teeth clacked together. Bucky rolled his eyes and put his coat over her shoulders, and she pulled it nearer to her. "Th-thanks." She turned beet red. She didn't have a suitable jacket, so he let her keep his.

The group walked down an alleyway and entered the base. Bucky looked at his instructions. "There are three soldiers here and each of them has a little vial with a pill in it containing my memories. Split up the same as before. Steve, top floor, Sam, second floor, Ella, bottom floor with me." The group split up quickly.

Steve and Nat split up, not noticing the spy lurking above them. He had the agility of a cat and was the best agent they had. Suddenly, he dropped, shooting Steve in the shoulder. Steve threw his shield and he jumped over it. Natasha wrapped her legs around his neck and tasered him. He fell down and Steve ran over to retrieve his sheild. Nat flipped him and got the pill vial, putting it in her bra. The agent started to groan and Steve smashed his shield into his face, effectively killing him.

Sam shot the agent waiting for him in the shadows. She fell out of the hole she was in and he retrieved the vial with the pill. It was easy for him, not so much for Ella and Bucky.

They stalked through the floor, Ella holding her gun and sheild and Bucky brandishing a knife. He had many more weapons hidden though. 

"Hello there, Winter Soldier.", a sultry voice called out. A curvy woman stepped out from the shadows, revealing a head of flowing black hair and a pair of mesmerizing purple eyes. Bucky's eyes widened and he retreated clumsily, accidentally stabbing himself in the process. 

"Who the hell are you?", Ella asked, glaring down the woman. 

"I took care of Bucky's cryocycles whenever he came back from a mission. You're his ex-lover, I know that. Here's the thing: he'll never love you again.", she smirked. Ella clearly looked hurt. Bucky was wrapping a torniquet around his wound, scootching over into the corner. "He's lost the ability to love, unless you count that one time in the army barracks." Ella was getting really getting angry. If she could hulk out, she would've. She threw her sheild at the lady, making her fly into the staircase. The lady picked herself up and shot at Ella. Ell dodged the bullets and continued to fight. "I thought you were more then a sheild.", the lady said. Ella threw her sheild into the corner with Bucky. He gripped it tightly.

"I thought you would be more than just a gun and some gadgets.", Ella smirked. The lady sneered, taking out all her weaponry and her coat, revealing that she had some serious cleavage. Ella did the same, throwing everything to Bucky. He gripped that stuff too. Ella had on her red white and blue catsuit. The random lady threw herself at Ella, and got in a few good punches before she met the strength of the super soldier. With a cut on her forehead and a bloody nose, the females fought it out. For ten minutes, the gutteral sound of combat could be heard echoing through the floor. Finally, Ella snapped her neck, taking the pill vial from the lady's cleavage and walking over to Bucky. He handed her her weapons and her coat. She handed him the pill vial. With a huff, she texted the others.

Sorry I took so long. Some bitch beat me up, but I killed her.- ER

Meet at the plane.- NR

Helping Bucky walk, she went back to the plane. The others looked at her bloodied face and got worried.

"Are you alright?", Nat asked in unison with Steve. She sat down Bucky and wiped her nose, blood geting on her gloves.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Gimme the pills." Ella sounded angry. Her face was set in a grimace, matching the black eye and bloody nose she had. Not to mention the other cuts all over her face.

"So the instructions are to just take them like regular pills.", she read. Bucky popped the pills in his mouth and after a few minutes, he fell asleep. Ella took the strips of paper from his metal hand and read the next location. "New York City." Nat nodded and started the plane. Steve sat next to Ella and helped with her cuts, fixing her up. Curling up on the seat, she fell asleep too, leaning on Steve. She smiled in her sleep, and he watched over her. Sam smiled.

"You two have a really close relationship."

"I wouldn't have it any other way."

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