Chapter 15: Like Father, Like Son

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The daily routine of living life continued for Ella and Bucky. They had set up the nursery with Steve's help. The walls were a pale blue color and the furniture was dark wood. A cute little rocking chair sat in the corner of the room. A bookshelf on the wall contained lots of children's stories. Also some books they would read in the future, such as the Harry Potter series. Those books had their own shelf on the very top of the mounted bookcase. One crib sat in the middle of the room against the wall. The changing table was across from it. Ella smiled, admiring the cute little place. Any day now her babies would finally see the world. She was so excited to hold them, care for them, and be a mother. Bucky was excited too, but a bit more nervous than she was, with good reason. Those children would be on HYDRA's radar if they weren't careful. He tried to dispel the fear with the thought of two tiny little boys with Ella's eyes and his hair, and it worked. She was admiring the nursery when he got a gift from Steve.
"Bucky? Tony insisted I get this for your kids." Steve held out two little military men bears and gave them to Bucky. He took them and rolled his eyes.
"Of course he had to get them. Steve don't look so hurt I'm just kidding. Ella will love them, I know it.", Bucky smiled. He hadn't been this happy in a long time. He brought them in to Ella and she put them in the crib, her smile wider than ever.
"I'm so excited, Bucky! They'll be here so soon!", she excitedly said. Bucky embraced her to the best of his extent, considering her belly was quite huge. She was wearing his white shirt and a jean jacket with red leggings. Honestly, she was the most beautiful pregnant woman anyone had ever seen. She glowed and carried herself incredibly well, took the situation in stride, and made the best of it. True, she was scared, but she wouldn't show that. She was so excited and happy. After putting some finishing touches on the room, the pair ate dinner and went to bed.
Ella was about to fall asleep when she felt her twins kick. She dismissed that as the usual agenda, but when she felt a trickle of water running down her leg she knew it was time to go. She shook Bucky awake and he groaned.
"What?", he groggily muttered.
"The babies are coming.", she said, and he sprang to action. Taking the bag they'd packed and getting the car keys, they left for the hospital. The funny thing was that Bucky was less composed than Ella. She kept reassuring him everything would be ok and the contractions were spaced pretty far away. Still, he was almost speeding. Once they got to the hospital, Bucky got her signed in and she went to the birthing ward. She was placed in bed and put in a robe. She was wincing from the pain now, but tried to stay positive. Bucky sat next to her and held out his metal hand. She gladly took it and squeezed it tightly. Since there were no nerves in it this didn't hurt him. He could still tell she was nervous. Suddenly his phone rang. It was Steve.
"Where are you guys? It's really late!" The poor man sounded scared.
"Ella's having contractions, so we left.", Bucky explained.
"Oh my God, should I go there? You know, for moral support." Ella shook her head 'no' and gritted her teeth.
"She doesn't want you to be here for the bad part. I'll call you once the kids are here,okay?"
"Oh... Okay. I'll be waiting for the call. Can I talk to Ella?"
"Hey, Steve.", Ella smiled and said.
"Ella! I hope it isn't too bad for you. Just know if you want me to come I will.", Steve replied.
"I was there for your birth. It wasn't pretty at all. Gave me nightmares. I don't want you to see me like this.", Ella explained, wincing as she felt a contraction.
"Okay. Can I help name the little guys?"
"Of course, Steve." A nurse came in. It was time to push. "I've gotta go." She sighed and squeezed Bucky's hand. "So just push?"
"Yes ma'am. Start now.", the nurse instructed Ella. She did as she was told and screamed in pain. Bucky was starting to feel the gears in his hand slow down. He leaned over to wipe a strand of hair out of her eyes and kissed her forehead.
Her pain went on for 13 hours before a baby's scream was heard. Ella slumped back on the pillows and took deep breaths.
"You did great.", Bucky complimented her. She turned her head to smile at him and he wiped off her sweat matted forehead. The doctors cut the umbillical cord and a tiny bloody baby was placed in Ella's arms. A tear fell from her eyes as he stopped screaming and opened his eyes. They were Bucky's eyes. He took one look at his son and a tear started dripping down his face. Even though he was filthy, that little boy was the cutest thing any of the parents had ever laid eyes on. Then the nurses took him away and the next child started coming. This time it only took a few pushes and another screaming little boy came out. 3 minutes after the first one. Again, the cord was cut and the even tinier little boy rested in Ella's arms. She smiled down at him and he too opened his eyes. They were Steve's eyes. The nurses took him away and the couple was left alone. Bucky called Steve and he answered on the first ring.
"Both of them okay?", he asked.
"They're the most perfect things I've ever seen, Steve. You need to come now. Ella is sleeping, but considering she went through 13 hours and 3 minutes of labor she needs it."
"Ow. It's times like these I'm glad I'm not a woman."
"Tell me about it. She hurt my metal arm. If something's that painful I don't wanna go through it."
"Trust me, you don't.", Ella added. Bucky put the speaker on loudly so she could hear Steve.
"Oh my God, I can't wait to see them!", Steve squealed loudly. A grumbling Tony could be heard in the background.
"Come now if you want, Steve.", Ella told him. She heard the phone disconnect and car keys being retrieved. With a smile she leaned back on her pillows and fell into a deep sleep.
When Steve came in the room, Ella was asleep and Bucky was dozing off next to her in the chair. Steve had gotten him coffee. He shook Bucky awake.
"What! Oh-- hey, Steve.", he stood and gave his friend a hug.
"I got you coffee.", Steve smiled and held out the tray of Starbucks. It was a venti pumpkin spice latte and Bucky gladly took it and took a long sip.
"Coffee?.... Mhhhr.... Black please....", Ella groggily said as she woke up. "Steve! Coffee!" Steve handed her the large black coffee she loved. She greatfully took a sip and smiled at Steve. "I needed that. Did you put some advil powder in there?"
"Yeah. Figured with childbirth, you'd want it to help dull the pain.", Steve shrugged.
"It really helps me out, thanks." The coffees were placed on the tables as the nurses came in the room with both babies. Ella reached out to hold Steven and James was handed over to Bucky. Steven squirmed in his mother's arms, getting comfy on her chest. Ella's smile was the brightest thing in the whole entire room.
"Steve, he has your eyes!", Ella whispered excitedly. Steve grinned. Bucky was having a little bit more trouble. His grip on James was a bit awkward and the child had begun to whine.
"No, no, none of that. Shhhhh....", Bucky tried to calm the child.
"Bucky, support his head more and bring him closer to your chest -- just like that.", Ella instructed him. James quieted down and snuggled against Bucky, sleepily sighing.
"What do I do now?", Bucky whispered. Steve and Ella chuckled.
"Just leave him be, Bucky. Never wake a sleeping child."
"No shit, Sherlock."
"Can I hold him?", Steve asked Ella. She smiled and handed her tiny child to his uncle.
"His name is Steven, by the way."
Steven smiled up at his uncle by the same name and giggled when Steve reached down to tickle him.
"He's adorable. Has he got a middle name?", Steve asked.
"No, I couldn't figure anything out.", Ella shrugged.
"I'm guessing this lil guy's name is James.", Bucky said, looking down at the child in his arms. When he didn't get a response he looked up to see Ella asleep, her head leaning on the pillows. "Or I'll just wait to find out." The men looked up when they heard Natasha enter the room. She walked over to Steve and smiled at the child in his arms, giving her finger to the newborn.
"Cute. Can I hold him?", she asked. Steve reluctantly gave her his nephew. She proceeded to rock the baby, listening to his sleepy sighs. "How long did it take to get them out?"
"Thirteen hours and three minutes.", Bucky responded.
"What are their names?"
"Steven and James."
Natasha snorted. "That sure took a long time to figure out."
"My children have beautiful names, Natasha. Shut your communist mouth."

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