Chapter 9: Blissful Continuings

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Bucky and Ella fell asleep together, which Steve was happy about. If anyone deserved happiness, it was Ella. She'd gone through hell and back, with the army, sexism, and heartbreak. Not to mention it was horrible to wake up and realize you'd slept for 70 years. 

She reached over and felt a body next to her. Wait, how? She sat up in the bed and looked at the familiar face. Oh. She had slept with Bucky. Why was she in bed with him in the first place? Seeing her hickeys in the mirror and feeling a sharp pain in between her thighs as she tried to get up told her all she needed to know. She groaned and layed back down, wincing as she did so. That woke Bucky up. When he saw her in the bed, he screamed and fell off of it, the covers going with him.

"Holy shit Bucky, are you okay?", she exclaimed, peering over the bed. She heard him groan.

"I'm fine, just didn't expect you to be there." He held up her panties with his metal arm. "There." She quickly put them on and reached down the other side of the bed for her bra, snapping it on. "Can I get up?", he asked.

"Yeah, you can.", she grabbed his arm and pulled him up. He looked like a wrap with his covers tightly around him. He groaned and layed his head in her lap.

"What the hell happened last night?"

"I think you know what happened, you just dont want to say it."

He turned his head to look up and smile at her. "At least it was fun while it lasted. I keep forgetting the aftermath hurts a bit." She laughed and brushed his long hair out of his face with her fingers.

"It hurt more for me. I wanted to get out of bed but my lady parts hurt too much.", she told him. He chuckled.

"Heh. Sorry." An apologetic smile crossed his face before he lifted up his head and sat up to examine the hickeys she had. "Jeez, I really did well." She rolled her eyes and got out of bed, putting on her pants and top. "Nooo, you look better without clothes.", Bucky whined. She turned around and smirked.

"As do you." She picked up clothes Steve left for him and threw them at his face.  He groaned and rolled out of his sheet. He got dressed and didn't notice the state his hair was in until he saw it in the mirror. Ella giggled and brushed it out with her fingers. "You can take a shower in my room. We're going to share one room anyway."

"We are?" 

"Of course we are."

"I'm not complaining.", he smiled and she grabbed his regular hand, dragging him over to the elevator and sending them up to their floor. Steve had left a note on the counter.


Everyone else left. You and Bucky obviously have some catching up to do.



Bucky wrapped his arms around Ella's waist. 'I'm gonna go take a shower. I'll be right back." He kissed her cheek and retreated to her room.

"It's the one on the left!"

"I got it!"

She smiled and started up the Wizard of Oz because she was feeling nostalgic. She heard the shower turning off and footsteps coming closer. She turned to see Bucky wearing nothing but a pair of jeans and undried hair. She blushed. 

"Like the view?", Bucky smirked. She looked away. With a grin, he sat next to her and gently put his metal arm around her shoulders. She leaned into him with a content sigh. Together, they watched the movie. They head people coming in and went over to her room to continue watching the movie. 

"Bucky? Ella?" Steve's voice resounded through the living room. He didn't get a response. He figured they were catching up on lost time, so he didn't interrupt anything, simply went to his room and collapsed on his bed. It had been an exhausting day dealing with his colleagues. Especially Tony. It wasn't he didn't like the guy, he could just be so infuriating sometimes. Even though Steve was Tony's best friend, (okay, his boyfriend, but he wouldn't tell Ella that right away) the billionaire could be so rude. Plus, if Ella found out he was dating him, she would most likely threaten Tony. She was very threatening.

Bucky walked into the small apartment with a sad look on his face.

"Something wrong, Buck?", Steve asked.

"My girlfriend cheated on me.", he muttered, sitting down on the floor. Ella came out of the kitchen.

"Who is it?", she asked.

"Margie Price.", Bucky told her. 

"Wait one second." Ella walked outside and soon they heard a shrill screech and a body falling to the ground. Ella walked back inside, her hair a bit messed up. "She's been taken care of. I knocked her out."

"You didn't need to do that, Ella!", Bucky insisted.

"I did. Now shut up and eat your soup." She handed the boys some bowls of soup and got one for herself.

Steve smiled as he heard Ella's delighted giggles through the wall. She was happy, so he was happy too.

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