Chapter 3: Searching for Him

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After the incident in New York and Steve's encounter with the mysterious Winter Soldier, Ella was waiting at their apartment with open arms and a long talk with Steve. He came back looking a bit haunted. Like he'd just seen a ghost or something along those lines. After hugging him, she pulled away. 

"Steve, is something wrong? You look spooked.", she said, holding his hands. They were clammy.

"I-It was the Winter Solder.", he stuttered. She sipped her tea and sat him down on the couch.

"What about him?", she asked.

"He's Bucky." She froze, her teacup shaking in her fingers. He put down her cup and she stared ahead, a single tear leaking though her eyelids.

"H-How....", she whispered, frazzled by the news Steve gave her.

"When Bucky fell," She winced at the memory, "He didn't die. H.Y.D.R.A. gave him a metal arm, wiped his memories, and put him in a cryocycle until he could be utilized." Now she was angry. How dare anyone hurt her Bucky. Her hands clenched into fists, and angry tears leaked from her eyes.

"Those bastards." Her voice was deadly soft. He had only hear her use that tone once, and that was when a group of boys were trying to hurt him in her presence.

"'Ey, dollface! Move out of the way so we can pummel this small fry!", the leader barked at her. One, she didn't like petnames, two, no one hurt her Steven Rogers.

"He's my brother. Like hell I'll let you hurt him.", she growled, using that deadly quiet tone. The beefy boys didn't look impressed.

"Listen babe--"

"Don't call me babe."

"Okay sweetcheeks, we can settle this the easy way or the hard way, and I'd hate to hurt a pretty little thing like you.", he purred.

"First you bully my brother, and now you flirt with me? Asshole!"


A sickening crack of a clearly broken nose resounded in the alleyway. The oaf was holding his bloody nose and his gang ran away, not wanting to be hurt anymore than they already had. Bucky ran over and saw Ella with blood on her knuckles. He walked past her to get Steve up. Her face was set in a grimace.

"Idiots think they can mess with my brother while I'm around.", she muttered angrilly. Bucky placed a hand on her shoulder.

"Hey there, Ell, calm down. The fight's over. Let's all go get milkshakes and forget about it, okay?", he suggested. She sighed and nodded, taking Steve into her embrace. She saw the boys across the street and shot them a glare that would've frozen all of their balls off. They scurried off and she smirked, placing an arm around Steve's shoulders and walking behind Bucky to get their treats.

"I want to help you retrieve him, Steve."

"It's too dangerous."

"Bullshit. I care about the guy, you can't stop me from going." He sighed and let her in. She pulled out the pizza in the fridge, the temperature of the food matching Ella's temperment at the moment.

"Have you gotten his signature?", Ella asked Sam. She was antsy to see her lover once again.

"Yep. He's right here in Washington D.C.", Sam said. 

"Where exactly in Washington?", Steve asked.

"The Smithsonian." Ella looked so happy, like she had just won the lottery.

"We know where he is, so we should go before he leaves.", Steve said. Ella had her sheild folded up in her pocket just in case he tried to hurt them.

They arrived at the Captain America exhibit and separated. Steve was near the outfits, Sam was near the tribute to Steve and Bucky, and Ella was at the section dedicated to her and Bucky. There was a man with a baseball cap and a leather jacket on next to her on the bench, and she watched the video happily. It showed a clip of them kicking ass in the battle field and a clip of them kissing. She smiled even wider. She was so absorbed in the film, she didn't notice the blue eyes staring at her. Not just any blue eyes. Bucky's blue eyes. He thought about speaking to her just so that they could get out together, but he decided against it. Then he gathered up the courage and asked her.

"Are you Ella Rogers?", he asked, looking at her. She smiled and put a finger over her lips, which meant 'be more quiet about it', and nodded. He took off the cap and looked at her. She gasped. Before she could say a word, he did the same thing, but more urgently and without the smile. She pulled out her phone and texted Steve and Sam.

I got him- ER

Meet us outside- SR

I'll be with him- SW

She motioned for Bucky to stand up and follow her. He put back on his cap and did as he was told. He didn't know why, but he had a feeling she was one dynamite listen-to-me girl. Meeting the others outside, they went to an underground location where no one would find them. And then the discussions began.

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