Chapter 6: Another Plane ride

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"Do you think we could get back your memories if we inject thia stuff in you?", Ella asked. Bucky nodded. Natasha gave them a needle and Bucky poured it into the syringe, slowly and carefully. After that was done, he handed it to Ella and lifted up his hair to show a red dot on the base of his skull.

"Just inject it there."

"Sorry if I hurt you." She injected the memories, feeling her heart shatter even further when he screamed in pain. Looking away, she finished and after the memories sunk in, put ice on the area. Bucky held it there and after a few minutes, fell asleep. She walked over to her seat and sat down next to Natasha, who had taken out Cards Against Humanity and was now playing that game with Sam and Steve.

"The worst way to save the world is, assembling the Avengers, taking over a planet, or a large slice of bacon. It's large slice of bacon.", Natasha declared.

"Ha! In your face, Ell!", Sam laughed. 

"The Avengers messed up New York City!", Ella defended.

"Yes, we did.", Steve and Natasha said in unison. Sam pulled the next situation card.

"The best relationship is..." The group placed their cards out. "Clintasha, Bucky and Ella, or Pepper and Tony. Clintasha.", Sam said.

"Yes!", Ella exclaimed. Nat was blushing up a storm.

The group was laughing their heads off playing the game when Bucky woke up 6 hours later. Ella's smile was about to split her face in half, much like that one time for Christmas when he gave her the newest volume of the Suerpman comics.

"Buck, you really don't have to get me anything!", a nine year old version of Ella said. They were walking home from school. Since there was winter break, they didn't have school for 2 weeks.

"No, I do! I would feel bad otherwise.", he continued to convince her.

"If it makes you feel better, I got you 10 dollars.", she smiled, handing him the money. He smiled and hugged her.

"Oh my god, thank you!", he said. He pocketed the money and he pulled out a gift for her. "I got you this.", he smiled. She took it and saw it was the Superman comic she wanted! With a loud squeal, she threw herself at Bucky.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you!", she exclaimed. People passing by the pair could tell they were in love, even if they didn't know it. He took out another thing: a 20 dollar bill. "For taking care of Steve because he needs medicine." She teared up a bit but managed not to cry as she hugged him again. Her mother's health was failing and her brother had so many issues it was hard for them to pay for the tiny ratty apartment they had.

"You need it more than me."

"Bucky? Do you want to play with us?", Steve asked. Bucky raised his head and walked over, looking at the cards. 

"What's the game?", he asked.

"Cards Against Humanity. It's a game where you have really offensive cards you put in sentences.", Ella smiled.

"No thanks.", he muttered, and walked back to his seat.

"Did you get all your childhood memories back?", Ella asked. He nodded. She smiled. "That's good."

The people on the plane went to sleep and when they woke up, they were greeted with frosty air.

"Welcome to Russia, bitches.", Sam said through the loudspeaker.

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