Chapter 6

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I counted.

Every second that went by I walked around to know how much time went by and I even stopped to thank the universe for making me lost in the morning not night. Now it was about 10am and I'd have until 4pm before it gets dark.

I could barely see. The snow was falling fast from everywhere and I couldn't see the tip of the glaciers anymore. I called out a few times but I got blasted so hard by wind that I'd tumble into the cold snow.

There was no use in walking anymore because I could be going in circles. So I stood there shivering.

I think I counted up to 50,000 when I gave up. I sat down in the snow and squinted through the thick falling flakes. Usually in winter every time I breathe I can see my breath but not now. It was so cold the my breath probably turned into snow.

I think that I'm hallucinating because I heard my name being called out several times. But as it grew louder it became into shouts for help. I knew it would be a long shot that someone would actually be out here in the middle of a storm and that the wind could be tricking my hearing but I had to try to find the source. I started running towards the voice.

"North! There you are!" I heard a voice say. I looked straight and wearing a bright yellow jacket was Wren.

"What are you doing here?" I asked in complete and udder befuddlement.

"I followed you. I thought I lost you when it started snowing harder. Well, I thought I was lost. But you know the way, right?" Wren said hopeful.

"We are lost Wren." I told him.

"Lets try to find a way back." he suggested.

"We are supposed to find closest shelter in a storm. By the time we get back to my place we will have died of the cold." I said. I coughed into my sleeve and sniffled.

"I saw a cave about a quarter mile that way." Wren said pointing to a random direction.

"Too risky. Could have bears." I said breathing into my hands.

"You got a better plan?" he snapped.

"Actually? I do." I said. I remembered my dads old house. Where he grew up with my grandpa. Its a little shack just outside the fenced area. That's to make sure I'd never go in it. If its still there it maybe further but safer then the cave and a hell of a lot closer then my house which is about 30 hectares away from it.

"I know exactly where it is if I can find the water." I said. The house is exactly 6.2 miles west from the water which was near the glaciers.

"So that way." Wren pointed.

We started walking, Wren held my hand. I looked up at him an he was looking straight ahead.

"Wren, Im cold." I said. He let go of my hand and put his arm around my shoulder and pulled me close to him.

We walked and walked and walked and it seemed like hours and for Wren who lived in New York seemed perfectly okay with the snow... until the wind started to pick up.

"Wren it's too windy!" I yelled over the wind.

"We have to keep going!" he yelled. I could hear him faintly over the harsh wind blowing. My legs were weak and burning of cold. My sweatpants weren't thick enough to stop the cold. My knees were giving out but I struggled to stand up. My toes.. I can't feel my toes. I fell.

"North, you have to get up." he said squaring next to me.

"Wren." I sniffled. My tears practically turned into ice.

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