Chapter 17

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I landed in New York at 12pm. I told Ben I couldn't do it and called Tori to cancel. Instead I'd be following my dream. My tall brown haired dream.

I caught the closest cab to Central Park. I figured I might as well enjoy the city a bit.

I found out that Wren was living in a pent house with his family two blocks from Central Park.

The grass was breath taking, it was so green and the weather was warmer then Alaska by far even though its winter. It took me by shock at how little snow was on the ground. I touched a tree with frost scaling up the side. It was beautiful. In Alaska everything is white. Literally everything but our houses and trees. Even some people paint their homes white too. Everything here is bright and busy.There is so much colors that it takes my eyes a while to adjust. I feel like I'm watching TV except this is my show and I'm the main character.

Women wear fashionable coats, with tight pants and boots. Men wear expensive 'Bench' and other name brand parkas with scarves that don't even cover their necks. Like its just for show. I wear a brown parks with black legging. And I feel somewhat under dressed and out of fashion.

I nuzzle my face into my warm parka as a cold breeze comes by. A woman stops in front of me. Her face must've costed more then her entire outfit. Holy Botox!

"I love your coat! What's it made of?" she exclaims.

"Walrus and polar bear skin with wolf fur." i say.

"Wow where'd you get it?" she asked.

"My grandmother made it." i shrugged.

"Can I order one from her?" the woman asked. She asked for her number and I gave her the number to a Japanese restaurant I saw on TV.

As I continue walking I get closer to Wrens apartment. My stomach begins to churn. I take a deep breath and enter his building. Its so warm in here. I zip my coat down a few notches.

The attendant addresses me.

"Pent house. The Hollingsworth." I say.

"Are they expecting you?" he asked me.

"Um no... It's kind of a surprise." I said.

"Well I'm sorry i can't let you up there without asking." he said.

"Ok ill just wait for him then." I sat on a couch in the lobby and crossed my legs. The attendant watched my closely. I tapped my foot impatiently as about 25 minutes went by. Then the elevator doors opened and I heard a calm little voice.

"Hi Benny!" she cheered. I know that voice, and it sounds happier. Laney.

"Laney?" I said getting of the couch. She turned around and I swear her jaw must've dislocated because it was hanging so low.

"North! What are you doing here!" she cried.

"I'm here to see Wren." I told her.

"Really? You came all this way?" she asked if I was crazy.

"Uh yeah."

"Come up stairs! He'll be so happy. He's been talking about you to all of his model friends. They're upstairs now with him." she said. This was not Laney. Laney was the grumpy little girl who wanted nothing to do with anything.

I got in the elevator with Laney. Just as the doors began to close I stuck my tongue out mockingly at the attendant.

The elevator music was calming considering my heart was beating and fast as a race horse.

"North, do you love Wren?" Laney asked.

"Of course." I said.

"Then would you be mad at him if he didn't want to go back to Alaska with you." I paused.

"Maybe? Why?" I asked.

"I don't know... If he goes with you then he has to leave me. And I don't want him to leave me. When he was sick i was really nervous and I.." she faltered.

"You won't lose him. Not in the way when he was sick before. I promise." just then a loud 'ding' noise rattled my ears and the doors opened. A beautiful blonde woman with tan skin and blond hair and brown eyes was sitting on the couch with a magazine in her hands. She was wearing jeans and a pink top.

"Oh hello." she said standing up.

"Mom, this is North." Laney said. I stuck out my hand to shake hers but she hugged me. I was so surprised.

"Your the one my boy keeps talking about. You are absolutely stunning. I'm Noelle." she said. My cheeks were Rosetta red from the cold and my hair a little frazzled from the wind but other then that I looked normal.

"Thank you, I see where your children get there good looks from." I complimented her back.

"I came here to surprise Wren." I explained my visit.

"Oh well he's upstairs with his buddies right now. How about you go down to the lobby and ill tell him there is a package down there for him." Wrens mom suggested.

"Thanks so much!" I said. I hugged her once more and went back down. I sat on the lobby couch.

"You weren't even up there for five minutes and they already kicked you out." the attendant laughed.

"Just wait Benny." I said. I watched the elevator as the floor numbers went down.


My heart was racing. The elevators doors opened. I stood up.


I ran as fast as I could into Wrens arms practically tackling him into the elevator. I looked up at him. He seemed shocked more so then happy. I let go out him and took a step back.

"What's wrong? Didn't you want to see me?" I asked. I could feel tears forming in my eyes.

"No! no! Gosh, I'm so happy your here. Its just Faunsy told me you were going to Greenland." he said.

"I changed flights last minute when I saw this." I pulled out the picture my dad took of wren and I on the couch.

Wren held it in his hand.

"Wow" he said.

"Lets get out of here." Wren said pressing the lobby button.

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