Chapter 15

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The next morning I had a bit if a headache. Wendy ended up driving us home last night which was less of a tea wreck then she thought. She slept on my loft because I still can't get up there. my leg was throbbing a bit this morning from walking all those stairs and dancing last night. Last night I had alcohol to numb the pain. This morning I have nothing but to endure it. Wendy made breakfast. My dad didn't come home last night which grossed both Wendy and I out.

"Hey Wend, so what'd you do last night?" I asked her as she set the plates down.

"I danced with some people and then I made out with some guy I don't remember." she said drowsy.

"Alright. spit it out. How many shots did you have." I joked giddily. She turned bright red and rolled her eyes.

"Only 3... Don't laugh and do not tell my mom." she said.

"Was he at least cute?" I asked.

"I don't know.. I don't rem-WAIT-i do! I took a pic with him on my phone!" she said running to her jacket. She pulled her phone out. She unlocked her phone. Immediately I burst out laughing. A guy in about his mid twenties with bulging brown eyes and balding had his arm around Wendy. I crossed my legs so I wouldn't pee of laughing to hard. I wiped my tears. Wendy looked so embarassed. But I told her not to drink so she deserves a little punishment for this.

"That guy is so ugly that that isn't a receding hairline! THAT'S HIS HAIR RUNNING FROM HIS FACE! HAHAHA!" I laughed even harder as Wendy looked disgusted at the picture. She deleted it immediately.

"Aw come on! I would've showed that pic at your wedding!" I joked. I had to stop laughing because my sides had really begun to hurt.

Wendy mumbled something under her breath. I looked up at her.

"What?" I snapped.

"Nothing." she choked as if she'd been out on the spot in front of millions.

"No, seriously. What?" I asked.

"I said..." she sighed. "at least I know how to treat guys."

"What do you mean?" I narrowed my eyes at her.

"North, why hasn't Wren tried to contact you yet?" she asked. I looked down.

"North I didn-"

"I'm going to take Lucy for a walk." i said but my voice cracked a bit. I grabbed the leash and put it on Lucy and walked straight out. My lip quivered but I bit it to remain calm. It didn't work. I broke out sobbing. If he really loved me he would've tried. My leg throbbed like crazy. I felt a numbness but I kept limping. I walked straight to relax until I couldn't feel my leg anymore. I dragged it behind. I tied Lucy to a pole.

"Screw Wren! I don't need him! He left!" i grumbled under my breath. I walked in and Connor lit up.

"Hey North." he said. I grabbed the collar of his shirt without looking and pulled him to the first room I saw. Lock the door. I told him.


Connor drove me home after. Wendy was still there.

"North are you ok!" she asked as I limped to the couch.

"I couldn't do it." I whispered.

"Do what?" asked Wendy.

"Do Connor. I thought it would take my mind off Wren but it didn't. I guess I should take sometime to get to know Connor." I shrugged.

"What? No! Connor is not right for you!" Wendy blurted out.


"I didn't want to tell you like this. You seemed so happy around him." she sighed.

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