Chapter 14

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I was invited to a New Years party. A bunch of people would be there.

I asked my dad to come but he had made previous arrangements with Beth.

There was going to be alcohol but I still invited Wendy. A bunch of graduates and people in there twenties would be there mingling and partying until New Years where everyone would have there perfect kiss.

I came at seven o'clock to pick up Wendy. She was wearing a pink cupcake looking dress with red pumps.

"No. You're not wearing that." I told her. I turned her around and walked her back in to her house.

"Hey at least I wore a dress." she complained. I looked down at my ripped skinny jeans and plaid flannel over my white tank top.

"We live in Alaska." I rolled my eyes.

"But the party is indoors. It will be hot." She snapped. We walked upstairs.

"You look twelve." i told her as we entered her room. Wendy slumped on her bed and crossed her arms over her chest.

"Well! What should I wear then?" she asked.

"This. And.... these." i said pulling out a tight blank mini dress with black flats.

"I'll look like dwarf hooker now." she complained.

"You complain too much. Now hush up and put it on." I said spinning her to face the bathroom door then lazily kicking her butt.

She stumbled in then stumbled out a minute later.

"Holy crap. I never realized you were that skinny." i said as she came out in the dress.

"Hush up Angelina Jolie!" she barked. I laughed. Yeah I was skinny, mostly because I'm small and have a super fast metabolism.

We walked down the stairs.

"You wanna drive tonight?" I asked her.

"What? Drive? As in back home?" She asked shocked as we walked out side.

"Yeah, you can sleepover if you want." I shrugged.

"I don't think you realize that I am 15!" she cried.

"Yeah and I have a broken shin and a plan that involves drinking." I said as I turned on the car. My leg was getting better i could walk on it as long as I wore this huge black cast boot.

"Well what if I drink?" she said with attitude.

"Ok now I don't think you realize you're 15." I retorted slyly. She didn't reply. "So looks like your driving tonight." I smiled.

When we arrived to the 'Party' which is taking place in a large old dining hall that used to be called 'Le Fleur'. Now it's all torn up and college-ized in the past couple of years. This is where everyone hangs out. A lot of the native graduates come too. This is my first year invited though.

What happens is you get an anonymous invitation telling you the time and address and to invite two other people.

We were greeted by the first two drunk people of the night as we walked through the front door. Loud guys yelling greek letters, angry girls with half a beer in their hands aimlessly waited for a suitable Prince Charming to ask them to dance. I was probably the only female in pants. But I didn't care. I made my way to the booze table.

"What do we do?" Wendy asked following along me. I turned around with a red plastic cup in my hand full of ale and leaned against the table.

"Get a drink and wait for the party to start." I said. I sipped from my ale. I looked so tomboyish tonight. Wendy nervous scanned the table for a drink.

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