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"That's the thousand times you always receive a rose , and I'm starting to envy you!!" My best friend Park Mia whined as she holds the rose in her left arm while drinking coffee in her right arm. "Can this secret admirer you have confess who he is?? It's like , he is so fucking afraid to confess to you. And you have nothing to show" she rolled her eyes and her cocky mode was on .

It is true , I have nothing to show to people . I'm 6 footer , I have small chest , well I don't exactly call it as flat chested , but I think my chest is normal . I don't have the prefect curves but I don't have any fats. My hair is short maybe shoulder length. While Mia is my complete opposite. She's a 5 footer which I envy it so much , being tall sucks. She have big I mean super super big chest . It's not plastic tho it's originally big. She has the perfect curves her butt curves where large. Her hair was long . Butt length. She may look like a hoe but she's not . She's perfectly childish and cocky. All boys swoon over her because of her body .  While I just stand beside her like her shadow . But I completed love her like my sister.

"I don't even know , and I don't care" I rolled my eyes sipping my cup of coffee in my kitchen counter. Where in my kitchen , talking about office works. I work as a project planner if my boss.

"You gotta have to give this admirer a fuck , he waisted thousands of flowers to you and even gaved you a car on you're 20th birthday!! So you seriously need to give fuck about this" she rolled her eyes again while slapping my tights disappointedly.

"How do you even know it's a he?? You never guess maybe it's a flying cow or a running fish" I laughed making her giggle.  There's this someone who gaved one roses each Friday when a came back to work at 12 p.m . I could always see a rose in my doorsteps with a red ribbon and nothing else. And I would always give it to Mia since she loved roses more like I do . She is completely obsessed to be exact. She even fills her bathroom , kitchen , bed room with roses and petals. Her photo frames where all roses. And I also received a car from my 20th birthday​ . I didn't even knew who it was. It was only parked in my lawn with a paper saying 'happy birthday' . And I ovcorse gaved it to Mia since I don't know how to drive one.

"I don't care period" I said standing in my stool and placed my mug on the counter walking to the living room followed by Mia who grabbed her phone and coat.

"I expect you to give this one a fuck , I'll be leaving now! Have a nice night!" Shee said and walked herself to the front door. "I'll be taking this rose home!!!!!" She screamed making me roll my eyes and chuckle before hearing a loud bang on the door and she was off to her house. 

"It's now me....neh I'm gonna take a bath" I said on no one. I have a habit of talking to myself so....bare with it.

I normally walked to my room grabbing my towel and removing my clothes. I remove them on my room because I'm afraid to remove it inside the bathroom afraid to make it wet.

I placed myself to my bathtub and smelled the scent of coconut and caramel.

While I was busy cleaning my body my phone won't stop ringing on the bathroom counter. I put it their earlier.  I sigh and walked towards it before I place a towel on my body since I am done taking a bath. 

There was a unknown caller.


Maybe Mia got a new phone , or maybe boss had. I then shrugged and answered the phone hesitating too.

"Good evening , this is Shang" I said waiting for the line to speak , but it wasn't even answering.

"Is this some kind of prank? Hello?" I asked still no response. "Good bye I think" I then ended the call rolling my eyes. Kids this days like to prank . When I was working at my boss's meetings a kid name Brud called me and told me that I spend hundred bucks on his TV. Millennials.

I sigh and went to change my clothes and went to bed. Tomorrow will be my co-worker  birthday and he invited me . So might as well sleep for tomorrow.

Someone's​ P.O.V

I looked at her movements on th screen . She was stripping herself on her room.

"You're going to bath again huh??" I smirked flipping the screen to see her bathroom in fill view. I eyed her for hours as she took her bath. I'm not gonna stroke myself . I need to control it.

It took hours of her bath . And two death hours for me. I grabbed my phone calling her number. It took awhile for her to answer.

"Good evening, this is Shang" her sweet heaven voice rang in my mind. Fuck it's getting worst.

"Is this some kind of prank??" She asked and I could hear her Beautiful​ annoyed voice. "Goodbye​ , I think" she said and hung her phone. That was hot.

"I m sorry but I need you to stop you're bath because you'll get sick babe" I whispered in the screen hoping that she'll hear it. But I guess not.







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First chapter!

My Possessive Co-worker « K.TH »Where stories live. Discover now