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I don't know how I ended up on a different room filled up with toys. The kid earlier is Hyun who was now sleeping in my lap with saliva drooling on his mouth to my exposed skin. He has a lot of energy for a 5 year old kid.

Spending time with him make me knew something​s . He really was the son of Taehyung , but has no mother from a unknown reasons.

I mean , how can you have a child if there's no female lead?

That's what Hyun told me , he lives with Taehyung on Japan but was full Korean and flew here on his 2nd birthday. I might as well knew a shortcut on where the garden was and the garden as filled with unlocked gates. This kid told me some in-s and out-s on this place but it's to rusty because it's been gaurd by some men.

I carried Hyun in my arms making him flinch for a moment but hugged my neck and buried his head on my shoulders. Cute snores escaped his , still holding the drawing he made earlier. The drawing of him , Taehyung and me. I don't know why he draw me with a pink cryons which is only a stick woman with a short hair.

I carefully placed him on the bed , guessing it's his based on the toys . He whined as soon as i placed him . He tugged the white loose dress a wore and gently pulling me towards him.

"Sleep with me.." he whispered squinting his eyes open and yawning. I nod and flopped myself beside him. I need a rest either way. He scored closer to me hugging my waist with his small arms. He berried his head in my lower bust getting back on falling asleep . I sigh in relaxation as I felt a tingling sensation that I can't​ quite understand or explain.

I kinda feel... comforted and safe around this kid. The feeling of wanting to save a cat in a tree thing.  I once again looked at the boy who was now sleeping peacefully . He's face is so damn familiar!

He had a mixture of Taehyung's face...but there's someone's face mixed in his face as well. Maybe I know his mother? Oh shit....Who?!

My tiredness attacked at my system as my eyes wooply closed shut . I fell asleep.

Third Person's P.O.V

A man studied the scene quite well. Studying and taking notes at the woman's movements . A small smile krepton on his face. He placed the phone down and gently pushed himself on the cushion from the seat. Breathing a large amount of air he again smiled.

Closing his eyes he spoke.

"Master picked the right one"

   . . .

Kim Taehyung entered the now quiet room and emmidietly walked to wards the bed seeing the most important and memorable view . Shang was on the bed with his son Hyun squeezing each other like a perfect puzzle. But his smile soon replaced into nothing and emmidietly and harshly pulled Shang away from the bed making her woke up and tensed upped. She quietly looked at Taehyung and to Hyun who was still sleeping peacefully.

"Go away", Taehyung replied coldly making her frown. Earlier he was oh-so-sweet but now his cold? You flinch at guy's sudden coldness.

"Don't leave the mansion....you need rest , tomorrow is our flight" he spoke pushing her out of the room making her processing​ for a minute since she just woke up. As soon as the door closed she sigh and walked to a room .

Flight? For what? Shang thought. Not having a thought she went to the room earlier and slep.

Shang P.O.V/You're P.O.V

Morning came when I hear a zipping sound that made me woke up from my freedom. Hesitating to look up I did and saw some maids packing some clothes... A female's cloths perhaps...maybe Hyun's mother I arrive? Thank god Taehyung will throw me and I'll will be free again....

I secretly walked away on the bed and the maids didn't even noticed and was so into the packing clothes. When I was in the door I slowly opened the doorknob so it won't creat any noice but soon failed as I came faced to face with the grim reaper.... Taehyung. He gaved me a smirk and smacked the door completely making the maids tense up and look at us with fear. Taehyung leaned closer to my ear and whispered.

"Trying to leave are we?" He whispered evily making me freezing inside.

"I won't hesitate to punish you if you ever leave this mansion..." He growled making me back away . Looking at him with fearful eyes he just smirked.

"Why bother telling you? Where going to move anyways..." He said signaling the maid to continue there job and gaved me one last smirk and closed the door. I was till standing there in fear to even move.... I slowly looked at the maid who gaved me a pity look but  it actually said 'sucks to be you' face. Pathetic.

"Master Kim wanted you to take a bath and wear this" a middle aged woman came giving me a cloth and carefully pushed me to the bathroom .


I opened the bathroom door and saw the middle aged woman looked at me.

"Can...can I talk to you?" I asked looking at her with begging eyes. She was hesitating for a moment and entered the bathroom with me. Why bother hidding my body when I'm pretty sure they saw it...

"Just take a bath casually master Lee " she whispered giving me a play along stare . I nod and stripped my self entering the bubble bath she made.

"What did Taehyung mean about moving?" I asked secretly while prossiding in taking a bath.

"Didn't he told you earlier?" She asked and confused can be heard at her tone. I don't really remember.

"Tell me what?" I asked not giving her a state since I was now faced on the camera. Sneaky Gucci.

"That you'll be leaving Seoul..."

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