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I widen my eyes at his words and emmidietly pulled myself away from his.

"Wedding??! You didn't told me there was a wedding!!" I screamed unknowingly while looking too shock. Taehyung gaved the police a winning smirk while ignoring my shock expression and spoke.

"See what you did officer! It was supposed to be a surprise!" Taehyung whined looking at the officer who was looking embarrass.

"I'm sorry sir! I'll be leaving then" the officer bowed and emmidietly left while while running towards another person.

"Hey! Don't ignore me! What wedding?!" A emmidietly spoke while Taehyung pulled me to who knows where while signaling some of his gaurds a secret sign while pointing into th officer . The man he signaled nod and left the circle , walking towards the man earlier. I widen my eyes.

"No Taehyung....don't" a begged looking at his eyes who was Ignoring my existence earlier.

"Taehyung please.....this torture is between you and me...." I whispered . I don't want anyone to be apart if this unfair world.

"Kill is kill Shang...." He spoke emmidietly while shoving me on the private plane that I don't even know how I came here. My thoughts of escaping his grasp faded as soon as Hyun beemedd a smile while hugging me tightly. I soon smiled while breaking on my knees and hugging him like my life and my negativities will vanish.

"You came !!" He cheered pulling me to a seat and taking the seatbelt beside me.

"Have you ever see the sky?" He asked and I shook my head. I don't know if I can tell this in my mind...but it's my fist time riding a plane a private plane perhaps . Soon a flight attendant came asking if I wanted something and shook my head as a no.

"Then look at that window!" He chirp pointing the plane's window . I nod looking at Taehyung on the other seat away from us . He was looking at the window also , so lost in thoughts. He didn't even noticed my stare . Soon the plane moved and Minutes passed the plane flew. Good thing I don't have any fear of heights of flies. Hyun was to busy pointing at some house or clouds that passes . And I'm too busy eyeing Taehyung up and down.

Is it just me or he looked so good today.... Wearing those tugged in white shirt with those skinny jeans. Does he wore a suit earlier?  He did worry a suit earlier....how did he change this so fast?

"Are you even listening mom!" Hyun pouted making my mind go crazy when he called me mom. When I was supposed to deny that the fact Hyun called me mom he spoke.

"Daddy! Why are you in there! Come sit with me and Mommy!" He screamed cutely making Taehyung looked at him and to me , he soon grin like a kid . He's so perfect if he smile. He nod and walked towards me. Why me! He can sit beside Hyun .

"What do you want if we landed on Japan?" Taehyung asked . Japan?!

"Wait! Where going on Japan?!!!" I screamed in horror. I don't know why , but the thought of Japan made my mind panic and stomach doing back flips.

"Yes" Teahyung replied still taking care or playing with Hyun .

"What are you going to do in Japam! And why would you bring me!" I whispered scream not wanting Hyun to hear my harsh words.

"Im just having a small Meetup with my best of friend" he talked bitterly at the word best of friends. "And by bringing you with us , is to be secure you won't escape the house." He shrugged and completely ignoring me as he go oh so fun with Hyun.

I excused myself away from the seat . Definitely I asked permission to Kim Taehyung who was hesitating at first . I do need to pee , it's been hours I prevent peeing my pants witch is hard. As soon as I saw Taehyung nodded slowly I ran towards the bathroom and was surprised to see a bathtub and complete utensils . Private Plane duhh.

I realised the pain on my stomach and washed my hands looking myself on the mirror and noticed that I hadn't removed the coverings Taehyung gave. I took offed the mask and removing the followings . Looking my tired eyes and scars from the so called 'Punish' Teahyung did made my inside self conscious . This....this skin looks ugly with those scars . Caresing them I was close on loosing my mind and crash this stupid ass plane. I know I didn't took care of my skin in my pass life but....how many days of even months for these cars to fade?! .

I eyed my body , which was big from the last time I saw this. My boobs where larger than the previous ones . Soon my eyes turned to look at my stomach. Would it by weird if there's a small circle entangled in my stomach? It looked like a inborn scar or something. Its color turned lighter and almost matched my natural skin. I don't know where I received this scar... But Mia told me when she first met me , she saw me at the side of the road with white dress and I looked completely waisted , that's how we first met. But the weird thing was , I don't remember anything about me walking on a a sidewalk with loosen dress. Good thing Mia was good enough to make me live with her. I gain my mind when she told me I have a new job and can pay my own life . That's all. But I consider this small scar on my stomach as I gift. Rubbing it slowly I brought my shirt down and laid my hole weight to the wall while thinking some outing or escaping plans.

I can't escape this plane , if I do get a change to have a flight jacket and wreck this place to make it crash and go to who knows where it would be perfect but idiotic , my mind went to Hyun and it again made me feel something.  There's a kid on a plane so I can't crash it.

If I or we landed in France I can ran my ass off while I stepped foot on the grounds and never look back. But then again Taehyung has power to find me.

Finding a help won't be a good idea either.... The person I ask for help will be in great danger .

Might as well find a phonebooth and call  Mia's telephone and ask for help , but will Mia be in danger? I think not , she handle envious and crazy woman before , she also know fighting skills. I'm gonna give that one a try.

My train of thoughts soon stopped when I heard Taehyung's voice outside the rest room following by a knock.

"Don't you dare drown yourself there Shang...." I could feel him groan and role his eyes. Typical him.

I opened the door to see Teahyung straring at me in a worried way. Wait! His worried?   Wooow . Definitely since Hyun was beside him hugging me again which made me startle a bit.

Seriously this kid will gave me a hard attack by hugging me into no where. But his hugs were warm and comfy.

"Me and daddy where worried!" He whined . I apologised and walked away from the room and to the seat I sat earlier . The boys followed also.

"Daddy promise will go on a temmplle!" He chirp making me chuckle at his not so good words. I nod in response , how did I even feel so gd damn good when he called me mommy?

"And on a church!" He again cheered making me look at him confused and ro Taehyung. I mean is not even Sunday .
. Taehyung gave me the look '. OH I KNOW YOU KNOW WHAT HE MEANS '

No way.....


Hayow! What's puppin guys!

I would like to thank people who read this book and reached 700 hundred plus! I didn't really expect this book will gain reads....

I would seriously love to thank you in personal!

My grades where gathered and I'm so fking sad because my parents could or even be proud at me. They just bought Me a cake and that's all , no congratulations .

But I'm doing my butts off at that grade I do get 9's but they still ain't proud!

Welp sorry for writing my problems😂thanks so much for you're reads and votes!!! I hope you like this chapter!

Thunder of loves - H.M

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