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"w-what" I asked in disbelief . My voice were low . I couldn't​ utter a word. Heck I can't even control my tears right now. I laid my hand on the wall, needed balance.

"Goodbye Shang.... Have a nice and...stunning day" she soon ended the call. No!

"Hey listen! That is not true! I was kidnapped by a guy! Hey M-Dont go....please" I sobbed letting the phone fall down and bonce as the wire was swirling up. I broked in my knees sobbing on my arms. Good thing the phone booth​ wasn't a transparent wall.

"You're the only one who can help me....."

"Pretty Girl....Crying in a phone...broken , ohh how could you be so hot doing that?" That voice.....


"Now I've done what you've told me to do! So let Shang go!" Mia cried out while she sat on the chair with ropes in her hole body. Preventing her to escape , or even move. She didn't know how she ended on a chair with bruises. Her face was pluffy from all the words she said hurting Shang and Her. Oh she didn't mean all those words. She was told to say that to prevent shang be killed. Atleast that was the Man in a mask said. She know exactly who he was. Oh how she hated herself and hated the man to death.

"The deal doesn't go to that easily. I said tell her , she's not you're friend any more and I will let her live and you to let go....but , I'll let you go in one minute and this" the man pointed the gun on Mia's head. "Will go through you're skull and instantly kills you....so any last words Miss Mia?" The man laughed.

She was afraid for sure. But she was content knowing her sister is safe. She looked at the man's eyes and to her feet trying to think of a way to escape this. But her mind was down not knowing what to do.

"Be thankfull you have one Minute to escape. If it wasn't for your body you'll die after the call "

Escape one minute? She was tired on running again.

"How can you do this Namjoon?"


"H-how..." I whispered  crunching down on the corner of the small box. To my surprise Taehyung came inside and closed the door . His voice were icy cold. How did he even know I'm here?

"She abandoned you Princess..." His words were sharp. I gritted my teeth wanting to explode , but my mind told me to stop before I would regret it.

"I-i.....I didn't do anything wrong" I talk almost to myself . I could hear Taehyung sigh and bent down pulling my face to meet his. He smiled . Warmingly .

"That's why I bring you....every people will leave in you're life.....but I can assure you , I won't leave you"  his voice were....kind? Am I giving up now? Am I starting to feel safe around him. Then again....how did he knew my location.

I don't know what had gotten into me , but I soon hugged him tightly , crying my eyes out.

"What did I do to have a life like this!" I cried sobbing in his chest as he softly cares back up and down. It wasn't my fault.....right?

"How....how did you find me?" I asked looking at his eyes straight. He gave me a smirk .

"Everything was all planned... A plan to let you open your eyes what the people in Seoul really was." He replied pulling and carrying me on his arms as he walked out of the booth to his car. I feel safe now. I hope he won't abandon me like they did. He carefully place me on the passenger seat and walked to the driver's seat not forgetting to lock my seatbelt and his . I think I'm giving in.

"There's a lot of shits happened to you're life that you don't even know it happened" he spoke starting the engine and drove off. That sentence made me stare at him confused . What?

"But I'm afraid if I tell you , you'll be slipping away on my fingers again" he shrugged like his words meant nothing. Why is he saying this? His words meant more than that. I'm literally confused.

"Taehyung....tell me" I mastered my strength to say that word.


"Tell me why would you do that!" Mia screamed looking at the mask man who named was Namjoon their boss.

"Oh don't worry princess....I'm gonna tell you plenty of instructions" he spoke hidding his gun to his pockets and grabbing a chair while stitting one it. "You'll die anyways" he mumbled.

"Tell me where should I start darling?"  He smirked pulling Mia's tear cheeks to look at his eyes filled with hatered , pain and sadness.

" Oh how about we start in the day three people shattered?" Namjoon spoke surprised like he just corrected the answer of ' 2+2 = 5 '

"Once Upon a Time....."


The next chapter will be the past of three people and I know you know that we know both people on three of them.

So stay tuned and vote this chapter! In still on high from 1k reads.

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