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"Hurry your fat ass curry!!!!" I could hear Mia's screams outside the house. Whining I opened the curtains to see her with the chic red car , the one a gaved her. I do not know anything about cars but the car I gave to her was a removable roof.

I rubbed my eyes. I just woke up in her screams. What the heck does she wants?

I tidied up my bed and grabbed my towel to take a shower. Again I take my clothes of in my room not on the bathroom. As I was lazily laying in my bathtub I soon heard a crash in my bathroom's door. I widen my eyes to see Mia with her face that could kill hundreds of horses. I covered my body in fear. She's a mad Satan when she gets angry.

"WHAT THE FCK HO3!!!" she screamed grabbing my towel who was laying on the bathroom counter and threw it on me.

"What are you doing??" I asked rolling my eyes grabbing the towel and tried myself .

"We have a party to prepare!!" She screamed at my room . I puff a air and walked out of the bathroom to see my room in a mess. Dafq!!

Mia was throwing my clothes like a balloon in every direction.

"What da heck Girl!" I screamed grabbing some of my clothes on the floor and laid it on my bed. "What are you doing?!"

"Isn't it obvious?" She said on a duh tone

"Scattering my clothes like a mad grandma? Yes it's not!!!" I said sarcastically. "What are you even looking for??" I asked sitting on my bed crossing my arms.

"Finding the hot red fitted dress you're admire gaved you , all o could see was hoodies and boring stuffs! Aughh where did you hide it??" She said in frustration trying to find that slutty dress. I rolled my eyes.

"You do know I hate those kinds of stuff??" I murmur. I haven't tried that for my 23 years of living . Mia haven't seen my body also. And I would totally feel uncomfortable with those fitted clothes. All my life I only wear coats,hoodies at work at least Sir. Kim was okay with it. Jogging pants , sweatpants. All the big stuffs. I do hate showing my body , my ugly body.

"Oh come on gurl!! It's for change , and Taehyung will totally like it" she said sending me a wink . A disgusting wink. Why would I dress my ass for a guy who doesn't even talk to me. He only invited me because of Mia.

"Why would he?? I mean...it's so early in the morning and you're waking my fucking Beautiful sleep just to prepare a guys party? Heck he can't even say hello back to me." I rolled my eyes streching my body on the bed not caring that I still wore a towel.

"Because he's so damn shy!"she rolled her eyes also as I soon hear a loud gasp. "Fck I found it!!!" She screamed running out of my walk in cabinet and showed the dress to me. I narrowed my eyes.

"That?" I asked crossing my arms.

"It's sexy ass bitch , just try it for once and Lettte meee see yah sides!! I spend Minutes on finding that in you're large af cabinet" she cried out throwing the dress to me and pushed me again to the bathroom.

I sigh.

This would be a one hella uncomfortable ass day.....

I slowly and carefully wore the dress and to my surprise , my boobs became big. Holly shwef!!! My boobs became big?!!!

"Oww fck , what happened ???" I whispered to myself I checked my boobs and it did gain some inch....3 inch maybe....

"Holy ass btcj!! You have large tits??!! When? How???" Mia barge in and widen her eyes to see the dress perfectly fit and my large boobs.

The dress was above my knee , good enough . Staples , bad....and red.....hot red.

"Guys will totally swoon at you're boobs!! I haven't seen this boobs , like duh this is my first time looking at youre boobs!" She cheered pulling me outside the room and blabbed about what heels I will wear , what make up , hair and etc a woman need that I don't fcking need.

As she was focusing on finding a heels , I walked outside my house to eat . I haven't eat my breakfast yet. Soon the afternoon continued , yeah afternoon. By her scolding my about leaving her and wasn't listening in her words.

(She hadn't looked or studied her body because she's too busy at work that she hadn't Realize her.boobs grew)

Nigh came and soon Mia was driving us to this Co worker of ours . house.

. . .

Damn , his house is big...4 times bigger than mine.

As soon as we arrived I awe at his house. Totally a mansion plus castle....my dream of a house. But shit turns and it lead me to make a normal house because to lazy to plan it.

"I know right , he's rich , hot af and hot" Mia commented making me scoff and walk beside her to the large black oak door. Rich people....

"Oh welcome!" A butler said opening the door emmidietly. I smiled and soon he guide us to a large living room with drinks and some of our Co workers where their.

Boss Kim is there , Mr. Min and Mr Jung.

The party is large but the amount of people on the party is small. Their are only 5 of us plus Mr. Kim Taehyung the birthday​ man. We greeted them and talked shortly before a deep voice was herd.


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