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"don't tell me there's a wedding...." I whispered. Taehyung and I where now in a five start hotel who he owned. Earlier in the plane he ignored my words and pretty much my existence. So I emmidietly closed my mouth and studied the hole sky. Hyun was on another room with some maids to secure him. While Taehyung and I are on the same room.

I'm sitting on the chair looking at the city with this big glass window who can see the beautiful charms of Japan. Taehyung on the other hand was fixing his suit for a meeting with his friend.

"Yeah....two days will be 'OUR' wedding" that's all I heard before the door shut closed and I was enveloped with the quietness of the room.

"Wedding huh?.... There ain't a wedding happening " I talked to myself and emmidietly change my clothes into a hoodie and pants which I find on my bag .

Walking towards the door and not forgetting to check the walls if there's any cameras . To my luck there wasn't. Carefully and gently opened the door making sure it won't creak I saw no living body on the halls. My luck is coming back!

3rd Person's P.O.V

Teahyung​ parked his car not forgetting to park it carefully. Walking out of it he soon began to walk. His suit made an aura of dangerous as his hair flicked upward like a professional . Workers greeted him but he ignored it not wanting to waste saliva to them. Without knowing the office door of the building he kick it opened revealing a neat and brown room with a smiling man at the front. All the things were brown or caramel. The guy on the desk as the CEO of this company. Smirking evily he spoke.

"Ol'friend!" The man cheered signing Taehyung to sit down. But Taehyung refused and slammed his mascular hands on the desk harshly creating a loud sound and small distance between the two boys who was giving each other's death glare.

"I come here to tell you one simple sentence." Taehyung growled making the other man smirk in delight.

"What is it? V?...." He asked. Taehyung went blank for a moment all their memories came like a movie but he emmidietly shook it.

"I'm Taehyung....not the V everyone knows..... Stay away from her...." He added backing his body away from the desk. A dry chuckle was heard as Taehyung gave him a look.

"Don't forget if it wasn't from my idea she wouldn't​ give you one...." The man shrugged looking away from Taehyung's flaming eyes.

"Yeah....taking away her memories wasn't part of that plan of yours....don't tell me you have another plan" Taehyung whispered loudly making the man's mouth formed into a cute 'O' .

"Do I?" The man asked looking confused but in a bad way.

"Don't you dare play like I'm the dumb one here....." Taehyung emmidietly pulled his suit making the man yelp lowly with surprise.

"Who's the dumb one? Me or the one who let her go crazy?" He again shrugged making the man smirk as Taehyung let his hand go on the man's suit and walked back.

"Don't forget I say hi!" The guy cheered main Taehyung closed the door harshly.

The guy's smirk faded when he looked at the empty room. He was very sure that that wasn't him. But how can he control his emotions. Again his empty face turned into a smug one when he watch Teahyung kick his car in frustration. They both were crazy.

"Who would've thought that one...simple lady could make two best friend fall apart...."


Shang/You're P.O.V

This is my freaking luck. I got to escape that tall hotel by exiting on the workers exit , with chef close I saw in the try laying around the hall. It was like , it was all gods plan for me to escape. The works emmidietly pulled me saying I need to throw some waisted foot at the back of the building leading me on a exited mode because I could get to escape.  When I ran away from the building I definitely go the a phone stand first , pushing a coin inside , I was totally surprised about the coin in my pockets. I mean , I didn't even have one. So today was totally my luck!

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