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I clench at my belly wanting to eat some food. I'm dying in hunger which is a better opportunity to escape and live peacefully. A lot of maids came earlier walking back and out asking if I'm hungry or not . I know that they know I'm hungry but they just decided to be idiots and walked out. How many days am I here anyway?

"Master Taehyung ordered for you to eat Ma'am" a nother maid said I shook my head signaling for her to leave and she gladly gave in and left.

I'd rather die than eating a jerks food. Is it me or the air is getting colder? I shakes myself on the blanket and clench at the loosen dress the maid carried. I was about to berried my head but my eyes shot open when I heard a loud bang in the door. I emmidietly flinch and watch as Taehyung carried a trey. It's different trey. Well every trey the maids carried is different.

Taehyung gaved a large box smile and walked towards me. Creep. He sat on the bedside while placing the trey carefully on the night stand.

"Are you hungry?" Somehow his voice where soft and overwhelming. I shook my head but my stomach lied making a small sound. He gave me a daring look and asked .

"Are you sure?" He said and I nod. He chuckled evily while clenching his wrist. "Planning to die with hunger aye?"

"I rather die than watching you feeding me with anger!" I screamed surprised of where I gain confidence. He slapped me. Ouch.

"Speak one more time and I'm sure I'll punish you" he whispered angrily making me feel weak. Having another cut? I'll pass.

He sigh and started to feed me the food and I hesitate to eat at every spoon.

This is delicious.

"Who are you?" I suddenly​ asked looking curiously at him. He twitch his nose and placed the plates down before giving me a glass of water. His calm face disappeared and turned into a scary but sad one.

"I'm Kim Teahyung , the owner of Kim enterprise" he cocked and I was shock. Him? The mysterious billionaire with loads of company around the world? Works at a not well known buisness​? I widen my eyes in pure shock. Like really , why would he work at a small company when he could​ just relax and not do anything.

"You what?!" I asked in pure disbelief , he gave me a smile . "Then why are you working in Mr. Kim's company?!" Somehow his face turned into a rapist one. He gaved me the most sexy smirk that could kill every rats in the world .

"I have some couple of reasons " he shrugged and walked away in the bed towards the door.

"Hey! Let me out of here!" I screamed he gaved me one last shrugged and left the room.

How am I supposed to escape in here if I haven't done anything​ yet?

Suddenly​ my brain got an idea that it's supposed to function earlier . Stupid brain.

Fake Everything

I need to fake everything . Bribe him. Fake that I'm​ okay with everything , which it's clearly untrue but that's the purpose here. I need to show him I'm going to give him what he wanted which is my body and then to waist. He us screaming rapist.

The little pep talk in mY head stops when I herd the door cracked open revealing a confused little boy. A kid. WTF would a kid be doing here! He's clearly in his 5 year old . I need him.

"Is y-dada here?" A boy said in shyness. Don't be shy. I'm good at kids. Taehyung has a son?! Why then why would he need me?!

"Dada Taehyung?" Seeing him nod in excitement running towards me with his cute boxy grin made my heart weak . He kinda looks like familiar which I can't​ clearly see where. My mouth formed a smile. It's not fake... What a surprise!

"I don't know...." I mumbled. His smile fell looking down at his blue shirt . I need to find I deal. The key is in the drawer!

"I can help you find him if you'll do a little something for me" I offered sitting in the bed still cuffed. He smiled and chirp. So cute!

"What is it!!?" He asked in pure excitement​. There's no doubt a lil boy could find something or someone in this huge mansion. I mean I can't​ even find the exit so why letting a kid?

"Can you get the silver key in the drawers?" I asked and he nod walking on the left drawer where a instructed him to. He at first had a trouble on finding it . His pinkish tounge​ sprung out as he was trying to find the key. But soon his eyes sparkled as he held the keys up high. This kid need some manners. Never ever trust a stranger .

How come I haven't seen this little cute boy earlier?

He gaved it to me with sparks in his eyes and I emmidietly uncuffed the cuff. Running my fingers on the sore skin. He in the meantime looked at me like I'm teaching him things. He really reminds me of someone.

"Can we play ?" He asked cutely grabbing my wrist and massage it. I widen my eyes still his cute action. I feel connected at this kid in one blink of an eye. I didn't even know why I nod .


Who's​ the kid?
Find out in forever 21😂

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