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Shang/You're P.O.V

"My dearest Shang"

Those words rang on my brain back and fort as I looked up to see those dark gaze . Those eyes are different. That's​ when I knew , this guy isn't Taehyung . This unknown guy wore a black hoodie with a mask in his face , I couldn't picture his face , his eyes where dangerous . My feet stepped back as I don't know why.

"Who are y-you?" I stuttered looking at his eyes once again , never in my life I felt this scared that I could vanish my hair in any second. This guy is more scarier that Taehyung. I don't know why I feel like wanting Taehyung by my side.

"I'm you're husband" he replied playfully making my breath itch on the word 'husband' .

"What do you want!" I screamed lowly avoiding his intense stare.

" What do I want? " Headed pointing his index finger to his chest while looking at my very soul. "If I ever tell you what I wanted...will you give her to me?" The man asked .


"So you wanted a woman?" I asked gaining my confidence.

"Oh...not just a ordinary woman.... This woman is beautiful....kind , perfect for me" he spoke taking one foot towards me .

"Can you tell me specifically who this woman is?" I asked and walked towards him trying to make deal and be kind. Who knows maybe he can help me leave here. But that dangerous aura still lingering.

"You" he replied bluntly before running away.

"Hey!!!!" I screamed about to run towards him but instead two pair of agressive arms shoved me to someone's chest.

"Thinking of hidding are we?" That is definitely Taehyung's voice. His grip in my waist tightenss. It seems like he didn't saw the dangerous guy from earlier.

"I'm going to punish you but Hyun is waiting on the jet and we really need to travel as soon as possible" Taehyung whispered making me gulp nervously , his hot breath punched my neck sending shivers on my skin. 

"Let me go" I whispered wanting to leave this.like really .

"No can do Babe.....you'll stay by my side forever" he whispered in my ears growling at the end before pulling me towards the mansion.

"When we arrived in our destination you'll never gonna leave the basement some couple of times..." He spoke when he shoved me on the limo not caring if I'm hurt.

He spoke something that I couldn't quite hear , my mind was still drifting on the strange man earlier . Who is he? Is he related to Taehyung? How come he entered the grounds that easy?

"Yah! Are you even listening to Me?!" He screamed running his hand on my eyes .

"There.....there was a man...." I unconsciously spoke. Never have a thought that the car seat is so interesting.

"Man?" He spoke looking confused while bringing his thumb on his chin.

"Yeah....before , Wait why am I even explaining it to you?" I asked giving him a glance while twirling my index finger in the seat.

"Tell me" his voice were serious. His eyes where sending draggers on mines. "What man?" He asked once again grabbing my shoulders and making me face him.

"It's... Just the gardener on the maze....he was so crazy about me touching the walls saying mother nature will be offended" I lied not wanting to tell the try for a purpose . He gaved me a unsure look before nodding and emmidietly smiled happily. Two face. How can he be so damn scary and just a blink of an eye to be cute?

"Well , I can give the gardener a lesson-"

"N-no....don't" I emmidietly spoke . Shacking my head for a no.

"Before I forgot , wear this" he said handing me a black mask and a sunglasses. "We don't want people to see what I only see" he winked and before I knew it he opened the car door and left. We have arrived already.

I obeyed wearing this. I can maybe run my ass in the airport since this place is crowded with people . That's kind a good plan.

Wearing the things Taehyung gaved me , I walked​ out of the limo to be greeted by a well built up men with suits. They gave me a look before helping me walked towards the way . Running away fails. 

When I was about to enter the airport Taehyung walked towards me in a huridly way . His suit where messy giving me a worried eyes.

"Follow me , don't do anything , don't say anything" he whispered walking inside the building. Why is he so worried?

When I looked up , I understand about his worrisome. The palace where full of police asking people while showing them a picture. I tighten my grip on Taehyung's wrist that I don't even realize I've been holding it. He gave me a face message. ' Try run and cause a scene ' he warned with his empty face he always had.

I emmidietly shoved me hand away from his and hid it behind my back looking away at his eyes that could send death towards me.

A police soon walked towards in of the gaurds asking while showing s picture that I couldn't quite see because if the distance.

"Good day sir , did you see this Woman?" He asked the gaurd while raising the picture up. The gaurd pressed something in his ear and shook his head as a no. The police gaved him a small smile before walking towards us.

Taehyung pulled me even closer to his body while looking at the gaurd confused. Definitely fake.

"Good day ma'am , sir . Have you found or see this lady?" The police asked raising the picture earlier. My eyes widen as I saw my picture . The police gaved me a weird look ,  he as about to ask me something but Taehyung emmidietly spoke.

"No we haven't.... The lady is quite....sexy" Taehyung replied smirking evily while giving me a glance.

The police have him a look before looking at me consern.

"Is he you're husband?" The police asked and I emmidietly shook my head. The police smiled while whispering a small 'good to know' on my ears.

Taehyung gaved the man a death glared while pulling me away from the police. I must say the police is good looking.

"I'm not his Husband , so please leave us alone because we have a wedding to do"

. . .


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