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"Moving away from Seoul?!" I stopped dear ass in the tub looking at the lady who was still brushing th sink .

"Something came up " the lady said and waved goodbye at me and left the bathroom. Something what?

Why would he move to Seoul and bring me also? I need to act fast....

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Author's POV

Mia's face where pale and empty when she talked to another police station.

"I'm sorry ma'am but we could find the person on that mansion , we could find Miss. Lee and neither is Mr. Kim . I consider you to visit Miss Lee's house first before jumping into conclusion. " A police said making Mia sigh. She was to tired the blabber some words to the police officer. Just like she didn't to everyone​ .

The day where Shang called her made her feel weak and guilty. Maybe , just maybe she'll​ find her best friend lying on the coach with another brown coffee while watching a TV. She nods once again and walked to the car who Shang gave her.

The police looked at the car driving away on the streets  before whispering.

"She's crazy for doubting Mr. Kim to just easily kidnap a female"

Mia soon parked her car on Shang's lawn. Even the temperature in this lawn was dead. She looked at the house sadly . The white walls feels so dull. The flowers on the lawn was dying. It looks like the house was left a days. Shang was gone in  months either way.

Walking into the open patio to her surprise the door was full of red flowers. It was roses. She looked at the rose for a minute studying it. Some of the rose where dying and brown , maybe because the days passes by.

She as purely confused as to why her best friend was gone and still there were roses in the door. If Taehyung kidnap her was the rose suppose to stop? This could only mean one thing....

"Is Taehyung not the only one who's stalking her?" Mia whispered looking at the rose on the floor and emmidietly skipped the stairs and ran towards her car. She needs to find her best friend.

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Shang P.O.V/You're P.O.V

I looked at my reflection in the mirror . I wore a simple outfit , white T-shirt and a jeans with a pair of flats. This was the present clothes in the bed earlier probably the maids picked this. The outfit fits perfectly on my body , the undergarments the maids left was also my size. Thinking the thought of it made me flinch. The suit cases from earlier was been carried by a butler .

How can I escape if where going to move into a place where I don't know where. My thoughts where broken when I heard the door opened revealing Hyun.

He was smiling oh so brightly while still carrying the paper he draw from earlier . He wore a cute green tee with his shorts on . A maid soon followed him I side the room but stop beside the door as if she wasn't supposed to come near me.

"Mommy!!" He cheered making me widen my eyes surprised by his words. Mommy? Wait I'm a mom? No way. He ran towards me and jumped to hug me. I hug him back , the feeling of something lingerin inside of me.

"I'm not you're mother" I replied and soon he pout . His eyes were about to tear up and burst into cried but I emmidietly hugged him , who knows what Taehyung can do to me if he saw me hurting his kid. He hugged back pulling me out of the room.

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