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"Found You" he whispered while emmidietly grabbing my wrist and pulling me out on the room. His grip was strong. So damn strong , I could see my hand turn whine from blood lost. I struggler OT breaking free from his grip , shoving and punching his arm. It still not worth it. He entered a random room .

It was a bedroom , but this time it has different design than the room earlier . It's more grand and full of furnitures.  I think this is his bedroom​.

"Please!!!! Let me dafuq go!" I screamed my lungs out as he pushed me into the bed. He loosen his necktie and walked closer to me. I have to move backwards till I hit the bed post . Those this bed get any wider please?!

"Do you know what's this!" He said still circling the photo earlier . It made me feel embarrass , disgust and pathetic . I looked at the photo of me and Chen naked and feel like throwing up. He saw me , he saw us having sex . Don't tell me  my room as a camera! I feel exposed. 

"Do you now what is this!" He screamed shoving my head into the matress. It might be soft but it still hurts. I cried.

"This shit was the photo you and that Fcking guy having sex on my 21 birthday​!" He again shoved my head endlessly making me look breath .  " You lied to me baby girl , I asked you a question earlier and you lied" He whispered in me earlier while licking my earlobe. Disgusting .

"I'm drunk okay!!! It isn't my fault that it's almost new year!" I screamed and speaking if new year , how many days have I been here?  Fuck I lost count. He stopped shoving my head and carried it to face me. He looked mad . His eyebrows where knitted and her eyes where dark.

"You dare to speak on me?!" He slapped me. That made my day even worst . This isn't a dream . This is reality . He emmidietly grabbed something in the drawer and I soon relived it was cuff . Is this  Gucci guy have a thousands of cuffs?!

"Right now you'll learn how 'to punish my wife lesson ' " He smirked making me scoff in disgust. Me? His wife?! Fck him!

He smirked . His eyes turned darker than usual and he was gritting his teeth .

"Who dafuq you call Wi-" my words where broken by his slap . That hurt as hell.  He again slapped me for a couple of times while grinning like a maniac.

"Be a good girl and scream for me" he whispered in my ears as soon as he stopped slapping my beautiful now messed up face. Ices about to protest thinking perverted things but soon I felt a burning sensation on my wrist to see Taehyung cutting it with a sharp knife . I muffled a scream trying to ease the pain me gritting my wrist. I could see blood dripping on my wound as he continued it 30 plus times in my wrist. I can't take it and screamed my ass off as I could feel it burning . This little behavior made Taehyung kick his lips in delight.  What a disgusting view.

I was swearing and sobbing as he stopped cutting my flesh . I can't feel my arms . I'm too tired to scream and to exhausted to fight back.

"That was a lovely act my love" He replied placing the knife in the  night stand and walking off. Before I could scream some curses shts he spoke.

"The maids will be arriving" he said coldly and left. What a 100 faced Gucci shit he is ! Why not just let me die! It's a better plan than escaping this trash anyways. I sigh heavily while studying my wrist. The white sheets from earlier where now red. My wrist was swollen in blood and some parts had dry blood.

I really need to go out in this hell hole. I tried to find the keys of this handcuff but the door flung open revealing two young maids , I think in their 30s. I stop struggling na kept quiet. The maids smiled while carrying some white box.

"Good day Madam" the one with the box said main me sigh. Good day? More like horrible day. I gaved them a nod and sat myself up . They started to uncuff the cuffs making me sigh as the pain where lessen.

"Remove you're dress please" the one with a wet towel said making me widen my eyes. But I soon realized I'm just nothing and started to remove my clothes and let the maids do what they have to do.

"Can escape?" I asked breaking the silent air . The maids stopped what they were doing and sigh.

"Where sorry Ma'am , but we can't speak about escaping." The lady from earlier who holds a box spoke .

"You can't escape Master Taehyung . That man started to admire you from afa-"the maid widen her eyes and emmidietly covered her mouth. The maid was looking at her shockingly and to the door who burst open revealing a tense Taehyung​ with some huge ass muscle fellas. I widen my eyes and covered my naked body with the bloody blanket.

"I-im sorry!" The maid who spoke earlier said struggling to break free in the muscles mans grip.

"I told you not to speak!" Taehyung scoff slapping the maid on the cheeks making me ran towards him.

"Stop!" I said and emmidietly grabbed his clenching wrist to avoid his punch to the old lady. Taehyung gaved me a death glared and pushed me in the bed harshly.

"LET HER GO TAEHYUNG! SHE DIDN'T DO ANYTHING!" I screamed making Taehyung's wrist turn white he ignored me while giving a punch on the woman. The woman smiled at me .

"It's okay" she mouthed. I shook my head running towards Taehyung. But the mans carried the woman away from the room. I looked at Taehyung in disbelief.

"SHE DIDN'T DO ANYTHING!" I screamed wanting to punch this guy. Taehyung gave me a weird look and left the room giving the last maid a nod.

The maid scooted emmidietly and removed the blanket and started to clean my wounds.

"I strongly advise to not speak personal questions , every room has cameras " the maid whispered not to obvious . I widen my eyes. I seriously need to go out .

But I know I need alot of time.

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