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"Tell you what?" Taehyung said in a long hour of silence looking at Shang who was sleeping peacefully while tugging a hair stings away from her pretty face.

"You won't take everything that easily Shang....I know that if I tell you the past you'll​ break down and ran away from me"


"Shang can't do that! The half of you're story isn't real!" Mia denied wiggling her head in disapproval .

"I found Her wandering on the streets!" She spoke. "I found her so lost on the road , so you can't say Shang can destroy a relationship just by walking pass someone. She's​ kind , caring girl-"

"She's basically you're shadow Mia.... Didn't you realize something? I know you just by looking in you're eyes"

"Pft! You know nothing Namjoon!" She scoffed.

"Let's drop the conversation about you . Did you even wonder where did Shang came before you saw her on the streets?" Namjoon aksed making Mia shut his mouth and looked down. He's right . She didn't asked her .

"No..." She told the truth. Yeah , she didn't even wonder where Shang came it what happened. She just cheerfully brought her home and gave her home.

"That day was the exact day , a lab explode on Busan" Namjoon said making Mia turn to look at him. Is he cray cray?  Why would a lab be apart of Shang?

"What? What is the exploding of lab part of Shang's life here?"

"She was studied by both best friend." That made her eyes grew large.

"Shang has a normal life back then . A caring family , a cute brother and a lovable boyfriend " Namjoon trailed crossing his hands while looking away from a confused Mia who was trying to solve everything.

"That is Taehyung." Her eyes widen even more. Taehyung? Taehyung became her boyfriend? Oh how Mia regretted bringing Shang in the party.  " It was a happy say , Taehyung decided to marry her , her parents agreed . But Taehyung was too blind just by looking at Shang's Beautiful figure and features."

He is right , Shang was beautiful and perfect. That's why Mia made a regretful mistake but a satisfying one to her. Mia created story about Shang who's a emo type of woman. Mia remembered the day where she brought Shang to a mall and noticed that everyone was looking at Shang , not to her.  Definitely Mia felt so left out noticing every eyes on her.

"You know what's the worst part of Shang'? She was so beautiful back then , so healthy. But I wonder why she's so thin living with you"

That sentence made Mia filled with guilt and regret. It was Mia's fault. Yeah Namjoon is again right. Before Mia found Shang , she was healthy and thick but normal girl. Mia often put a medicine to make Shang look skinny so that no one will look at her but Mia. Mia wanted attention that day. She doesn't know what she would do.

"As I say , Taehyung was too busy falling in love even more at Shang that he didn't noticed Jungkook also does. Jungkook was so sad that Shang choosed his best friend over him. Oh how they both love Shang. The day came when Taehyung knew he couldn't bare a child with Shang. Taehyung has the problem , while Shang doesn't. Taehyung was also disappointed as to why he could give Shang a son. Being a idiot he was he started to beg Jungkook a help. That's where they knew that they can give Shang' a child without sexual intercourse by studying her to give her one. Taehyung​ agreed considering he wanted a child too. But little did Taehyung know , Jungkook as different plans. You may not know Jungkook " Namjoon rambled on and on making Mia gave her full attention to his features not forgetting to note every words came out on Namjoon's mouth . Mia shook his head by mention that man's name. No she doesn't but soon she will know .

"Jeon Jungkook the wise and smart CEO" Mia widen her eyes heading that. Not she feel envy at Shang who stole two gorgeous and ritch guys attention.

"Taehyung tried to persuade Shang on having a kid , but Shang doesn't​ wanted to . She was okay of not having a child . She was content if she only have Taehyung. Jungkook plan goes smoothly where Taehyung was begging and forcing Shang to have a child by studying. It goes to the point where Taehyung kidnapped her and force her to be tested without her sense. The operation went well . Shang has bare a child with Taehyung's DNA and Taehyung was fully happy. But the bad news was Shang didn't woke up after the test. (LETS JUST SAY JUNGKOOK TESTED TAEHYUNG TO HAVE SOME HIS SPERMS AND VOUALLA!) Days passes by and Taehyung was hoping that she would wake up. Her parents were so worried not knowing what to do , of where their daughter was. They have no clue at the remaining event.  But Taehyung emmidietly regretted something.

Many years Ago.

"So you're saying Shang has woken up?!" Taehyung cheered. His voice were different from the present day. He was happy. Ending the call and jumping up and down towards their son who was sleeping peacefully . Taehyung kissed their son Hyun.

"Mommy will be here!" He whispered scream while Telling the maids to take care of his son.

As soon as he arrived in the lab , he saw Jungkook with confused and trouble look while walking back and forth looking at the papers .

"You okay bro?" Taehyung asked walking towards him.

"V.... there's​ something wrong at Shang...." Taehyung's eyes widen and his hand soon shacked.

"What?" Taehyung asked pushing
Jungkook away from the door and emmidietly opened it with worried eyes. There she was. All fine.

"Don't go near he-" but it was too late , Taehyung walked inside while closing the door looking at his wife who was just standing there facing her back.  He smiled sheepishly while walking towards her. Taehyung can hear the door banging but he doesn't create about it.

"Shang~" he cheered making Shang look at him in fear .

"Stay away!" She spoke shackingly making  Taehyung pause. Her eyes were filled with horror seeing him. As if she just saw satan infront of her. He could know or picture out what happened to her. Her eyes where shaking , her lips were pale. .

"Honey? It's okay" Taehyung said walking slowly towards her making her again walk backwards.

"No ! Don't come near me! Y-youre one of them"

"One of what?  Shang I'm you're husband Kim Taehyung.." he said raising his arms as if he's​ trying to control a dog.

"No! You're your one of those people who....who studied me! Giving me t-those p-pills " she screamed gripping her black shining hair tightly wanting to just disappeared. Taehyung widen his eyes looking at his wife who was going nuts and insane.

"Th-those.....those tube m-machines and a-nd People " she rambled walking I n circles . Taehyung couldn't do anything , but just looking at her breaking down for the first time. He hated it . He hated seeing her like this. What did actually happened? If he didn't do all the study things...would this happened? He regretted it.


New book !

'Pretty Lady'

The picture is up above.
I'm gonna delete some of my books for some reason because my writings were horrible. I'll try to mentain them.

Make sure to read my book! It has a Prologue on it. Hope you enjoy!

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