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"because I own you"

He wut?!

"Dafuq!! I'm not a thing to own!" I screamed . So I'm an object now huh?!

"Well....you belong to me now" he commented​ while walking away on the bed and into the shinning window.

"What is wrong with you?" I whispered , I'm sure he heard it because he walked towards me.

"I'm completely fine princess" he replied smirking as he sat beside me. I again move the cuff to break free because my damn hairs are standing. I'm shaking af at this moment.

"Fine my ass" I bravely said trying to hide my fear.

"You're ass is not fine , it's beautiful" he chuckled making me widen my eyes. Did he saw my butt or something? Did he take advantage of my Sleeping state?!

"So you took advantage when I was sleeping?!! Fuck yeah I'm right . You're one of those people who loves to rape woman and kill them after getting bored of them" I fight back . He was silent a minute and sigh.

"I'll tell you this Princess , I'll give you a chance to break free and escape this place" He offered making me hope to escape. "You only have 10 Minutes to escape out on this mansion. I'm gonna look for you for ten minutes . If you did escape , I won't bother you forever and you can tell the police about me" he explained caresing my clothed stomach as I flinch at his sudden touch.

"And what will HAPPENED if you catch me?" I asked making him stop his touch .

"That's for me to know" he winked while giving me a boxy grin . That's disgusting. He stands up and grab something on the white wooden drawer. It was the key on this handcuff.

"I'm gonna count to ten and y-" I cut me off as soon as I herd the clicking sound of the cuff and pushed him. I could totally hear him chuckle as I ran outside that fucking uncomfortable room.

You can hide but you can never escape you're husband

I turned left and ran myself as fast as I can. My wrist was hurting and I can see the marks of the cuff. As I studied the halls a bit I could totally find that the walls have change.

Did he repaint the walls and redesign the halls? The walls where now red and the chandeliers where all silver . The paintings from earlier was missing and the floor isn't red . It's now green. Did he moved into a different mansion? Fuck I need to escape.

As I turned right I found a balcony with a covered curtains . I ran towards it but as soon as I was about to open the glass door I hers footsteps.

Fuck it's Teahyung . I think I only have 8 Minutes . I walked jumped in a different direction to found a large oak door with a silver door knob. Please tell me this is the main door. I huridly opened it but before I had the chance to open it a footsteps was herd again.

"Princess?? You only have 5 minutes baby , if I were you I would hide ."

It's Taehyung , I entered the room to be greeted by darkness. I huridly sense the wall and trying to find the light but as I found the light switch I can totally hear his footsteps halting on the door. I widen my eyes as sweats came crashing. I emmidietly sense some hidding spots to hide but I successfully​ found a closet as I could sense the knob and the smell of dust. Dust ain't gonna to me from escaping. I emmidietly entered and steadied my breath so I won't make any noises. I hear the door opened and soon the lights went on. I could see the room. And it made me wanting to curse for coming in this room.

There was a lot of tv screens of s computers . Alot of books . And especially alot of pictures. Who was me. There was a photo of me doing yoga on the living room . Me who was looking food. Me who wore a princess outfit. Heck I don't even remember this!  And me....who took baths. Alot of photos with a different events. He's sick as fuck!

"So you're in my favorite room huh sweetie?"

I could hear his voice from the corner. I turned back as I saw him staring at the cabinet. I held my mouth praying that he wouldn't find me. He slowly came closer to the cabinet trying to study it . But soon she looked away . Making Me sigh mentally.

"You do know you lied earlier right? You lied about not having guy friends , you lied about having a sick grandma where you clearly have dead ones." He paused . I widen my eyes. So he spies on me? Don't Tell me those screens are a camera of my room?! My house?!

I clench my fist wanting to kill this asshole. So he did see my body ?!

I looked around trying to find a weapon to smack it on his thick Gucci head. But to my unluckiness I  only found a very familiar umbrella. It was my umbrella when I was 13! I spend my life on finding this umbrella who brought by mother. So he's also a thief? A rapist a asshole , a rich Gucci god and a thief? What else? Some deep shit admire and a possessive fuck? My trans was broken when I heard a sudden noise.

"And you lied about not having sex with someone​...."

His eyes where now looking at mines. He was grinning while swirling his hands . While circling the picture of me and a man that I have one night stand with , naked on my bed.

"Found you...."

Fuck I'm dead.

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