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"Excuse me Mr. Kim , I need to go home" I replied huridly taking this coat off and threw it towards him not to hard and not too soft , just right.  I carried my heels and walked my way out of the garden . I gave him one last look to see him standing and barring his left hand on his pocket looking at me with a smirk on his face. That's kindly odd. I shrug and walked my self to who knows where in this God damn mansion. Fuck I totally hate big places... Once again , I'm lost.

"The fuck pity me now " I mumbled as I kept walking on a grand hall . Red carpet with gold paint on the walls , large chandelier and alot of paint and I'm sure these paints are from a famous painters. I grabbed my phone calling Mia for help.

"WTF bitch! Why did you left me huh?!" SHe screamed . The fuck she talking about. More like she's the one who left me.

"More like you left me here" I replied making a short groan .

"Wait!What! I'm pretty sure you left me" I could hear her rolling her eyes "stop these prank Shang"

"What the frick pack party wack shit fuck are you talking????!!! You left me here and I'm so lost in these massive halls ." I replied. Shit I'm feeling scared.

"Wait...but Taehyung Said you left already..." She mumbled and my heart was beating like a horse having a race with a cheetah.

"What...." I whispered and I could feel my legs started to shake . Palms turn cold . Lips turned white . "BITCH!! HELP ME!! I need to go home and hug my bed...please Mia , how can that son of a Gucci God lie t- " I stop my sentence as I looked at the very corner of the room . It was Mr. Kim he was carrying his coat earlier. And he was freaking smirking at me like I find Chucky infront of me.  

"Bitch??? Hey!"Mia screamed and I whispered a simple help and ended the call. 

"Mr Kim! Thank God I found you.... I freaking need a help out in you're house" I said jogging towards him. Fuck my heart is still on a race. 

"Oh...." He said shortly. Did he plan this? Don't Tell me his a mother fucking rapist who likes to fuck every single woman and kills it? Please , I don't want to die . I have a Vampire shit to do.

"Can you tell me some direction?" I asked trying to act calm at this situation.

"You look pale Miss Lee , did something happened?" He asked making me shake my head. He's tricking me.

"Yes...I need to go home asap , you see my grandmother is sick and I need to buy her some medicine." I lied wanting to go out here.

Two lies kitten....oh i will totally punish you

"Oh you have a grandmother?" Taehyung asked looking surprised . Yeah me too , I'm totally surprised to think of any excuses. 

"Uh....y-yeah" damn I stutter.

"Well....sure come with me" he said and I sigh in relief . "Drink this first..." He mumbled giving me a glass of water . "You look pale." I nod and drank it fully emptying the glass.

"Thank you s-" dizziness struck trough me as I hold Mr. Kim's shoulder trying to gain balance. What's happening???!!! " Damn I feel dizzy...." I mumbled.

My eyes sight are turning black and blue . I gripped Mr. Kim's shoulders as I could totally feel I'll break down sooner or later.

"Mr. K-" and darkness spread trough me as I lost consiccuenses.

"Baby....you're mine..."

. .

My head hurt as fuck . I opened my eyes to see some sunlight who was shinning brightly on this unfamiliar room. Fuck my headache is getting worse. Wait!!

I widen my eyes to see the full view of the room . White Walls , loads of panting and a king sized bed with red bedsheets and guess what... I'm freaking chained.

I looked at my arms seeing it was hand cuffed on the bed post. I looked at my body to see that I'm still wearing the dress . Thank God I hadn't got raped.

I could feel my arms will cut soon or later . The cuff is too tight . The room is totally neat and I need to left this house sooner.

Why would Taehyung do this??? I'm so fucking clueless for going on that party . When I escape at this shit I would totally demand my lawyers to put this Kim on jail and move to South Africa as soon as possible.

"Good morning Baby" I voice made me stop thinking and moving the cuff out of my arms.

"Fuck get awha from me! I need to go home!" I screamed as I looked at Taehyung who was smirking creepily.

"Stay calm sweet cheeks... You'll cut your arms of you continue what you're doing" he replied walking towards me and say in the bedside.

"Why would you do this?!" I asked. "Please don't kill me!!" I begged , in pretty sure I'm crying .

"Shush now Baby girl , don't cry you making me hard you know" he chuckled making me greet my teeth in disgust  .

"Please Mr. Kim... I want to go" I replied trying to sit on the bed but failed to do so.

"I can't do that" he bluntly replied touching his collar like a pro. 

"Why dafuq are you keeping me here?!!!" I burst in anger . Who d***@##*"""@ he is!!!!

"Seeing you getting mad making me more hard. Now sush before you regret screaming at me babe , I can do memorable doings" he whispered and soon his eyes turned dark.

"Why would you do this?" I asked looking at him for answers and he smiled and soon stands up.

"Because I own you"


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