Hope plus hatred

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—Alex's point of view—
"Hang on Kara, hang on" I say as a grip Kara's hand as we wheel her on a stretcher down the DEO corridor into my lab so we can do some experiments and figure out what's wrong wit her, what made her collapse.
"Pulse rate 30 and dropping" agent Mathews says as he plugs Kara into a monitor, that's showing me her pulse rate as it rapidly decreases and at some random points slowly increases, it's a mess, non of what has happened was suppose to happen, Lena wasn't suppose to find out that Kara was supergirl, unless obviously Kara personally told her because well Lena is her best friend. What is Lena going to do? Tell the entire world Kara's Supergirl, after all she runs a multimillion dollar company that works in media, and that sponsors Supergirl, telling the world who she is would probably be the biggest news story since Well ever I guess and it's my duty to make sure that doesn't happen, I can't have Kara's secret told especially since I'm the reason she showed herself to the world, she flew after a plane that I was on after an engine failure and ever since then every time she got hurt, she was almost killed as supergirl I've felt as though it's my fault, and I will not fail her because she didn't fail me.

She never has and she never will, we are sister, always and forever.

—Lena's point of view—

As I walk home hope and hatred rise up in me, I hope she will be fine i pray she will be, but at the same time I don't know how I'm going to forgive her after the secrets she has kept from me, let alone a secret I've let from her and that is that I have a crush on Kara, I love Kara In not just a friend way, Okay so I'm lesbian but I terrified that if I tell her she won't feel the same and it will ruin our friendship even more then it already has, and I don't want that, no matter how many secrets she keeps from me I still will always love her, and it's not just because we are best friends, I arrive back in my apartment and I get my phone out my bag and place it on my coffee table, if Alex rings me I want to answer to know if Kara has or is going to make it. But I have another question what made her collapse? Kryptonite? Poison? Illness? I don't know, if it was kryptonite it would have taken affect ages ago, and if it were poison it must of been in the drink so wouldn't it of poisoned me to? And kryptonions don't get ill because of the power of the yellow sun, or at least that's what Lex used to say, before he was arrested that is. Yeah my family's history is well messed up I guess, villains, criminals, kidnapping each other and framing each other so we can all be reunited in prison. i just am speechless i cant believe Kara would keep such a big secret from me, did she not trust me or something, maybe since i'm a Luther and Luther's are bad but i though we were past that all, i though Kara didn't care about my last name, but i guess she might have done, so not only is it heartbreaking to know she kept the secret from me its heartbreaking to know that the reason may be because shes kryptonion and i'm a Luther and just through DNA we aren't meant to be.

i crouch down on the floor leaning against my bed, i crawl up into a ball barely believing what has happened today, the secrets i never though i would find out got found out today, the break up of friendship i prayed would never happen, happened, and the I ne person who i cant bear to see get hurt got hurt and i cant help but feel like it is my fault, i'm the reason supergirl had to save me, all because of my family and they are the ones who  have almost killed and taken away my best friend, but i dont know if thats the case still after all she kept something from me and i am keeping something big and dark from her, and that is my true feelings. the fact i love her in the real love kind of way. I love Kara, and I guess at the same time I love super girl, I guess that's what it means. But if she dies now it's my fault, my fault completely and now I know what happened I know the secrets she never shared but she doesn't know mine, which is why the moment she wakes up I'm going to go and tell her my true feelings, the fact that I love her, and i pray that she loves me too, but the thing is, what if she never wakes up, what if she's dead, that if I never see my best friend again? What then? Where would I go to get advice? Where would I go at the times I feel like the world is gonna collapse? At times when the world seems like it hates me? When it's all gonna collapse leaving me on a tiny island where I have to cling on for any hope of surviving. I need Kara. I need my best friend. I need her. Because I love her but I just can't tell her.

I love you but I just can't tell you everything (a supercorp fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now