10 minutes

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Okay so we have 10 more minutes, what are we going to do, how will we survive? We might die if my plan doesn't work, it should do, shouldn't it. God I don't know what to do, as in if my plan fails that it's, everyone is dead, me included and if it works, I'll be considered a hero and I don't want to be considered a hero I just want to be consider good not some hill billy stupid braindead porn controlled by brothers and my family's name. Yep umm I really hope this works, I almost died and it was so strange and scary, it's a feeling unlike any other and I want to stay alive.
I don't want to die.
No one does.
But eventually we do and there's nothing we can do about it, it's the circle of life, we live, we thrive and we die, that's the way it is and nothing can change that, it's a on going cycle; a loop repeating itself again and again and again, never changing, never shifting, never lasting longer no matter what we do, we can't be invisible, we can't be immortal, but we can be human.
"Okay I'm going to put the countdown up on the screens in the entire building, so that way, we can see them and so can the citizens, Lena would you like to come and talk to kara, you can hear everything you say" Alex says and the timer appear on the walls, 9:26 and it's going down, this could be my last chance, to tell kara how I feel, even if she can't tell me anything back,
"Yes, I would love to talk to kara" I say and Alex walks me over to the door and the med bay where inside I can see kara, Alex opens the door not saying anything, this is hard for her to, I know that because once I'm in Alex closes the door and runs back to the cortex, not wanting to see Kara like this. I pull over a chair and sit down, on a screen I can see the timer, 8:57, basically 9 minutes until a bomb goes off.
"Hi kara, Alex said you can hear everything I say and I believe that, we are both trying really hard to be brave, but with you like this, and everything that's going on it's hard and we are terrified of losing you, and I have to tell you something because this could be the last time I get the chance... I love you kara, I always have, your cute and dorky smile, your beautiful eyes, your perfect glasses and blonde adorable hair. And I don't care that you lied to me, I admit it was painful at the beginning but I know why you did it, to protect me, so no one could target me anymore then they already do, because there are some dangerous people out there, and some who risk there lives to save people they don't know. The world is a strange place but the most important thing in my world is you kara. You are my kryptonite." I say and I take a deep breath attempting to stop the tears i can feel falling down my face, Kara's lifeless body is still there, she hasn't moved, hasn't done anything, meaning I don't know if she can actually hear me, I just hope she can. 8:12 not a lot of time left.
"Please wake up and surprise everyone, and please wake up so I can do this with you," I say and I lean over and kiss kara, on the forehead.
"This could be my last time talking to you, and I want you to know I love you but I just can't tell you everything when you are like this." I say and I get up out of my chair and walk out the room, a few tears falling down my face, I wipe them off as I wonder back into the cortex.
"How was that?" Alex asks and I look at her and nod my head,
"Good, I said everything I need to say," I say and I look at the timer, 7:53, this isn't good, what I my plan doesn't work, what if everyone in this building, everyone in national city dies. What then. Well I guess I won't find out because I'll be dead, and so will everyone else. I hope I pray that this will work. It should but we only did a quick brief we didn't look at the density, or the capability, or the airspace between the particles or the actual materials that line this building. Because we had no time. But Alex told us about lead a main insulator, for filtering radiation into not radiating air.
"Lena you sure your fine," Alex says probably noticing my red eyes from crying or the tear marks on my face.
"I will be" I say keeping it short and simple but I've never said something so honest before.
Then all the guys who we sent out all return and I turn around to look at the timer, 7:04 there a minute early, I guess that's good,
"Alex we got as many people as we could a lot were already heading here, so if everyone is ready lock the building down." Winn says

I love you but I just can't tell you everything (a supercorp fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now