The park

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•- Alex's point of view-•

I'm waiting in the park looking for Lena, but all I see is a bunch of different people walking around not knowing about what has happened with supergirl and honestly they don't need to know that much, because eventually all of it will go back to normal and life will return except with one big difference Lena knows that Kara is supergirl and that Kara has lied to her, I have lied to her and many many others have lied to her. This world is cruel sometimes we hide from friends keep secrets that could change the world, yet we hide it for everyone else to give them a better chance at life. Finally I see someone doing a mixture of walking and running and they are going in my direction I see a black bag by there side bouncing up and down as they rush towards me and I instantly realise that it's Lena, I haven't thought about what to say at all my mind has been wondering about this Kara thing all day meaning everything else slips through my mind and I forget everything yet I remember what we are talking about.
"Alex," she says and I smile at her with us all fake obviously I could never feel happy knowing what is going with kara, again kara.
"Lena, I'm going to explain the whole story because that's what you want right," I say and Lena nods her head,
"When I was 13 kara showed up she had come from  space at the same time superman left krypton and she got trapped in the phantom zone and when she was realised superman brought her to my house and I didn't like it but we aren't here to discuss my life story so yeah umm, she decided to hide herself from the world but it was when she first revealed herself that I realised she should never had hid them away in the first place, I was on a plane, going somewhere to work for deo work and well the place blew up one engine and then another and the plane it stared to go down and well I though I was going to die and then suddenly I saw kara flying by the broken engine and I immediately knew that I wouldn't die and that even though at the time it seemed like a disaster eventually good would come out of it and it did, the world got supergirl and Kara became happier and well she met you and she saved you so many times and I could see that your connection was and still is growing stronger, and Kara, well kara she loves you, she lives it more than just a friends, Lena she has feelings for you, she loves you" I say quietly I don't want to spoil Kara's secret but I have to if she died I want Lena and kara to at least spend 5 minutes together.
"I love her to" Lena says and I look at her it's perfect almost you can see it, there love towards each other in one simple glance at each other,
"She'd be so happy to know that, she will survive Lena I will do everything within my power to keep her alive and she will get up and become Supergirl and Kara again the 2 people who matter most to me in the world and I promise you if it's the last thing I do I will save her I promise you Lena I will save her for you..." I say and I walk off what else am I supposed to say, after all I finally told Lena the feelings kara has felt about her. I turn around quickly and see Lena on the verge of crying and I turn around ignoring her and I carry on walking. I'm going back to the deo to check on kara and see what is going on with her making sure she's okay, because like I promised Lena I will wake her up and I will save her.

•~Lena's point of view~•

I watch as Alex walks away barley being able to deal with all the information I just learnt, Kara has feelings for me, she has feelings for me! This is amazing but at the same time... she's about to die, she's about to die what am I going to do? Again the Luther luck is affecting me everyone I love is disappearing, dying, being thrown in prison, so many confusing things that I can't lose someone again, I especially can't lose the person I love, I can lose kara. I start walking back to l corp I feel like that's Probably the best place I can go, after all I'm the boss and no body ever expects me to do a hell of a lot of work especially at 9:00 pm, so I just walk my bag swinging by my side and I'm lost I don't know what to do, where to go.
Soon I arrive back in my office and I throw my bag down and dump my coat on the floor and I sit on the sofa and I grab a pillow and begin to cry, I cry so hard into a pillow that I put in my lap, my worse fears are coming true and I realise there worse than I feared, I'm about to lose Kara, the person I love. Kara.
That's all that's going through my head, it's like a song on constant repeat through my head that no matter how hard I try it won't go away, and it's driving me insane, Kara. Kara. Kara. There it goes again, they say the same word on constant repeat can make some people crazy, ahh maybe this is where I become like lex, and my mother, a crazed, killing lunatic. But the sound it's to much for me and I feel myself just falling asleep so tired after all of today's events.
I'm sleeping which is good I guess.
I hear sone loud banging and a lot of yelling, I sit up thinking the noises may just be in my head, outside the window it's very dark but there are many illuminations coming from all the tall buildings in national city. But the screaming keeps going and I can almost make out the yells now, where is Lena? Whoever it is asks, and know it's in my head but why, why are whoever is in my head looking for me? I grab my phone out of bag, 12:54 am, I got like 3 hours of sleep, which isn't to bad, then suddenly red lights begin flashing and a annoying siren starts blaring away, I run over to my TVs and see that the voices I thought I heard in my head weren't actually in my head, people are hear and they have broken past the security and there coming for me. I grab anything important, which is more or less my phone, my iPad, and some super advanced tech which is probably what there here for. I hurry off down a hidden corridor I had installed after an accident happened with me, eve (my assistant) and Kara. I disappear down the corridor just as it closed and I catch a glimpse of the men who have just wondered into my building, taken out my security and come to my room while the whole building is on lockdown. They must have some good tech, which is probably stolen from some other buildings. But luckily they didn't see me so I hurry down the corridor constantly expecting supergirl to show up and save they day but I know she won't she's dying and there is nothing I can do to help. But that shouldn't be the top priority on my mind right now, I keep going down the corridor and it leads to an emergency exit which I open and slip out, I see a bunch of police cars who are all pointing there guns at me, believing that I am the robber,
"Miss Luther umm we're terribly sorry we though you were the masks, the mad group that attacked your office and will try to kill you, how did you escape?" A police officer asks lowing his gun and making a simple meaning the others lower there guns as well.
"After an attack a couple of months ago I had a secret emergency exit installed and well I used it just in time, and I got the tech the gang were most likely to go to because it's the most advanced and by far the most expensive in the entire building," I say and the officer nods his head. Then suddenly I feel a cold blow against my back and I hear a gun as it's pointed to my head,
"Lena Luther your coming with us" a masculine voice says, and I think there's something vaguely family with it,
"Let me go!" I yell, kicking them and trying my hardest to escape, he cops won't shoot because the law specifically says if someone is hostage and against the attack do not shoot in fear of killing hostage, I looked through all law books when lex was taken to prison for being a maniac.
"No" they reply and they knock me out, with a brick.

I love you but I just can't tell you everything (a supercorp fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now