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•~Lena's point of view~•
The car pulls up onto the sidewalk right next to me and I open the door and climb in, I think the driver says a few things but I'm not listening and I'm simply ignoring everything they say, my mind is focused on other things, on other people, but that makes sense right. We drive pass the l corp building and I want to run out, to escape from going to the DEO,  but I don't, if Alex wants to talk to me, I guess I'll have to go, maybe it's some news on supergirl, which if it's good would be amazing, that's what I'm hoping, but I have to prepare myself for the worse, no matter how hard it is, but I don't want to say goodbye. Ever. But i may have...
"We are here miss" the driver says as they get out the car walk around and open my door and I climb out of the car and walk into the door. As I expected Alex is waiting for me at the entrance,
"Lena" she says and I smile, Alex isn't distraught meaning Kara is still alive,
"Alex" I say, and she is now smiling as well,
"We need to make this meeting quick, I have another one at l corp in 50 minutes and it takes 10 minutes to get there, so yeah." I say and Alex nods her head,
"Alright," she says and we walk into a lift and go up to the cortex, the main room of the deo. I see many agents all of them stop to look at me and the moment they see Alex they turn around and go straight back to working,
"Alex, we noticed this, increase in unknown gases around l corp and the strongest trace in Lena's office, as I look at the high level of radiation, radiating from this spot, and it's has defiant levels of kryptoite but it's not all kryptonite, it's an unknown element, a x-element, which were though to be a myth, but I guess the flash and dark matter taught us they aren't, but this isn't dark matter, I have no idea what it is" Winn says and I walk over with Alex to admire the screen. He's right, a radiation measurer by the screen, and the level of radiation is depicted onto a graph, showing different gases, kryptonite, air, and a question mark.
"An x-element, my I didn't think it was possible, from the radiation trace, I recon it's linite, it's like maydarkite, or as you call it dark matter, it has the ability to turn things into gas, which is probably how the kryptonite became a gas," I say, I seriously can't believe it, x-Elements were supposedly a legend, but then I guess aliens were a legend as well, so it's not really a massive surprise. They are 5 x-elements, dark matter, linite, carbonacula, green tetrodotoxin and jimmasium. All though to be a Legend but I guess legends are just untold story's that so exist, so yeah.
"Okay, so here on the web it says that oh great, it says that linite isn't real my that's super helpful" Winn says pulling out a nerf gun from under his desk and shooting at the computer uttering swear words and random words under his breath. I can tell everyone in this room is stressed out, especially Alex, but that's totally understandable, I'm stressing out and I'm not even a secret agent for the government who deals with protecting aliens and holding criminals captive in a department no one has ever heard of before.
"You know what let's go get a drink, i know a great bar, and it will relieve stress and take our minds off things" Alex suggests and I think it's a great idea, I'm always down for a drink and some bar snacks, and just a good get together as friends, I only wish kara could be with us.
"Yeah your right. We are all stressed and could really use some time to cool off and calm down and come back and get a new look at this thing, plus I really want some alcohol, you in Winn" I say and Winn nods his head and puts the nerf gun down on the table excitedly but in doing so accidentally fires a bullet that hits a employee on his leg, but we run out before he realises it was Winn. We walk down the street, really not far, and we soon arrive at the plantation bar, Alex opens the door and we all walk in, it's quite a nice bar, there's a lot of plants, going for this kind of Hawaii vibe, there's bar stools and tables, a few pool tables and obviously a bar, cause you know it's a bar. We walk over to the bar,
"A club soda please," Alex asks and the waitress flings a cup at Alex filled with the club soda, Alex then walks over to a pool table and gets it set up, oh god looks like it's me vs Alex,
"A white wine please" I ask and the waitress gets out a wine glass and firmly places it on the counter and pours in a entire bottle of white wine, it's literally up to the brim, I then go over to Alex who passes me a pool stick,
"Let's play Lena" she says and I can't help but smile, I take a big sip of wine and Winn comes over with some pretzels, crisps and a Heineken, we place our drinks on a table next to us which is where Winn stands eating his way through many bowls of pretzels, we begin playing pool, hitting the white ball into numerous numbered balls, I'm  stripes and Alex is spots, I win the first round because Alex accidentally hits in the black eight ball. We play about 3 rounds and Alex wins the next 2 because I'm super terrible at pool. We then just stand around our table chatting and dancing to a few songs that come through the jukebox,
"This is so fun," I say and Alex nods her head in agreement,
"Nothing like having a quick drink to clear your mind," she says and Winn is drinking his beer, while I take another big sip of my wine. Then we can hear a phone going off,
"One second" Alex says pulling out her phone which I assume was the one going off,
"Hello," Alex says and I just turn back and do a quick dance with winn while drinking about half of my wine,
"Guys we have to get back to the deo right now," Alex says and we look at her wanting to know why,
"Someone just posted a video, threatening to blow up the city"

I love you but I just can't tell you everything (a supercorp fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now