6 minutes

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6 fucking minutes
And we could all be dead.
The guys who want out to find others who didn't get my message and since they are returned, even if it is a minute early. And there telling us to lock down the building so if this doesn't work there is no escaping, there is no getting out and going somewhere else, somewhere where the radiation won't affect us. But we can't if this building locks down it won't open until the bomb radiation has leaked away then we can go outside and discover the damage caused, discover the buildings that have fallen down and discover if people, if innocent people have died. But that's only If we survive I guess. If I survive. Because if not it's going to be quite hard.
"Lock down, you sure everyone is here, I don't want to let innocence people die," Alex says and she looks at Winn,
"We knocked on each door, sent anyone we saw here immediately, and we came here with others, everyone we saw around the entire city and everyone who saw Lena's video has come here, and according to a scanner we have 4,398,126 people in this building and in the city there is 4,412, 062 but that's including dead people and umm aliens who can survive radiation like this" Winn says being his almost normal dorky self which is impossible for a situation like this, after all this might be normal to people who work here but I don't think the have ever dealt with a atomic bomb that is going to go off in 5 minutes 14 seconds, which we level the entire city killing everyone outside of this building which to these guys seem normal. But honestly these guys aren't normal. No one is normal. Especially these guys.
"5 minutes left" a voice says out loud and we all instantly turn to see the timer at 4:59 and going down each second feeling like it's getting shorter and shorter and shorter, and soon we are going to run out of time. I just want to see kara, I want her to see awake to be able to talk to her and hear her talk back to me, and I just want kara. That's all I want, but I can't get it, because she's laying in a medical bay on the verge of dying due to kryptonite gas, something that shouldn't be a thing but is, and I can't figure out a way to get it out of her system. This wasn't suppose to happen. But it has and I can't help but feel like it's my fault. And to be honest it could be, but I'm praying it's not, if it is what have I done? What have a I done?!? I could have killed kara. I could have hurt her. This entire thing could be my fault. Again. I screw up everything. I and my stupid family screw things up all the time. And I might have just gone and done it again. Again, seriously me. I like ahhh am annoyed at myself. We have 5 minutes. Okay now isn't the time to get annoyed at myself, we have 5 minutes till what could be the end. Millions of people are here at the moment, hustling together filling up all the under neath floors with certain areas blocked off, meaning there isn't a lot of space down there. Meaning if this fails countless lives will be lost. Now ain't the time to think about that, but it's terrifying. That thought of dying, that feeling of what have I done to help this world, nothing, yet but I can do something, but if I'm dead I'm just as pointless as a speak of dust. Which Bares no utter importance.
"Lena would you help" Alex asks snapping me out of my train of thoughts,
"Sure what do you need me to do," I ask,
"A few things, I need you to speak through this microphone to everyone, telling them that the building is going on lockdown and that I will switch all the lights on, then I need you to when I say press this button." Alex says showing me a big red button,
"Okay," I say and Alex looks pleased, and she passes me a microphone and turns it on,
"Hi everyone it's me lena again and I would just like to warn everyone that the building is going on lockdown so all windows will be closed, however using a master switch all the lights should turn on now" I say and all the lights around me turn on the moment I say it,
"Thank you" I say turning off the microphone, now it's time to actually put the building on lockdown,
"Everyone to your computers and put in your override code, when your done hand up," Alex says and everyone turns back to there computers typing away as fast as they can, soon everyone puts up there hands,
"Do it lena" Alex says and I slam my hand on the button and pull it off again, red lights start to flash, lockdown, lockdown, lockdown says a robotic voice, and we watch as the giant window gets closed up by a metal cover, the same material covers the inside of the building, and soon all the light in the building is simply created by the lightbulbs in the ceiling,
"3 minutes left" a voice says and we all look at the timer, 3 minutes left what are we going to do?

I love you but I just can't tell you everything (a supercorp fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now