The time of death

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•-Alex's point of view-•

"Kara stay with me" I yell as Kara goes into shock, she starts shaking around and I hold her down praying she will survive, I don't know what I will do if she doesn't, I don't know what the world will do without super girl, as in yes I know there's superman, and Wonder Woman, Batman, flash all of them and there good and all but I've seen it and I know it, super girl is stronger than superman, she defeated him, she is stronger, therefore it's going to be worse if she goes, I'm not even sure what to do anymore, what if she dies? What if I can't save her? What if? Well there are so many what ifs, what if this, what if that. What if she dies? And what if it's all my fault? Then what, I have to live with the pain and suffering that I somehow conflicted onto normal and innocent civilians. I look at the medical kits but nothing is helping, the only thing that can actually hurt Kara is krytponite, but there isn't any trace of the horrid solid in her body or any trace that she has been near it at all, so what could it be? What? Wait I've checked for solids but what about gases or liquids, as in Ive never seen kryptonite in any other form than solid so it's a wild guess, but if so it would explain why I couldn't pick up any trace of the solid. I grab another x ray machine designed for detecting gases or liquids and I hold it over Kara, I listen to the beep as it scans all over her body looking for traces of kryptonite in gas form. I find some in her chest, and s*** I can't believe it, this is what is poisoning her, this kryptonite gas, where did it come from, she must have saved someone and been exposed to it, but who, as in I have a pretty good guess of who made the kryptonite gas, Cadmus, but the problem is I don't know how to remove it, but I have an idea, but it may take work. I grab my jacket and wonder over to where Winn is messing around on a computer playing what looks like minecraft,
"Winn" I say and he jumps in surprise turns around and turns off minecraft,
"Yes, Alex umm," Winn says as I stare at him with the  seriously look in my eyes,
"I need you to help me get over to Earth 1" I say and Winn looks at me, Barry Allen, the flash lives on that earth, I've never met him, but Kara has, and that means I can trust him,
"Okay but why?" Winn asks, I don't have time to explain,
"Well simply I need Caitlin's help," I say and Winn just nods his head,
"I'll need to grab some things meet me downstairs in 40 minutes," Winn says as he gets up and wonders off so I just sit down in his chair, and reopen up minecraft, I start clicking placing magenta wool but each click reminds me of a heart beat, of Kara's slowing heartbeat, she has secrets, secrets she needs to share, she can't die now, she can't die ever, I have an idea, maybe Lena has been saved by Kara and knows where she is, knows what may of happened to her, I have about 30 minutes so I'm gonna go to L Corp and find her, I just don't know what her reaction will be, so I guess I have to brave it...

•~ Lena's point of view ~•

I sit in my desk chair swinging around fiddling a purple l Corp pen around each of my fingers, not bothering to do the stacks of paper work tacking up my desk, my mind has been too distracted by this Kara thing and it's making me confused, make me unfocused and my mind is wondering, my work isn't important not now, not with what I know, not with what I discovered, what my friend has hidden from me my entire life, and yes I've only known her for about 2 years but it feels like we've been friends forever, even thought I know we haven't, but this secret it hurts, not just knowing hers, but the secret I have, the secret I've never told anyone, and that is my secret feelings for her, the love that I have for her, and the love that I hope she has for me. I'm feeling tired because of last nights troubles, crying into my lap and thinking of what a terrible friend I've been, thinking of the fact that Kara has been lying to me and I can tell that something has been bugging her for the longest time but I never made it easy for her to come out, to tell me the fact that she is supergirl, the person who has saved me countless times and the person who and I can't believe I'm about to say this I love, I truly love her, I love Kara Danvers, supergirl, I love her so, so much. I have to find Alex maybe she can help me, show me where kara is, so I grab my phone and see about 20 miss calls from James, but I'm in no mood to answer them, I find Kara on contacts and press the ring button, I listen to the ringing, and it feels like it goes on for ages, and then the ringing stops and I feel like it's going to go start to voice mail that should say sorry Kara Danvers can't answer right now cause she's saving the world as supergirl, talk later, bye. But obviously it doesn't however I do get a hello, and it's from Alex
"Alex hi it's me Lena and I know that Kara is out and stuff but I want to know what's going on" I say and I hear a almost silent moment from the other end of the phone,
"Well umm fine but I'll have to meet you somewhere before hand because well it's an extremely private place meaning, I'll have to be there or else you will probably be shot so I'll meet you at the park in 30 minutes more or less, good bye Lena," she says and she hangs up the call without giving me the chance to say bye, I grab my bag and coat and walk out my office and off to the park.

I love you but I just can't tell you everything (a supercorp fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now