F. 12

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Or so I thought.

A could make out a figure standing before my eyes, but it was all a blur to me. Jaehyun, that jerk, I'm gonna kill him next time I see him...

"Yah, Yuna..."

That voice...

"Yuna, can you hear me?"



"Yah, you idiot, I'm still alive." I whisper-scream in an annoyed tone.

I hear him sighing.

"I knew I couldn't be this lucky..."

I feel my body being lifted from the ground. I try to open my eyes in order to see what's going on, but then I realize I'm being held in somebody's arms.

Wait a second...

My eyes go wide and I see Jimin looking ahead, carrying me in his arms. His body warmth was warming my cold numb frame. I coil shivering and his grip becomes tighter.

He stops for a second and the next thing I know is that I sit in a nice-smelling car.

The door is slammed shut and I flinch. The door from the driver's seat opens and Jimin enters the car. He starts the engine and begins to drive. I couldn't really watch what was going on. I was keeping my eyes closed. All I could feel was the nice scent. Mint. Mint and green tea. I was taking deep breaths in order to be able to smell it better.

Slowly, the dizziness starts to fade. I was able to open my eyes, without seeing blurred so I did.

The first thing I saw was Jimin's side profile while driving. And I had to admit, his side profile was so damn good-looking. His jaw-line looked so sharp. So well-defined. There was something about his allure that seemed fragile, slender in an artistic way. There was something about the way he looked that made me feel like I was watching art. Maybe I truly was. In the drab light, his skin looked so smooth, so perfect. His silvery hair was carelessly ruffled, but it looked so natural and beautiful that I found myself wondering again how smooth his hair can be.

"What happened to you?" he asks, acknowledging the fact that I had my eyes open now.

"Not your business." I answer.

If he finds out about the cuts on my arm, he'll know about the hospital as well and then he'll realize why Hobi has canceled their dance practices. And he'll blame me. He'll blame me for their loss.

But isn't that what you want? To be blamed?

Maybe I should tell him though. He has the right to know. And now that he saved me, I kind of owe it to him. I guess that's the right thing to do.

"No chance, you're telling me." He says.

I sigh.

"Later." I say, not being in the mood to be yelled at.

"Yuna, you fainted in open street, I need to know what happened to you before I worry hyung with this." He says with a serious tone.

He's right.

I roll my left sleeve, with my eyes closed. I knew that the bandage was surely soaked in blood. Still, I was scared to see it. I was scared to see how my cuts hadn't recovered yet.

For a second, I thought Jimin's not going to look at my arm, so I was ready to see myself how bad my state was. But I stop when I hear Jimin cursing under his breath.

That's when I actually realized that it's worse than I thought.

I open my eyes, without being able to hold back the urge to see it myself. I expect to see my white bandage soaked in blood. Except the bandage wasn't white anymore at all.

It was all crimson red.

And that's when I truly pass out.


I wake up in an unfamiliar place.

At first, all I could see were some blurred images and lights, dancing before my eyes. My head felt heavy and somehow, I felt like I'm gonna fall from whatever I was sitting now. Then I hear somebody cursing while walking somewhere behind me with angry steps.

The same voice.

"Ji-Jimin...?" I tried to ask, but my voice was so dry and weak.

The walking stops.

Then it turns into running.


In a second, Jimin stands before my eyes, and despite my dizziness, I could see in his eyes...


"Look, I'm sorry, but I have to leave you alone for five minutes. I can't seem to find my bandages anywhere." He says restlessly. "Will you be alright?"

I look for a second on the window and notice how the sun has set down a while ago.

"You won't find any pharmacy open at this hour." I whisper.

Despite the fact that I was in this shitty state, with my arm bleeding as if I'd been attacked by some freak, that's what was concerned me. Great.

"Don't worry about that." Jimin says slightly smiling. "I'll be back soon."

And with that, he leaves me alone.

I was laying on a black couch, my head resting on a fluffy pillow. It smelled like lavender. Weird, I tell myself. I was in a room that, considering by the coffee table and the nice sofa near it, was likely to be a living room. Is this Jimin's place?

If so, it looks pretty nice. I have never thought about it too much, but I'm a bit surprised. I guess I was expecting him to live in some fancy villa, with marble walls and fountains in the middle of the house. I don't know why, though. Maybe because he looks like some long lost prince...

Did you seriously just think that?

I mentally slap myself.

I look at my left arm. It was still covered in crimson red blood. I avert my gaze the next second, I don't like to see so much blood. Especially if it's mine.

I hear a door opening and I smirk to myself, realizing Jimin's back because I was right: there's no pharmacy open at this hour. I try to sit on the couch without feeling dizzy so I could shoot him that kind of superior glare.

"I told you there's nothing open at this hour." I say, without looking at Jimin.

Suddenly, the footsteps stop.

"Who are you?"

I freeze. I feel my mind going blank in a second and a cold shiver takes over my body. The feeling of uneasiness suddenly shuts me down and all I can think is...

That's not Jimin...

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