F. 41

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"I have no idea why you wanted to talk to me earlier tonight, but I have to talk to you now."

I don't even wait for an answer that I pull Jimin after me through the crowd, entering the main hall. I stop, realizing that I have no freaking idea where to go.

But Jimin steps forward, signaling me to follow him.

We climb some stairs, I count 4 floors and we reach a dark hallway. Where does he actually want to take me, for God's sake? I'm not here for a one-night stand. However, Jimin walks all the way to the last door and opens it, a cold wind brushing my skin. He steps to the left so I can be the first one to enter. It's like stepping into the darkness, then I see lights. Thousands. All around me. And that, combined with the cold and totally unfriendly wind and the sound of crowded streets made me realize we're on the rooftop.

"I see you wanna freeze me to death." I mutter.

"Don't worry, you'll be getting warm with me around." He smiles innocently and I roll my eyes.

His smile fades soon enough, making me realize we can start this conversation.

"There is something regarding the bet that we haven't... clarified." I begin and his lips press into a firm line.

I know he gets annoyed when I talk about the bet, for some reason, but this has bothered me for a while.

"What if... what if one of us cheats?" I ask and he raises an eyebrow. "I mean, what if I actually fall for you and I don't want to admit it?"

He takes a deep breath and turns his head to the left, admiring the city lights.

"When you fall for somebody, you don't really want to deny it." He simply says.

I look at him, remembering that day I ran to their practice room after I talked to my teacher. How desperate I was. And I wasn't faking it. I'm faking my inner peace now.

"Why did you leave for Busan?" I suddenly ask. "You said you wouldn't."

"I needed some time off." He answers.

I look at him carefully, trying to choose whether I believe him or not.

"Was it because of what happened a night before?" I ask, finally gathering my courage.

His eyes slightly widen and he looks at me with a spark of sadness.

"I don't know what you're talking about."


Disappointed but not surprised.

"Don't lie to me." I say making a step towards him.

"And how would it help you to know that?" he asks on an icy tone.

I open my mouth to answer on the same icy tone, but the words stop in my throat.

Because the idea that I had was wrong.

It was fake.

So I decide to be honest.

"I don't want to be the only one holding onto something like this." I say.

He sighs and ruffles his hair.

"Answer me." I insist.

"You're not, okay?" He finally says, with a spark of despair in his voice. "Yes, that's one of the reasons I left for Busan on Wednesday morning, you're right, miss Know-it-all, I can't stop thinking about the fact that I almost lost my mind with some girl that even has a boyfriend. Happy now?"

"It wasn't that." I say. "You don't give a damn about JungKook."

I look at him, waiting for him to fight me.

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