F. 47

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This can only be described as a 3 in 1 party. And two of us know of it just as a 2 in 1 party, which is basically part of the surprise.

It's the last day of the year and to be honest, I've slept almost 3 hours after lunch, thing that made my brother wake me up by stinging me with a fork, afraid that I might be dead. After that I spent about an hour on Skype, talking to Lola about the upcoming night and how she shouldn't pass by to do my make-up because Seulgi would. Not that I didn't want her to do my eyeliner with her talented hands. But Seulgi made me promise I would let her do my make-up ever since we decided to spend the New Year together.

But really, there were a lot of things going on tonight. It wasn't just a New Year's Eve party, it was also a birthday and a celebration party. That's why Jin oppa insisted that we have 3 cakes, getting some witty remarks from Yoongi who kept saying that he'll become the Sugar man if he eats from each of those. I don't mind any kind of sweet so I agreed with Taehyung's brother.

Speaking of which, he's the second part of the party: his birthday was yesterday but he's been gone all day in Daegu, to visit his relatives, so we didn't really get to celebrate.

And the third part of this night is about my best friend who managed to get the first place at the Producing Contest he attended a few days ago, with the help of Taehyung and Namjoon oppa. They helped him compose a song called "Euphoria" and the judges loved it. Now, he'll get the chance to pursue a career in music. His dad's facial expression when JungKook told him was priceless. He's finally beginning to understand the passion of his son and there's nothing that can make me happier than that. Mrs. Jeon is getting better and better, having a lot of chemotherapy sessions per week. I visited her a few times. She radiates happiness. And that makes JungKook happy as well. What was the hardest is gone now, we're heading towards light, she keeps saying.

Half an hour later, I find myself laughing at Seulgi's teasing remarks towards me and Jimin and how she had to cover a bad-behavior mark on my neck so Hoseok doesn't commit murder tonight.

"That boy is really playing with fire." Seulgi chuckles. "If Hoseok finds out about this, he's dead."

I laugh.

"And you're probably very lucky to be able to hide this mark so carelessly." She sighs. "I feel like I'm more scared for the two of you than you are, which- I guess- it's okay, because basically, you're not in the right state of mind. Somebody has to worry for you as well."

"Hoseok agreed to this." I chuckle.

"He did." Seulgi smiles. "But I don't think he was also referring to Jimin turning into a hormonal teenager whenever he's around you."

I have to cover my mouth so Hobi can't hear me laughing. Seulgi smiles.

"I'm so happy for you." She says, applying some red tint on my lips. "You seem so much happier than you were when we met a month ago. Both of you do."

Her smile wavers and I look at her wondering what she's thinking about.

"Is anything wrong?" I ask and she stops her movements, turning her gaze towards my eyes.

She shakes her head smiling. I don't know how genuine that is.

"No." She says. "I was just thinking about the party."

So I let it go.

The funniest part of our plan is that I assigned JungKook to get Taehyung to the local, starting small talks so they can be a bit late, meanwhile Jimin asked Taehyung the exact same thing with Kookie.

That's why, when they enter the local that Jin booked once again, both of them start clapping like everybody else, looking happily at each other, both of them thinking they've accomplished their mission of taking part in the other's surprise party. It's just the moment they realize they're clapping for each other when they figure out they're missing out something.

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