F. 19

59 10 14

Yuna's perspective

"Hey, unnie, are you alright?"

I try to give Danbi a convincing smile. But I fail.

"Yeah." I lie.

This is the second night in a row I had terrible nightmares therefore I could barely sleep. I had worst times. I had times when I wouldn't sleep for more than two or three hours per night for more than a month. But right now, I feel I'm gonna crash. I'm not doing anything exhausting, yet I'm feeling tired.

Worthless idiot, you can't even rest without getting tired...

"You don't look alright to me though." Danbi says. "What happened?"

"I couldn't really sleep, nothing important." I wave it off.

"Can I ask you something?"

I look at her wondering what she has to ask me. But I don't know her well enough to guess what she wants to find out from me.

"Go ahead." I demand.

"Why aren't you and JungKook oppa hanging around together?" she asks and I feel my body going cold.

I tried my best to avoid him today. That's why I didn't even see him that much. If we haven't accidentally run into each other earlier in the main hall, I wouldn't even know he's at school. He didn't pick up my call yesterday, thing that was enough for me to understand that he really doesn't want to talk to me right now.

And all I can do is respecting his decision. I've already done enough and one step closer would be worse so I guess waiting it's the best thing that I can do. Even though it hurts, I have to. I have no idea how long it's gonna last, I have no idea whether he'll never talk to me again or he'll call me tomorrow. I wish I knew. But I truly don't. Because this is the first time a thing like this happens.

"Both of us are pretty busy." I say, shrugging.

Danbi doesn't look convinced, but doesn't push further.

"Would you like to eat lunch with me tomorrow?" she asks, taking me aback.

I stop in my tracks and look at her in disbelief. No girl has ever asked me to eat lunch with her. I guess that's because most of the girls I've ever met hated me. I've never really had a girl as a friend. Actually, I barely had any friends anyway.

"Uhm... Yeah, I guess?" I say a bit unsure.

"Nobody really wants to hang out with me lately anyway." She says looking down and I can't help but feel a bit bad for her, because I know exactly how it feels like.

"I'll go with you. It will be nice, I guess." I say, trying to give her a reassuring smile.

She looks at me with wide eyes as if she didn't believe that I'd hang out with her. Her blonde hair was braided in a pretty way, which was giving her an even lovelier aura. How can she be so naturally cute? I'm naturally horrible.

"Kamsahamnida, unnie!" She says, giving me a bright smile.


I was lying in my bed while listening to music, trying to calm myself down, trying to clear my mind in order to be able to write that essay. Friday was the last day I could hand it in and I had nothing more than 4 lines written.

The more I was thinking about it, the more it was stressing me out. No matter how many songs I would've listened to, none of them could sooth my noisy mind. More than this, now I felt even more annoyed that I wasted time listening to music when I could've tried to write something more.

With a heavy sigh, I remove the headphones from ears. Ruffling my hair, I try to sit even though a nap would've been awesome. I open my eyes.

And I'm about to scream.

"What the actual freak are you doing here?" I ask and Jimin starts to laugh.

That's pretty, I can't help but think. His laugh, that... that sounds nice.

He was leaning to the wall in front of my bed, arms crossed over his chest. There was something in his posture that made me understand he'd been there for a while. Why didn't he say anything? He's just stayed there, staring at me? Ugh, freak...

Such an attractive freak, though...

Seriously, what the hell?

"Your brother called you for dinner but you weren't answering so I told him I would go to see what are you doing." He explains himself as I get up.

"And you decided it would be a great idea if you simply stayed there, staring at me like a lunatic, okay." I say, leaving my room.

"Hahaha, no. I thought you were sleeping and I didn't want to wake you up." he says, following me on my way to the kitchen.

I was about to throw him another witty remark, but we reach the kitchen and Hobi interrupts me.

"Yunie-ah, are you alright?" he asks concerned.

"Yeah, I was just listening to music." I explain myself and my brother's expression seems to relax.

Just then I notice Taehyung sitting at the table in the corner of the room.

"Taehyung!" I beam, going towards him.

He gives me one of his boxy smiles and stands up to hug me. I hear Jimin muttering something similar to "little traitor" in the back but I ignore him. It's weird how even though I met Taehyung just two days ago, I feel so good with him around. Maybe that tea had some weird effect on me. All I know is that he's a nice human. He's a new person to me, a person I can't screw things up with. Not yet. And I guess, that's what lets me be so happy around him.

"I'm glad to see you" I say looking at Taehyung. "but why are you guys here?"

"Well, hyung invited Jimin over and I invited myself alongside him." Taehyung laughs. "But I have something to tell you, actually."

My brother and I look at him with a curious look, meanwhile Jimin looked like he already knew what Taehyung was about to say.

"I want to invite you to my hyung's birthday next week. It will be really nice if you come." Taehyung sweetly says.

I look at Taehyung in bewilderment.

"It's Jin hyung's birthday, right?" I hear my brother asking most probably with a smile plastered on his face.

"Ne. He's throwing this fancy party for his birthday this year. I guess it would be lovely to have the right people there, at least." Taehyung answers.

That's a lot to take in. Taehyung has a brother? And his birthday is next week? And I'm invited?


"Do you think it's alright to invite us? Or at least me, because I see oppa knows your brother already..." I shyly ask and Hobi gives me a warm smile while Taehyung chuckles.

"I'm inviting my friends so Jin hyung's party won't be horrible gathering of fancy and arrogant people. In plus, my brother wants me to do so as well. C'mon, it will be fun!" he encourages me.

I hope so.

"Thank you for inviting us." I kindly say and Taehyung flashes a warm smile.

For a second, I meet Jimin's eyes. In that instant I knew something was wrong about this party. In that instant, my heart stopped, full of some kind of strange anticipation. The way he was looking at me made me feel like he actually wouldn't have wanted me to be there, like there was something truly off about this invitation, about this party... But what could that be? Why shouldn't I go?

What I didn't know was that I was soon to find out exactly why.

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