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I decided to publish another chapter because I just felt like it lol! 😂😂😂😂😂😂

Here you go🙃
We walked all night, it's about seven in the morning now. Alec suddenly stops. "Why'd you stop Alec?" Magnus asks.
"We've been walking for hours, with some strange girl we just met at Starbucks, we don't even know where she's taking us! Isn't this...I don't know...a little suspicious?!" Alec asks.
"She's trying to help us out, we should just go with it," Magnus says.
"Whatever you say," Alec says.
"If you didn't know, I'm actually not deaf! And I can hear everything you're saying about me!" I say. "And, by the way, if I wanted to kill you all I would've done it back in the woods wouldn't I?" Izzy looks at Simon, Simon shrugs. "Now, i believe this is over," I say. "Let's keep going," i say.

We arrive to the manor. "We're here," I say.
"Wow, is this place yours?"Magnus asks.
"Ummmmmm, you could say that," I say. I then force the door open. "And now we're in," I say.

"Did she just force that door open?" Izzy asks.
"Ummm, I would say so," I say. We walk into the house and it was empty.
"There are a few rags upstairs we can use," Clary says, Izzy cuts her off.
"There are no beds?" She asks.
"Usually when you break into a house it doesn't come fully furnished," Clary explains. She then walks up the stairs to get the blankets
"Can someone tell me, what the hell am I doing here?!" Simon asks. "Jace...what happened back at your house?!" Simon asks.
"Simon, it shouldn't matter what happened," I say. It actually should matter, but i can't go through all of that again.
"It shouldn't matter?!"Simon asks. "I don't know what my girlfriends brother did but I'm so glad I'm stuck out here in the middle of no where in some random house, that is great!" Simon says.
"Look, if you didn't want to come, you did not have to!" I say in annoyance.
"Are you aware of the words coming out of your mouth?!" Simon asks as he walks towards me. "Everyone is screaming and hollering to run! What am I going to do?! Sit there and act like an idiot?!" Simon asks.
"Look Simon, I think you're taking this a little too-,"
"Why don't you shut up! I think I've had enough of you! That's what got us out here wasn't it?!" Simon asks. "Jace! You need to tell me right now or I am leaving and going to the police!" Simon says angrily. I turn around and start heading outside. "There you go Jace, just run away from all your problems like you always do!" Simon says angrily. I stop dead in my tracks.
"Hey! Simon that was uncalled for!" Izzy says.
"Hey!" I say and turn around. "You wanna know why we're in some house in the middle of no where?!" I ask. "Because Kaelie is dead! That's why!" I say angrily.
"You killed Kaelie?" Simon asks.
"No i didn't kill Kaelie! She got in my closet and she was acting really stupid with the gun and...then she shot herself.... I told her it was a real gun! I warned her it was a real gun! I tried everything! There Simon! Are you happy?!"I ask angrily.
"Look, I didn't know how bad It was....I'm sorry," Simon says.
"Yeah, whatever," I say. "That gun was mine, this is the only're either with me or you're not, you make the decision, and that goes for all of you! You make your decisions now!" I yell as I step back.
"I'm with you," Alec says.
"As am I," Magnus says.
"Well....It's nice to know some people are with me." I say.
"I'm also with you, Mate," Kyle says.
"I'm with you," Simon says.
"So am i," Izzy says. Clary comes down stairs.
"I got the blankets..." She says.

Everyone was sleeping on the floor. Clary and I were next to each other. "Hey, Clary? I just wanted to thank you for helping me get away," I whisper.
"'s no problem really," I could barley see, but I swear that if the lights were on, clary would be blushing.
"I don't know how long I would've been in jail if they would've found really saved my life and uh....I'm really thankful for that so..." I whisper. Clary looks up at me, and I could make out her figure, and her green eyes. She leans towards me and kisses me. I gasp quietly. Clary then pulls away. "Is there any place we could be alone?" I ask.
"Well, upstairs...but, the floor boards creak," Clary explains. "We might wake them up,"
"Trust me, if we wake them it's worth it," I whisper. Clary giggles quietly.
"Well, let's go," she says. I follow her upstairs we walk into a room. "Sorry about the dust, I haven't been up here in a while..." Clary explains.
"Dust doesn't bother me," I say as I kiss Clary. I then pick her up and put her on the bed.

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