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"We Lost everything in the fire, except my backpack, we need to go and get more things,"
"We Can all go, we should probably stick together," Jace says.
"I want to stay here...I just want to be alone," I say.
"Ok," Clary says. Everyone walks out the door. I start looking around the house, I walk around to look for something. I open a covert and find rope. Tears stream down my cheeks. I tie the rope to a hook meant for a light or something. I tie it and grab an old chair. I put it under the hook and stand up on the chair. Tears keep streaming down my face. I love you Magnus. And I need to be with you. I tie the rope around my neck tightly already making it hard to breathe. I then tip the chair. I choke for a moment, but then I fall in blissful darkness.

"Alec....what are you doing here?" I hear Magnus's voice.
"Magnus...I need you, I know you might hate me for this, but there's no point to life without you,"
"Oh Alec," I then feel Magnus's warmth. I hug him back.
"I love you,"
"I love you too,"
I walk into the house. I then stop suddenly as I see it. Jace and Jonathan also stop. A tear falls down Jace's cheek. "Alec?" He mumbles, his voice was so heartbreakingly sad. We walk up to him, Jonathan gets Alec down.
"Next to Magnus?" I ask. Jace nods as another tear falls. "Can you get him in the truck?" I ask Jonathan. Jonathan nods. I grab Jace's hand and tug him towards me.
"This is all my fault," Jace says.
"No! Jace you can't, you can't say that!" I say. "I can't loose you, you hear me?! We already lost so many people I won't loose you!" I say. "Please Jace! Stay sane for me," I say as I touch his nose with mine. I kiss his lips softly. "Please Jace," i whisper.
"Ok, ok, let's just go," He says as he kisses me again. We get into the car and go back to Magnus's grave. I carve Alec's grave stone while they dig up a grave for him. I put the gravestone in front of the hole. The boys then put Alec into his grave gently. Jace hugs Alec one last time and we all burry Alec. Jace then sits down on the grave and cries silently. Jonathan goes to the car. I then sit down next to Jace. "He's gone..."Jace whispers. "He's my best friend and he's......he's gone....Clary......all of my friends are dead, Except Izzy and Simon, and god knows if they're ok! God dammit this is all of Kaelie's fault! If she didn't play with that stupid gun....." Jace breaks down crying. I pull Jace into my arms and kiss his blonde head.

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