Finale 2.0

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Hey! I know you hate me right now, but I wanted to tell you all that I'm not THAT evil! Ok?! Here's the LAST chapter...
Future me: so I was planning to have you freak out until tomorrow, but all of you want to kill me,(especially a certain Panda444444 ) I'm about to fall off the cliff if I don't do something, so even though I promised myself that i would wait until tomorrow....I'm just gonna have to break it....

So, here it is

Don't kill me!
~Three Months Later~
It's December 3, 2018. It was snowing outside. I was eating carrots for the millionth time this week. Jace was sitting on the floor wrapped in a blanket. He looked absolutely adorable. "Can you Give me the blanket now?! It's my turn with it!" Jonathan says.
"It's December, if I take off the blanket I'll freeze!" Jace says.
"And I haven't had time with the blanket all day I am freezing!" Jonathan says. I sigh.
"Will you stop fighting please?" I ask. Then I hear a noise outside. "What was that?" I ask. "I think somebody's outside!" I say worriedly.
"I doubt someone's outside," Jonathan says. He goes to the window and looks out the window. "I don't see-," then all of a sudden a gun fires and shoots Jonathan's head.
"Oh my god,"Jace says. I grab my two guns and give one to Jace.
"You ready?" I ask. He nods. I get ready to shoot anyone who comes inside.

This is the Brooklyn Police, come out with your hands up,

I turn towards Jace. "There's no way we can shoot the police force..." Jace says. All of a sudden, everything crashes down on me. What our only option is.
"We're trapped," I whisper. "There's no way out except..." I look down at the gun. Tears run down my face. "I don't want to do it," I cry as I hug Jace.
"Me neither..." Jace whispers.
"I'm pregnant," I whisper. Jace pulls away and looks at me.
"Are you serious?" He asks. I nod Sadly, tears running down my face. "Oh god," Jace cries harder.

He then shakes his head. "No," he says.
"What?" I ask in tears. He slaps the gun out of my hand and throws his gun across the room.
"I said no! We've ran too much....jail sucks....but I'm not going to kill you...or my child...we'll be in there for a long time...maybe even for life....but I'm not shooting you," He says.
"Okay..." I whisper. He grabs my face and kisses me again. He grabs my hand and we walk out of the abandoned building with our hands up. I hear the clicking of guns. They're going to shoot us... Jace then pulls me behind him.
"Please don't.." He says.
"Sir! You have the right to remain silent anything you say or do can and will be used against you!" A police officer says. I look over Jace's shoulder and see Luke.
"Luke?" I ask.
"I'm not Luke, I'm Officer Garroway," Luke says.
"Luke..." I say again.
"Jace Herondale, you are under Arrest for the murder of Kaelie Whitewillow,"Luke says as he violently grabs Jace and cuffs him.
"NO! He's innocent!" I say as I try to go up to Jace and Luke. But police officers hold me back.
"Clarissa Fray, you're also under arrest," Another Officer says as he grips me roughly and cuffs me.
"Don't hurt her!" Jace says as he moves towards me, he's pulled back by three officers including Luke. The cops then squish me into a cop car.
"Is there anyone else inside?!" A cop asks.
"The Guy you shot dead," I say as I slouch down.

It's been three months since I've been arrested, the trial was today. They found out I was pregnant, I'm now six and a half months pregnant. I thought I would have to avoid all the prisoners in jail so I don't get beaten up. But being pregnant actually made all the prisoners respect me. They gave me some of their limited food and water as they tried to calm me down, they would tell me that I would be fine, and that just because I haven't herd from Jace that he would be fine. I got no pity from the officers though. They would roughly shove me wherever I had to go. They got a doctor in to examine my baby and make sure it was ok, the female officers would also say how selfish I was for not wanting an abortion, how I would bring a child into the foster system. The worst thing is that they would do it while they shoved me from place to place. And now, six months pregnant I get shoved into a court room. Luke comes up to me. "I can't believe you Clary," Luke says.
"I thought you would help me Luke....Jace and I didn't kill that girl and run away!" I say.
"Clary, tagging walls is one thing, shooting someone and running off is a totally different thing!"
"I know it is! But Jace didn't shoot anyone!" The judge sits down and hits the gavel. I look towards the door and see Jace. He was cleaner than when I last saw him, and he was more muscular. He saw me and my stomach and he tried to walk towards me, but the officers held him back. They then sat us down side by side. Kaelie's parents where next to us. They looked at us in pure disgust.
"Please rise. The Court of the Second Judicial Circuit, Criminal Division, is now in session, the Honorable Judge Millard's presiding." The Bailiff says. The judge enters the room. She had black hair and she sat down on the judge chair.
"Everyone but the jury may be seated" the judge says. "Jace Herondale, you are being charged for the murder of Kaelie Whitewillow," Judge Millard says. "and Clary Fray, you are being charged for being the accomplice of Jace Herondale. Trial is in session, the accusers speak first,"
"Your honor, my client's daughter Kaelie Whitewillow was murdered at 9:48 pm on a Friday by these to criminals, the evidence is all there, the gun belongs to Jace Herondale, so does the house, he also ran away with Clarissa Fray right after she got shot! I infer because they are guilty!"
"The accused speaks," The judge says.
"Your honor," Jace says as he stands up. "I did not shoot Kaelie, yes, it was my gun and my house, yes i did run away after she got shot, and yes, i was right next to her when she died but-,"
"The accuser has confessed to the crime,"
"Let him finish!" The judge says.
"But I didn't shoot Kaelie, I was scared and confused, And Clary was next to me, so we ran away, Clary shot herself at the party!"
"Jace Herondale, the autopsy says she was shot, your story doesn't fit," Judge Millard says. "Jace Herondale and Clarissa Fray, I find you both-," she gets caught off by someone running up to the judge and whispers something in her ear. "Innocent!" The judge says.
"Your honor!" The attorney says.
"It has been found that there were wittinesses to Jace Herondales story, another autopsy has been done, Kaelie Whitewillow did indeed shoot herself, Therefore Clarissa Fray and Jace Herondale are both innocent and free to leave," Jace and I were pulled away from each other before we could do anything. I got old clothes since my clothes didn't fit anymore. I called him to meet me at a park right when I got out. I stand there in the park waiting for Jace. I then see him run towards me. I open my arms and I hug him tightly.
"Oh my god!" I say as I hug him, tears flowing down my cheeks.
"Are you ok?" Jace asks as he looks at me and touched me as if feeling for a wound.
"I'm fine," I say.
"You're so....big,"He says. I wipe my cheeks.
"Yeah....I'm Six and a half months pregnant," I say. Jace kisses me roughly as I say that. I kiss him back.

We had to live in the house where Kaelie got shot, but Jace and I kept working hard in our jobs, I got a job for marketing, my jail sentences actually helped me get the job since they saw my tagging skills. Jace and I got enough money together to get the hell out of Brooklyn and move to Denver, Colorado, it's apparently the best place to raise a child, when we got to our new house I was extremely pregnant, I was eight months Pregnant, I was jobless when we got to the new house, Jace was still working, but I was about to give birth and I would need to take care of the baby for a while.

      Jace has been treating me like a princess since we got back together after we were put in jail

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Jace has been treating me like a princess since we got back together after we were put in jail. I sigh as I collapse into bed, Jace was next to me, half asleep. Jace and I also got married, we did it in our casual clothes with no witnesses since my parents still hate me. So I'm not Clarissa Fray, I'm Clarissa Herondale.
"Have you thought of a name yet?" I ask Jace.
"Hmmmm, well, it's a girl," Jace mumbles. Jace and I couldn't wait to know the gender of our baby, turned out it was a girl. "How about Alice?" Jace asks.

"Why Alice?"

"Because barley anyone is named Alice, plus i've Always wanted to have a baby girl named Alice," Jace says as he falls asleep. Alice.


I take a picture as Alice blows out her candles.

   Alice had blonde hair and green eyes

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Alice had blonde hair and green eyes. Jace then picks her up before she can do anything. Alice screams in delight as her father carries her around the room "Daddy No!" Alice giggles.

"Why not Alice Baby?" Jace asks as he kisses her cheek. Alice giggles. Alice is one year old now, and I was pregnant again with a set of twins now. I sigh as I walk towards them. Alice is a daddy's girl, she adores Jace.

"C'mere," Jace says as he pulls me into a hug with Alice. Jace sighs as he kisses Alice's nose and puts her down. "I love you, both of you," Jace then kisses me, I kiss him back. "And of course you two too," Jace says as he kisses my stomach. I grin and hug Jace. Completely happy with how our life turned out.

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