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If you haven't notice the tittle is referring to Jace....❤️❤️❤️
Gunshots fire from upstairs. "GET DOWN!" I yell as I drop down, everyone else follows. A boy with platinum blonde hair comes down the stairs. A guy with black hair was on his left and a girl with black hair was on his right.
"Who are you?" The platinum boy asks.
"It doesn't matter who I am, all that matters is that me and my friends are staying here, so you should leave!" I say. The black haired girl laughs.
"As if we're going to listen to you," she says. I glare at the girl.
"I'd like to inform you that this is my hide out." The platinum boy says.
"Well I'd like to inform you too that this is my hide out, along with my friends," I say. "And, from what I see, we out number you, so really think what you're saying to me," I say.
"Mhm...." the platinum boy says. "Last time i checked this isn't our house, but to be fair it isn't your house can we room with you?"
"What?!" The Black haired girl asks.
"I know who you are.."
"You do?" The platinum boy asks.
"Yes, the black haired boy next to you, he's been arrested for drug use and drug possession, and the other one on your left, you probably got her on your way here," I say with a smirk. The girl glares at me.
" know your stuff no name, I don't know about you, but now that we're acquainted, I'm going to put my gun down," The boy says.
"What?! I thought our plan was to kill everyone?!" The black haired girl says.
"Well it seems our plans have changed," The platinum boy says.
"Not if I can help it!" The girl then takes the gun and points it at me. "Time to meet your doom Red head" Jace moves upwards, as if he were to push me out of the way.
"You! Don't even think about moving or I'll shoot more holes in you than a spaghetti strainer," my stomach contracts at the thought of Jace getting hurt.
"Jace Listen to her," I say.
"Yeah Jace, Listen to me" The black haired girl says.
"So, are you going to shoot me and get this over with?" I ask.
"Well if you insist." The girl starts to get ready to shoot.
"Aline, no!" The platinum boy says. "We only have four shells left, don't waste our amo!" The platinum boy says.
"Fine," Aline then drops the gun. I drop the gun too.
"Well, now That I'm not going to get shot, would you like to tell me your name?" The platinum boy asks.
"Uh, no!" I say. Everyone gets up.
"Hello, my names Jonathan, but I go by Jon," The platinum boy says. "This is aline, and that's Sebastian," Jonathan says. I then notice the bag.
"What's In the bag?" I ask.
"We're getting out of the drug business, so we came to celebrate and hide out for a bit," Jon says. "It's Alcohol,"
"Is there anywhere to sleep?" Aline asks.
"Well, we have blankets but you'll have the comfort of sleeping on the floor! How exciting right!" I say.
"Well, I've had enough tackiness for today! I'm going to go sleep and i want a less tacky day tomorrow! Thank you!" Magnus says. Magnus and Alec go and sleep close together, and so do Izzy and Simon. Kyle disposed of the fire.
"Hey...i know you!" Jon says to Jace. "You're the guy on the posters," Jon says.
"What posters?" Jace ask.
"The wanted posters," They're all over town, you've been on the news like three times," Jon says.
"What?!" I ask as I look at Jace.
"Why are they saying this?!"
"They're saying you killed some girl,"
"I Didn't kill her! It was an accident!" Jace says. "I shouldn't have to explain myself to you anyways!"
"Jeeze dude, Calm down," Jon says.
"I'm going to sleep," Jace says.
"Uh, ok, goodnight!" I say as Jace walks away.
"This is stupid!" Aline says and lays on the floor.
"Where Can i leave the drinks without your people getting into them?" Sebastian asks.
"My people have more important things to worry about than getting wasted, leave them wherever you want I say.
"Alright," Sebastian says and puts them on the counter. Jonathan and Sebastian then lie down.
"Clary," I turn around and see Jace. "I you a blanket... I uh......I don't know if you wanted to sleep next to me. " Jace says. I couldn't help my heart from warming up, the way he said it was really cute, not that I would ever admit to that out loud.
"Yeah, yes sure," I say and then help set up the blanket. I lay down next to Jace. "Goodnight Jace."
"Goodnight,"Jace says. And then we both fall asleep.

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