You have to be safe

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I wake up and feel an arm thrown over my body. I move tiredly and see Jace, who was still asleep. He then shuffled around and pulls me towards him, burying his head into my neck. I gasp lightly but keep still. I look around while Jace's face was barried into my neck. I see Jonathan sitting at the island in the kitchen. He stands up. "Sebastian and Aline left," He says.
"They did?" I ask. Jonathan nods. Then, a knock at the door makes me jump, waking Jace up. The knock was hard, it shook the whole house.
"WHO'S IN THERE?! We know someone's inside! Show yourselves!" Someone says from behind the door. We all get up quickly. "The police are on their way to arrest you! Show yourselves!"
"We have to go!" I hiss.
"But where?! How?" Izzy asks.
"Window!" I open the window and slip out. Everyone else also slips out. I see a small
Car that could only fit six people, seven if we crammed in, and then a motorcycle for two.
"We have to go!" I whisper. The keys for the car and motorcycle were in the kitchen cabinet. I climb back into the window. The money! I can go and get the money! I grab the keys.
"I AM KICKING THIS DOOR OPEN!" The door starts to get kicked, it was about to fly off it's hinges, I dove out the window.
"See if they work!" I say, Jonathan goes into the drivers seat and turns on the engine. Simon turns the motorbike's engine on.
"You have to go! Simon, Izzy, you have to go! Please, no one knows you were at the party. you can say that you went on a vacation and lost your phones or something, you have to leave!" Alec says.
"But i can't leave you and Jace!" Izzy says. Simon puts Izzy her helmet.
"Izzy, you need to be safe, this is too dangerous, we need you to live on! You have to live on, plus you're the youngest, you have more to live for, and Simon, take care of Izzy," Alec says. Simon nods and starts the engine. They then zoom out of there as fast as they could. At least two people were safe.
"Move!" I whisper yell. Jordan gets in the passenger. Alec and Magnus in the back, and so does jace. I then get on Jace's lap and close the door. "Drive!" I tell Jonathan. He steps on the gas peddle and we drive away. I then notice that i was on Jace's lap, but I couldn't move because there wasn't anywhere else I could move.
"Where are we going?" Jon asks.
"I don't know! Where else can we hide out?!"
"Uh....Um.....there's a warehouse, it's abandoned, no one goes there anymore, we can go there," Jonathan says.
"Alright, let's go," i say. Jonathan then makes the car go faster, the road we were in didn't have a speed limit, so we easily went through it. We arrive at a small warehouse. We go inside and hide the car in the woods behind the warehouse. We go into the warehouse and get ourselves situated.

Do you think kicking Sizzy out was the right choice?

Do you think the cops will find them and arrest them? Or will they move on with their lives?

If you could who would you have sent in that motorcycle?

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