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I was on the couch, we're close to town so we can't risk going outside. We've been inside bored and hiding out. We are running out of food and water, and we'll have to go out eventually. "Ok, so who goes out?"Jace asks.
"I'll go, I'll be quick," I say. Jace looks at me with worry.
"I think you forgot one key detail Biscuit.....we have no money," Magnus says.
"It's called stealing Magnus!" I say.
"Biscuit, you'll get caught,"
"No i won't, watch me," I say. I walk out of the warehouse without another word. I start walking away. Someone then grabs my shirt and pulls me back into the warehouse. It was Jace.
"Hey, Listen to me, please, don't be reckless, be careful, need to get out of there alive," Jace says. He was so close to me, I shivered at how close we were. "Come back before tomorrow...if you're not here by then, I'm going out to look for you ok," Jace says. I nod, my insides flipped as he looked at me. He closes the door, and I start walking away. It's September 2, 2018, it just rained and the humidity is at its fullest. I was still wearing the clothes I was when the party happened. I walk inside the supermarket. I grab a bunch of food, water, tampons (for me) which is why I wanted to come, since Izzy is gone I'm the only girl, and I'm not asking Jonathan or Alec to get me tampons, I haven't had my period in a while which is why I need it. It should come in a few days. The pregnancy test shelf catches my eye. I then quickly just put four tests in the basket....just in case. I grab some random clothes and underwear. I then grab some goggles that they had in the clearance section. I 'bump' into a guy and drop the goggles into his backpack.
"Hey! Watch where you're going!" He says and leaves the store. The alarm goes off and people grab the guy. They shut off the alarm and I innocently go out before they put the alarm back on. I roll the cart back to the warehouse. I open the warehouse door and walk in with the cart.
"There, that should last us some time," I say. I grab the food and give them to the guys. They start eating, while they're distracted I grab the tampons and put them in a backpack I got. I also put the pregnancy tests. It has been a few weeks, I know I'm not, i can't be, not now especially. I put in the underwear i bought for myself, the toothpaste, toothbrush, deodorant and small shampoo bottle. I sigh and zip up the backpack.i then go back to the cart. "We can't be wearing the same clothes, it's an easy look and know, and also hygiene problems," I say and toss them all some clothes. "Here's a few bottles of shampoo, deodorant, toothbrushes, toothpaste," I say as I give them their hygienic things. "," I say giving Alec the pack of boxers I bought them. "Split then among yourselves," I say. "It's one size fits all," I say and walk to the back of the warehouse. The warehouse is small but there are shelves and empty boxes to cover me while I change. As I put on the clothes I regret grabbing random things. I had black fingerless gloves, with a black beanie a black long sleeve crop top with leather pants, my converse and a leather jacket with a hidden pocket to keep my gun in. It looked really provocative.

JACE POV     Jonathan slips out of his shirt and puts on the one Clary bought

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Jonathan slips out of his shirt and puts on the one Clary bought. All the clothes are black, except Jonathans shirts, which is good since winter is near.

     Jonathan puts on his fallen angel shirt

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Jonathan puts on his fallen angel shirt. "What? Are you just going to stare at me? Don't tell me you're all gay," Jonathan says.
"Oh please! Just because I'm Bi doesn't mean mean I'll go for someone tacky like you!" Magnus says. He slides off his formal jacket and unbuttons his shirt and puts on the low v-neck shirt. I slide off my shirt and put on a black shirt. Alec and Kyle also take off their shirts and put on the shirts Clary bought. Jonathan slips out of his pants. He had grey boxers on, i slip out of my jeans and slip my black boxers off and put on the white ones, I then put on the new jeans. Everyone else does the same thing. Jonathan then lies down and puts his hand behind his head. everyone else also lies on the floor. I hear Clary walk towards us. I start preparing a plate of food for her. I glance up at her, and then look back up at her. My jaw drops.

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