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I'll tell you when to play the music....I recommend playing it btw, replay if you have to,
And remember to scroll ALL the way down!
Oh! And by the end of this chapter Panda444444 , tell me, would you still have rather Sizzy escape?
~Three Months Later~
It's December 3, 2018. It was snowing outside. I was eating carrots for the millionth time this week. Jace was sitting on the floor wrapped in a blanket. He looked absolutely adorable. "Can you Give me the blanket now?! It's my turn with it!" Jonathan says.
"It's December, if I take off the blanket I'll freeze!" Jace says.
"And I haven't had time with the blanket all day I am freezing!" Jonathan says. I sigh.
"Will you stop fighting please?" I ask. Then I hear a noise outside. "What was that?" I ask. "I think somebody's outside!" I say worriedly.
"I doubt someone's outside," Jonathan says. He goes to the window and looks out the window. "I don't see-," then all of a sudden a gun fires and shoots Jonathan's head.
"Oh my god,"Jace says. I grab my two guns and give one to Jace.
"You ready?" I ask. He nods. I get ready to shoot anyone who comes inside.

This is the Brooklyn Police, come out with your hands up,

Play the music,

I turn towards Jace. "There's no way we can shoot the police force..." Jace says. All of a sudden, everything crashes down on me. What our only option is.
"We're trapped," I whisper. "There's no way out except..." I look down at the gun. Tears run down my face. "I don't want to do it," I cry as I hug Jace.
"Me neither..." Jace whispers.
"I'm pregnant," I whisper. Jace pulls away and looks at me.
"Are you serious?" He asks. I nod Sadly, tears running down my face. "Oh god," Jace cries harder. "Why does it have to end like this?" Jace asks.
"I'm sorry Jace," I cry. "I love you, i love you so much....and i can't....I can't imagine a life without you," I cry as I lean into Jace.
"Oh Clary.....I love you too....I love you so much....and if I could do it all over again.....well....I would cut out Kaelie dying....but other than that, I would do this all over again...." Jace says. I pick up the gun.
"We have to do this," I whisper. The police kept saying the same line in the background of our moment. "I wish we had more time together.....but we don't," I say.
"God Clary... I don't know if I can do this....shoot you and our child?" Jace asks while tears pour down our faces.
"Jace, I sure as hell don't want to shoot you either, but we have to," I whisper. Jace and i take in a deep breath. "I love you Jace," I whisper while tears flooded down my cheeks.
"I love you too Clary," He whispers.
"On three?" I ask, Jace nods.
"One," I say.
"two," He says.
"Three" we both say at the same time, and then we shoot.

As Clary and Jace's shots were fired the police broke down the door and came into the house. The cops found the three bodies and took them out of the house.

The Brooklyn six: After the Autopsy on Kaelie was complete, the police figured out that Kaelie had shot herself, when this went on the news it went viral, detectives and conspiracy theorists trying to figure out why the Brooklyn six ran off from the party as if they were guilty. When the bodies and other items (like clary's gun, or Jace's blanket, or Alec's rope) were retreved, they were put in modern history museums.

 When the bodies and other items (like clary's gun, or Jace's blanket, or Alec's rope) were retreved, they were put in modern history museums

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