Ashes, Ashes, we all fall DOWN

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*If you haven't already Please go read the last chapter "changing" thank you!
Clary had leather skin tight pants with a black hoodie, black leather jacket with a black crop top. "Uh, here's some foo-," I get interrupted by Magnus.
"Biscuit! That's such a glam up!" He says. Clary smiles.
"Thank you," She says and winks. She grabs the plate of food. "Thanks," she tells me. She eats food, Jonathan moves to get comfortable and start to fall asleep, so does everyone else. I look at Clary eat, she looked adorable as she eats her food. I felt a small sense of relief that she's eating, subconsciously i was worried she wouldn't get enough food and water. She looks up at me and blushes.
"Shouldn't you go to sleep? You might be tiered," Clary says. I sigh and tuck a curl of red hair behind her ear.
"My name is Jace Herondale... i used to go to idris wood high, i was quarterback on the football team and wasn't a cliche player....I've only had two girlfriends in my whole life....Kaelie and if you can even call her an ex girlfriend, Helen, we went out so she could pass as straight....she was lesbian," I say.
"My name is Clary Fray....I used to go to Alicante View high, i've only had one boyfriend, his name was Ashton, he cheated on me, I've gone to jail five times for vandalism," clary says.
"Vandalism?"i ask. She smiles at me softly. She grabs my hand and we walk out of the warehouse. We walk a block and then she leads me into an alley way.
"I like doing street art, I've always loved it," she says. I look up at the wall, it was a person uncovering the wall with graffiti like a curtain.

 I look up at the wall, it was a person uncovering the wall with graffiti like a curtain

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"Wow," i say in shock. "That's amazing," Clary's innitials were in the corner, 'CF'
"Thanks," she says. We walk back to the warehouse. We sit down in the farthest corner from the guys.

"Clary, i know you said you wanted to get to know each other more. But Clary...i mean...we've had sex, we've kissed, and we've talked....and what i know about you....i like you a lot Clary....and I just want you to know that," Jace says.
"I like you a lot too," I whisper. I lean into his body. "And you know what...normal people wait, they wait until they know each other more than this," Jace's face falls. "But, we're not're wanted for murder and I vandalize walls for, under the circumstances, I think....we could give this a try," I say. Jace grins at me.
"So, are you saying yes to my girlfriend proposal?" Jace asks. I giggle and put my head on his chest.
"Yes," i murmur into his chest. I look up at his face.
"Yes?" He asks breathlessly.
"Yes," I whisper. Jace kisses me, lightly. I move upwards and straddle his hips. I grab his face and pull him in harder. He grips my waist and moves his hand upwards. He slides his hand under my shirt. He then picks me up and walks to the back of the warehouse. I slide my jacket off, and take off my beanie. Jace then slides his hand into my shirt again and takes my shirt off, I take his shirt off, and the rest is history.

I wake up to the smell of gasoline. I'm a light sleeper, it's something you have to be when you're in jail. I put on my clothes. I shake Jace awake. "What's going on?" He asks.
"I smell gasoline," i whisper. He puts on his clothes. Then all of a sudden, fire lights up the front of the warehouse where everyone else is. I gasp and grab my back pack and put it on.
"FIRE! GUYS WAKE UP! FIRE!" I yell. I see everyone struggle.
"KYLE! KYLE!" I hear Magnus yell.
"Magnus-," I hear Alec say something. Jonathan then gets out of the fire coughing. Magnus and Alec then get out, the fire kept spreading.
"Where's Kyle?" I ask.
"He....he caught on fire," Alec says. "We have to keep moving," Alec says. I break down the back door. We hear police sirens.
"Shit! If they see us it's game over," Jace says. Jonathan see's a truck. He dives into the drivers seat.
"GET ON!" Jonathan says. "I'll Hotwire the truck!" We All get into the trunk. Then I see the guy from the grocery store. He smirks at me wickedly.
"I'm going! I'm going!" He says. We're dead, there's no way the cops won't get to us now.

So, kyle's dead now....He got roasted....literally.....
there's only Clace,Malec and Jonathan, things are starting to go downhill....

Do you want to kill me? Or the grocery store guy?

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