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I was the only one home when the doorbell rang. My parents were working and my brother was with his girlfriend. I hated answering the door, it made me nervous. The image of a serial killer stood on the other side wouldn't evaporate from my mind. Plus, I was wearing a pair of pyjama trousers and an oversized jumper with a Dutch slogan. I wasn't exactly fit to be seen.

However, the second I swung the door open, I didn't care about any of that. Because on the other side, wearing a lopsided grin and a brand new lip piercing, stood my boyfriend.

I stared at him wide eyed, not quite believing what I was seeing. His almond eyes scanned me up and down, his lip caught between his teeth, "Hey, hot stuff." He greeted lowly.

In a flash, I'd flung my arms around his shoulders, hugging him tightly as I stood on the tips of my toes for better access. He didn't hesitate to wrap his arms around my small frame as I buried my face into the crook of his neck. I pulled away, leaning up to slam my lips against his hastily. He was smirking into my mouth as we kissed fiercely. And damnit, that lip piercing was making everything ten times hotter.

"W-What're you doing here?" I asked, laughing to myself in disbelief, still holding him close. I didn't want to let go.

"Thought I'd surprise you." Luca grinned. "I arrived this morning but my Mum insisted I have lunch with my family before coming over." He shrugged.

"When do you leave?"

He rose his brows, running his fingers through my hair and down my cheek, his eyes focussed on nothing but my lips. "That eager to get rid of me?" He teased, leaning forward to rub his nose against mine. "Monday."

"W-What? That's barely any time." I protested. It was Saturday.

"I have class." He sighed sadly. "I know, it sucks. But I'll be back for Christmas in no time." He assured me, "Now, d'you wanna tell me what happened to your pretty face?" He queried, tracing my black eye, his eyes laced with sadness and pity.

"J-Just...school." I whispered. There was still only a small distance between us, both of us desperate to be together, as close as possible. He was here and I never wanted him to leave again. "I like this." I commented, trying to change the subject as I ran my thumb along his lower lip, catching on his new silver piercing, glinting gently in the light.

"Yeah? It's hot, right?"

I laughed, "Wow. I can't believe you're seriously here." I whispered, my fingers curling around his muscular biceps, running down his arms. "D-D'you wanna go upstairs?"

His smirk grew wider as he suddenly swooped down, hooking an arm under my legs as he picked me up bridal style. He ignored my laughter and halfhearted protests as he carried me upstairs and into my bedroom, locking the door behind us.

He threw me down onto the bed, pausing when he caught a glimpse of my pills. His brow creased into a frown as he picked up a packet of antidepressants, scanning the label, "Your meds have changed." He observed. "And your dose."

"Y-Yeah." I whispered shyly. "Yeah, it's changed a f-few times since you left." I confessed bashfully.

He nodded along in understanding, "How do you feel?"

I shrugged before sighing deeply, "L-Luca...I-I need to show you something before...well, b-before you see for yourself." I trailed off, my nerves gaining strength as I resisted the urge to crawl out of my own skin and run away. With shaking fingers, I tugged my sleeve up, revealing my mutilated arm. It was covered in thin white streaks of raised scars, some deeper than others. The more recent ones hadn't fully healed, and a few were still scabbed over.

Luca didn't say anything. He just stared down at my arm blankly, his expression unreadable. The scars had doubled in number since I last saw him - and that was only three months ago. I couldn't even imagine what was going through his mind right now. But I was becoming increasingly aware of my exposure, making me anxious and nervous. "Why would you do this?" He finally spoke, pulling his eyes up to meet mine. They were fuzzy with tears.

I held back my own tears, yanking my sleeve back down, "I-I'm sorry." I choked out. "I'm trying to be better." I whispered. "I-I promise."

He cupped my face with his warm hands, forcing me look at him, "You have a ton of people who love you, Theo, you don't have to do this to yourself. You don't have to hurt yourself like this."

I nodded, tears slipping from my eyes, "I-I know. I know I don't have to, b-but I can't help it."

He gently pulled my arm back towards him, nudging my sleeve aside as he pressed his lips onto my tender skin. He trailed the kisses up my arm, stopping when he reached my sleeve, jumping to my lips. His fingers knotted into my hair as he lightly pushed me back onto the bed, kissing me slowly but desperately.

He snuck his hand up my jumper, pushing it up to reveal my contoured hip bones and defined ribs. "You've lost weight." He pointed out breathlessly, staring down at me.

I leant up, placing my fingers under his chin, pulling his face up to look at me. "I know." I whispered. "And I know it's not healthy. C-Can we please talk about this later?"

He smiled softly, pulling my jumper completely off as he dove down to nuzzle into my neck. I tried to push my insecurities aside. I was weak and scrawny and scarred. Luca was broad and muscular and toned to perfection. But he still made me feel loved; he always did.

I was breathless by the time he'd finished giving me my first hickey, dragging his lips all the way down my chest, the cold metal piercing leaving an icy trail against my burning hot skin. "You're so beautiful." He mumbled into my flesh, eventually meeting my lips once more.

But how could I believe him?

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