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My eyes fluttered open as a loud beeping pounded in my ears, my brain throbbing, agony shooting through my body. Harsh light hit my face and I squeezed my eyes tightly shut again, the piercing beeping growing fainter and fading into the background. My whole body felt numb and heavy, like I was made of thick metal, creaky and hard to move.

Confusion swelled in my chest as my injuries seemed to wake up, pain ripping through my lungs and restricting my breathing. I gasped for breath as everything came flooding back in a destructive wave, my eyes finally snapping open.

I tried to scream but my voice wasn't working. It was merely a scratchy whisper as I desperately called for help.

I traced the room aimlessly with my eyes, studying the beige walls and the white sheets. My thickly bandaged left arm which felt heavier than steel to lift. The many tubes, stemming from my arm like flowers blossoming in spring.

And then my family stood at the door, their eyes scanning me, heavy with tiredness and fear. "Hi." I croaked, fixing on the smallest smile as they shut the door behind them and sat around me. Milo was still in his pyjamas, wearing my Dad's coat while both my parents sported puffy, red eyes.

"We were really worried." My Mum sniffed, ruffling my hair.

"I-I'm sorry." My voice broke as I squeezed her hand, trying to comfort myself more than anyone else.

"We're both so sorry that you had to hear that, Teddy." My Dad interjected, his whole demeanour looking tired and worn out. "Nothing we said was meant in a malicious way. We all love you very much, and we don't regret having you."

Milo snorted obnoxiously. He looked angry, almost furious. "Then why did you say it?" He demanded dryly.

My Mum sighed impatiently. "Milo, we didn't-"

"No, fuck you." He snapped. "Both of you. How could say that stuff about your own son?"

My Dad glanced at me cautiously, as if checking I was okay, "Look, we're all really tired, if we just-"

And then my Mum broke down crying, tears spilling from her eyes and running down her cheeks uncontrollably as she buried her face in her hands. It was heartbreaking to watch. "I-I thought I lost you, Theodore." She whispered as my Dad hugged her sloppily. "I'm the worst Mother in the world! How could I let this happen to you? I'm so sorry-"

"I-It's okay, Mum." I tried to comfort her. Tried to ignore the tears spilling from my own eyes. "I-I'm okay." I assured her. "I was really stupid, I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have...I sh-should have known better..."

"Am I interrupting something?" My eyes snapped to the door, landing on Tommy leant against the doorframe, his eyes cast over with shadows, his hands buried in his pockets. "I can come back?" He offered.

I shook my head, squeezing my eyes shut in an attempt to avoid any more tears escaping, "Hi, Thomas."

He smiled sadly, strolling over to my side as he perched on the edge of the bed, his gaze falling down to my bandaged arm, "Are you okay?"

I nodded faintly, trying my best to give him a smile, but not being able to muster it. "Y-Yeah."

"Come on, Eliza." My Dad murmured. "We'll come back later, son. Give us a shout if you need anything." He ruffled my hair before they left, followed by Milo, trudging reluctantly behind them.

"I called Luca." Tommy sighed.

My eyes widened in fear, "W-What? N-No, he's gonna freak out, Tommy. W-Why would you do that?"

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