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He went to university in London, merely an hours train journey away. He came back almost every weekend when he first started, but it gradually fizzled out. I hadn't seen him in almost a month, and now, here he was, perched on the counter, chatting away with Tommy.

He glanced up, smirking as he hopped onto his feet, "Hey."

I glided over, wrapping my arms around his tall frame, hugging him tightly for a moment before pulling back, "W-What are you doing here?"

"I just thought I'd come down for the weekend." He shrugged. "London gets a little hectic. I guess I wanted a break. How's it going down here?"

"Same old." I told him simply, "H-How's uni?"

He flicked his caramel hair out of his baby blue eyes, leaning back onto the wall, "Yeah, it's good. I took someone's blood last week. Didn't go too well, it took me like twenty minutes to find a vein."

Tommy scoffed dryly, "You'll be a great doctor some day."

"Hey, I bet you couldn't do any better." He defended.

"But I don't go to medical school."

Phoenix rolled his eyes, "Shut up, it was my first time." He punched Tommy on the shoulder playfully, "Anyway, I hear you have a girlfriend, Tommy." He teased before turning back to me, "Have you met her?"

I nodded, "Yeah. She's nice."

We all jumped simultaneously, falling to the ground as we tried to shield our heads. There was a loud smash, glass crumbling away as a brick flew through the window, hitting a shelf, sending a row of fish food tumbling to the floor. Shards of jagged glass exploded in all directions, raining down as a cackle of laughter echoed in the distance.

"What the fuck!" Phoenix exclaimed, yanking me behind the counter for safety.

Tommy didn't waste a moment before he leapt up, sprinting out of the shop, "We're calling the police!" He shouted down the road, "You fucking bitch!" He returned a moment later, his face red with anger as Phoenix and I timidly stood from our crouched position behind the till. "What is wrong with her? Since when has Sam been such a psychopath?"

"That was Sam?" Phoenix demanded, his expression seeping nothing but pure shock. "Are you sure?"

"Y-Yeah." I nodded.

Phoenix flung an arm over my shoulder, pulling me into him slightly. "Fucking hell. Are you gonna report it?"

I shook my head, still nestled under his arm, "N-No. My parents have insurance." I was shaking, still unnerved by the sudden act of viciousness.

They exchanged a knowing look, making me uncomfortable. I knew what they were thinking. I was a coward, I let people push me around, I shouldn't let Sam get away with whatever she wanted. But I didn't want to fight this. It would make everything worse. And I was afraid that if I let things get any worse, I'd be dead.

I stayed close to Phoenix's chest as I called my parents, barely straying until they arrived with Milo half an hour later. My parents told me it wasn't my fault, but I could see the frustration clouding their features. I felt guilty - again. They had to pay for my therapist, for my doctor visits, for every little problem I presented. And now I was the reason behind a broken window. And it was my fault. Again.

Everything was my fault.

They sent us away, saying they could deal with it for now. Milo, Phoenix, Tommy, and I followed their instructions, heading to the pizzeria around the corner. It was where I had my first date with Luca. It was also where Milo's girlfriend, Mercy, worked.

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