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It was late by the time Milo pulled up the the house, cut the engine, slouched back in his seat and turned to look at me. I was covered in bruises, blood trickled from open wounds, and my glasses were cracked. I looked terrible, like I'd walked through hell on my hands and knees.

I'd rung Milo to come and pick me up the second they left the alley, snickering to themselves darkly. After expressing his shock and concern, he was silent, driving home wordlessly. He didn't even put the radio on. And Milo always put the radio on.


I hastily unbuckled my seatbelt and kicked the car door open, ignoring the sharp pain ripping through my chest. I was sure I'd broken a rib - it wouldn't be the first time. My head pounded, throbbing and swelling as I limped to the door, gritting my teeth in agony.

"Theodore, c'mon, talk to me-"

I didn't respond to my brother, merely raised my fist and knocked roughly on the hard wood. I collapsed back against the doorframe, trying to catch my breath as I waited for an answer.

Milo locked the car behind him before rushing to my side, "Is anything broken?"

I shook my head, clutching my chest as I steadied my breathing. Each breath felt like a thousand swords burying themselves into my chest, twisting and yanking them out again.

My Mum swung the door open rapidly, a worried expression haunting her features. I knew she'd be worried about me. I was meant to be home almost two hours ago. She froze, her face draining of all colour, her eyes glossing over.

Her and Milo exchanged unreadable looks as my brother placed a tentative hand on my shoulder and led me carefully into the house. "He hasn't told me what happened." He murmured softly. "I think he was attacked."

My Mum's eyes brimmed with tears as my Dad joined the huddle in the hallway, no doubt coming to investigate what was going on. The second he caught a glimpse of my battered appearance, his eyes widened, "Holy..." his mouth fell open in pure shock, "What happened, Teddy?"

"I-I need to go to hospital." I whispered, looking at my feet as my vision clouded over.

"Yes, I think that's a good idea." My Mum agreed, her voice cracked and shaking as she reached for her coat.

"N-No, I mean...I-I mean, like...a hospital for crazy people." I breathed out. "People like me."

They all stared at me, completely lost for words. I felt weak and fragile and exhausted. My knees were about to give way as I leant back against the wall for support. Milo hooked a strong arm around my waist and hastily redirected me to the sofa in the living room. My parents followed, sitting opposite me with furrowed brows and trembling hands.

"Sweetie, what're you talking about?" My Mum urged softly.

I squeezed my eyes shut to try and suppress my tears but they slipped out anyway, rolling sadly down my cheeks. "I-I'm scared I'll do something stupid." I uttered. "P-Please." I begged. "Please, just...let me get help."

They all exchanged pained expressions, but before either of my parents could say a word, Milo interjected, "I think it's a good idea."

Their eyes snapped to him, trying to digest his words, "But, Teddy, honey, you have school and your exams are coming up soon-"

"So what?" Milo snapped, his eyes darting between my parents apprehensively. "His exams won't matter if he's dead before he gets a chance to take them."

I recoiled slightly, playing with the sleeves of Luca's jacket as I stared down at my lap. My Dad spoke first. "I agree." He said, sending my eyes twitching up in his direction. "It's for the best. And if it's what Teddy wants, then..."

"We'll talk about it in the morning." My Mother concluded. "C'mon, darling, let's get you cleaned up."

I nodded along, standing with a wince as my Mum helped me up the stairs. I was perched on the edge of the bathtub, Daisy resting her face on my knee and whining sadly. Though she was technically Milo's dog, I was always the one sneaking her food under the table and playing with her silky ears. And she always knew when I was sad, like right now. "Th-There's nothing to talk about, Mum." I murmured gently as she dabbed my face with a wet flannel.

She paused, retracting the towel as she watched me sadly, "I know, Theodore." She said softly.

"S-So, you think it's a good idea?" I whispered, the cloth stinging as it pressed down against my bleeding, split lip.

She nodded, "I only want what's best for you." She assured me. "And I know that's hard to believe, but it's true."

Things had been weird between us since I left the hospital. Her words still followed me, haunting my dreams and written across her face every time I looked at her. I felt unwanted, like a waste of space, undeserving of her love and affection.

"I've let you down, Theodore." She continued softly, taking my glasses off and resting them by the sink before cleaning up the rest of my face. "I've been a horrible Mother and I am so sorry. I never want to upset you again. And I never want you to think that I don't love you, because I do."

"B-But not as much as Milo." I whispered as an afterthought, more to myself than to anyone else.

"No. Not less than Milo." She corrected sternly. "I love you two equally. I won't deny that Milo's easier, but that doesn't mean I don't want you. You just need a little more help and that's absolutely fine. I'll always be your Mother, okay?"

I gulped, glancing up at her through shimmering green eyes, "O-Okay."

"Okay." She echoed, bringing a hand up to caress my cheek endearingly, a small, sad smile tugging at her lips. "You should head to bed. I'm going to send Milo in to sleep with you tonight, alright?"

I nodded as I headed out the bathroom, limping to my room painfully. I was grateful Milo would be sharing a room with me tonight, keeping an eye on me. If I'd been left alone, I'm not sure what I would've done.

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