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I groaned as Daisy leapt onto my bed, her tail wagging furiously as she licked my face and drooled all over me. I tried to lightly shove her off and resume my dream, but she was persistent. Eventually, I gave up with a grumble of complaint and started scratching behind her ear to soothe her.

And then I remembered.

It was Christmas.

I hopped out of bed, tugging on the hoodie Luca had left at my house the other day and scampered downstairs. "Why didn't you w-wake me?" I smiled peppily as I entered the living room. My family were chatting away on the sofas, all sporting Christmas pyjamas and sipping out of champagne glasses.

The stockings were hung over the fireplace where orange ambers flew and flames danced and crackled. We never lit the fire unless it was Christmas; it was a tradition. Beside it, a bushy Christmas tree stood tall and proud, glinting with multicoloured tinsel, old decorations and glowing fairy lights.

"We did wake you." My Dad corrected with a chuckle. "We sent the dog up."

I rolled my eyes and plopped onto the sofa between my parents, feeling like a young child sandwiched by my personal bodyguards. The morning was wasted away with eating and drinking and opening presents. We all pitched in to help get lunch ready and in the afternoon, shared a feast that weighed down the entire table.

I was so full for the rest of the day, I could barely enjoy the cheeseboard as we played monopoly and darkness fell around the house, bringing nighttime and a bright moon. As I snuggled up in bed, I smiled to myself before falling asleep. Despite being exhausted as a result of my many pills, I didn't want to sleep because I didn't want the day to end.

I slept in late on Boxing Day, my head buried beneath the covers, dreaming of planes and travelling and butterfly kisses. I was only woken up when I heard a knock on the front door and my Mum calling me from downstairs. I already knew who it was - Luca was always showing up at my house to surprise me.

I yawned and tried rubbing the sleep from my eyes as I bounced downstairs. My Mum left us alone when I noticed Luca stood in the kitchen with a smug grin, leant against the kitchen table. "Wow, cute jammies, Theo." He teased.

I glanced down at my pyjamas and blushed. They were old and over-worn with fraying sleeves and multiple holes. "Merry Christmas." I said, ignoring his remark as I glided over and pecked him on the cheek. Even when he was slouching and leant against the table, I still had to stand on the tips of my toes to reach his face. "H-How was it?"

He shrugged, "Some clothes, some socks, and a new laptop. Pretty good haul this year. Except for the cologne Vera got me from some shitty boy band I've never heard of. It smells awful." He shuddered. "What about you?"

I giggled at his words, leaning back with our hands entwined as I bounced on the balls of my feet restlessly. "Not much. W-We're not super comfortable with money at the moment but I don't mind. You know, c-classic board games and roast dinner. It was fun."

He glanced over my shoulder to check no one was around before leaning down for a rough, sloppy kiss. I chuckled and pulled away quickly, cautious of my family in the next room over. "Ready for your present?"

My brows rose in surprise, "Uh...y-yeah."

"Okay, well you can't technically unwrap it because it's too big-"

"I swear to god if you're talking about your-"

"No!" He laughed, shooting me a little wink, "But you can still ride it." He smirked seductively.

I frowned in utter confusion, "W-What're you talking about?"

He rolled his eyes and grabbed my hand, pulling the front door open and yanking me out of the house. I was suddenly at the mercy of the stabbing British weather, the wind biting at my flesh. But all of that completely disappeared from my mind when I saw Luca's present sitting by the gate. "Holy shit." I muttered.

"You like it?" He asked happily, peeling his coat off and draping it over my shoulders once he noticed the shivers vibrating my body.

I shook my head violently, turning to face him with wide eyes, "Luca, take it back."

"What? Why?" He laughed.

"We agreed n-not to spend too much money on presents this year. I-I can't accept this-"

"I'm not spending money on a present, I'm spending money on you." He corrected. "And not to be dramatic or anything but you're pretty priceless-"

I slapped his shoulder harshly, "Luca, I'm serious! Stop joking around!"

"Oh, come on. You deserve it." He shuffled behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist and resting his chin on the top of my head.

I bit my lip nervously, studying the bike carefully. It was light green with a saddle patterned in little white stars. Everything looked old, yet brand new. The wheels, the pedals, the handles. Luca had even tied a little bow over the front.

"I can't take it back." He stated, still embracing me from behind. "The parts are from all over the place and I got a stranger to assemble it. I met him on a bus and paid him upfront."

I turned around in his arms, our chests now close together, "W-Why...why would you do that?" I demanded incredulously.

"I wanted it to be unique. Just like-"

"Don't say it." I grumbled in defeat, my eyes cast down in sadness.

'You deserve it.'

But I didn't. I didn't deserve this gift, and I didn't deserve Luca.

It was the first real feeling of crushing self loathing I'd had since leaving hospital. It was more painful than I remembered. Suddenly, all I wanted to do was curl up into a little ball and cry my eyes out.

And without warning, that's exactly what I did. I felt my eyes prickle and brim with tears, a singular drop rolling down my cheek, leaving a trail of chills along my face. Luca noticed the action, his eyes quickly growing alarmed as he hastily grabbed me by the shoulders and pulled me into his arms.

"Hey, hey, don't cry." He begged, hugging me as tightly as he possibly could, letting me sob into his chest. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you upset. Please don't cry, I hate it when you cry."

"S-Sorry." I whispered against his now tear soaked sweater, my quiet voice coming out as an indistinguishable muffle.

I felt his chest vibrate with a sad laugh, "Theodore, don't apologise. Please don't." He pleaded, his fingers twisting into my lilac curls absentmindedly.

I forced myself to glance up at him through teary lashes, gulping down my guilt. "Y-You're sure about this present?"

"Yes." He smiled softly, brushing my hair out of my face. "Just take the bike, Theo. You shouldn't have to walk to school in this weather."

I sighed heavily in defeat, leaning up to capture his frozen lips in mine, "I love you." I mumbled against his mouth, hugging him desperately. "Thank you."

He grinned into my lips before we both pulled back, "I love you too."

"S-Seriously though, Luca. Th-Thank you. Thank you so much, I can't even explain how much I-"

"You don't need to." He interrupted, ruffling my hair playfully.

I nodded vaguely, smiling as I tried to wipe the remnants of my tears away. "C-Can I give you your present now?"

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