Chapter 5

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I mean it when i said i will kill both old and young of his family. I like it when i am underestimated especially when it comes to my identity of being a female. We also have every doggone right they have as a male. We are not worthless, we are important more than they can imagine and i hope they realize it soon.
Right now the son of the woman i killed this morning is my target.  After tying his hands, i tied his leg up on the tree, hanging him upside down on the tree on the cliff alive.
I'm sure he won't survive after falling off the cliff that is if he managed to survive before someone come to his aid and that person will be so lucky if he didn't die after him because whoever fall from this very cliff won't survive.
Don't blame me for doing this to a child, you have no idea how my little brother die. A five years old boy, been poisoned. Not the kind of poison that kills immediately. My little brother is a fighter but what did he gain in the end? Death. He fought for his life for good three hours. Hoping someone would come to save him which no one did till he couldn't fight it anymore. This is small compared to what happened to my brother. At least he wouldn't have to struggle for hours. Whenever my mind wandered back to this very memory, i wish i could kill those children again and again but what is the point? They won't understand the meaning of their suffering. Easy death is okay for them. They need rest, forever.
Many called me names as if i care, they are just shadows whispering in the darkness. If an iron doesn't pass through fire, it won't become iron, if you don't do evil, evil won't befall you.
I like history and presumption of mankind can't change that.
I heard someone screaming, i looked down from the tree to see a young girl looking at the hanged boy. She pick up a race to the other direction.
Very soon the news will reach alpha Daniel maybe after the meeting. I changed my clothes and sent off to the meeting.
I was at the entrance when one of the alpha shout out.
Does he think he's in his pack? Silly man with no brain.
Are you done shouting? I asked observing them.
I called the meeting, i step forward. Alpha Daniel sat with his head down. This is just the beginning. Alpha Michael is also there paying attention to me more than anything else. These are the two people i know very well. I notice few empty seats after greeting them and choose one from their middle.
Who are you? Alpha Levi asked.
I badly wanted to answer his question, that would have disrupted my plan. So i told myself i haven't come here for introduction. I do my best to stay calm.
Are you really interested in knowing who i am or what the meeting is about?
What is the meeting about then? The alpha who shouted upon my arrival questioned.
I call this meeting- I'm grabbed up roughly from my seat. When i saw the intruder, it was an elderly woman. I did not hear her coming in. Is it only me that fail to notice this? I'm dragged into a room.
I yanked my hand away from her as soon as the door closed only for her to take it back and insert a silver ring she removed from her finger on my left finger. To my surprise, it fitted my finger. The moment it touched my finger, it glinted. A stranger feeling wash over me. I felt different. I removed the ring and returned it.
What do you think you are doing? I asked angrily.
Emily. She smile hugging me.
I pushed her backward. You got the wrong person. I turn to go.
Listen to me. Maybe you will recognize this.
I face her back and saw her holding a necklace.
Where did you get that?
With that look on your face, I'm sure you must have seen it somewhere.
I'm your mother's friend.
I breath deeply. Don't do that again, you know I'm in a meeting.
I mean no harm. We have a lot of things to talk about and work to do.
We? You mean you and i?
Right. She rubbed her fingers.
Like i said, you got the wrong person.
I don't think so.
My patient has reached is limited. Look here old woman, i don't care who you are. You can be my great-grandmother's friend for all i care. I'm respecting you because of your age, had it be someone else... I sigh. I need to do something and is more important than your story.
Just like the prophecy. She stated. You have no choice unless you want me to tell alpha Michael you are his mate.
How did you know?
Don't worry about that. You do things in my way and your secret stay safe with me or... She dragged.
Are you blackmailing me?
You left me with no other option.
Should i take your silence to be yes?
I narrow my eyes. This is the first time someone stood up to me. Fine!
Good. She grinned triumphantly. Let's meet when the meeting is over.
I want to say something but she beat me to it when she said end of discussion.
There is a reason behind this meeting. I want to know how many people are involved about the incident that happened seven years ago. I hope this crazy old woman won't mess up my plan.
She waited for me to follow before opening the door.
What happened? Alpha Michael asked.
I guess they know each other. If so, this is not a good sign.
She is my daughter.
I was testing alpha Devin when i gave him a rudely reply but instead of him, a barbarian respond.
I wonder how they get the alpha's position when they don't fit to be in guard's position. I'm already pissed because of this woman who want to be a hurdle in my way, then their nonsensical questions... is disturbing me. I just want to get done with this hell of a meeting and leave from here.
Staying much longer in the midst of such people will make me lose my mind.
Mother hold my fingers under the table as if sensing what I'm about to do. Did i just call her mother? Unbelievable.
I am surprised when alpha Michael speak. Something is wrong. He's moody.
I found him staring at me whenever i happen to look at him. Those chocolate eyes that reminds me so much of my teacher pierces through mine as if trying to reach down my deepest secret. Poor mate. I pulled my hand away from mother.
How did you know? Asked the alpha who shouted awhile ago. He's sitting beside alpha Daniel.
I met her early this morning when mother sent me to alpha Daniel, she looked wired with blood stains.
How did you know it was her. The same man asked again. It could be anyone.
I'm begin to suspect him now. He's being alpha Daniel's megaphone, speaking on his behalf. He confirmed my suspicion when he said
"You mean that girl or is it another girl?"
Alpha Michael's word echoed in my brain. Too bad my wolf is asleep.
I knew he's my mate when i ran into him four years ago after stolen some papers send to border. Fortunately, he can't smell me even is wolf.
Fate is very mischievous, when i needed him most, we never come across, he brought him to me after starting my mission.
A witch had helped me blocked my wolf before i started living in the forest. Since then leather and gloves has been part of me. I wore gloves everyday and mask sometimes, if i want to go out in the day.
But he have no idea that the nefarious person is his mate.
What is your daughter's name? The very same man spoke again.
He seems to have authority which no one can question.
Digging holes in the field. Our eyes met and i got the answer is needed. He was the one, i don't have to inquiry about it. You have no idea what you are in for.
Lose mouth people always end up in trouble and that is what just happened to you.
My thoughts were interrupts when mother ask alpha Michael if i could stay in his pack, that too, in his house.
She just jeopardy my day. I came to know the man who has been the emperor of today's meeting. "Alpha Jackson". I need to pay him a visit.
I'm the first person to stand up before the meeting ends.
Can we please end this here right now? I snapped. Don't make any decision for me ever again.
You are such a very good liar.
What does that makes you Mother? Tell me something, What relationship did you share with alpha Michael? Why are you creating hurdles in my way.
What else can i do? You are difficult to see.

I packed some of my stuffs and took my done along. I knocked on the door, a lady open it asking who the hell i am. Her face swim in makeup. I can tell what a bitch she is looking at her.
Come in. My mate brother gestured. I remember seeing him in the meeting.
But the lady step in my front. I said who are you?
My mate stand quietly a distance away looking at us.
Alpha please, tell this pumpkin to make way for me.
What? She frowned. Where did you bring this thing?
Let her in. my mate commanded. Justin take her to her room.
And the dog? She asked.
Do you have a problem with my dog?
Not really. As long-
Good. I cut her off.

Your house is lovely i must say.
You are welcome.
Can i ask you a favour?
I don't want anybody near my room as long as i stay here. I want privacy. I hope I'm not asking for too much.
He smile. Of course not.

I locked my dog in the room and went to the woman's house. I met her outside the door.
I knew you will come.
I haven't come here to chit-chat. You said you are my mother's friend. I sat down on one of the wood chair.
Yes, since childhood.
And you want me to believe that? Where did you get the necklace on your neck.
This is mine. Only three people has it. Your teacher, your mother and i.
I don't remember see it with my mother.
Your grandmother gave them to us. Before you are born, your grandmother had a vision, she send me away for an assignment, she gave me this ring to give you. She said the ring will identity you.
What kind of a person is she? Using ring to identify me.
She is a witch.
What did you just say?
Not just her. Your mother, teacher and i.
Does it mean i am one?
I chuckled. You are indeed smart. How many hours does it take you to make this story? I didn't know my grandmother but i know my mother and my teacher. My teacher was a healer and teacher.
I think you are sick.
I breath. If you don't want us to have a problem, don't tell me that again.
It just a word.
Is not just a word. I yelled. He used to say that to me. Stop trying, you can't replace him.
You loved him so much. Do you know why you are so rude?
I don't need to know anything. Nothing is controlling me. Does that makes you feel better? I have to go.
The ring?
Keep it. Maybe it will be useful one day.

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