Chapter 9

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Everywhere is silent. For a moment, i thought the house was empty. The paint on the wall, the chair, everything, has changed. All of Kate's photos on the wall has been removed.
Did they really forget all about Kate?
What are you doing here?
A voice snapped me out of thoughts. I turned and saw Kate's mother(Catherine).
What do you want? She questioned again.
She must have hated me so much. She isn't the beautiful woman i once knew. She looks very old, gloomy, wrinkles on her face. Her voice isn't the same as the voice that sang in the kitchen every morning. My heart sunk knowing fully well that i brought this upon them.
Why won't she look like that? The same house that once filled with so much happiness with Kate's sister and neighbor's children screaming, playing hide and seek is now deadly quite like a forbidden den.
Go back. She gestured.
Listen to me first, I'm here because of Kate.
She turned her back to me without a word.
Don't do this, please. Kate needs you right now. She's in danger. What happened isn't her fault... Your daughter is such an amazing person, even though we were strangers, she treated me like a family, the same goes to you. Had i know my coming here will ruin your family, i wouldn't have come. I said truthfully. I know saying sorry won't bring back your lost daughter, but what about Kate? You won't just neglect her, will you?
I wasn't aware of her crying until she sniffed.
I thought i will never see her again. She said facing me. Where is she?
Who are you talking to?
A distance voice questioned from somewhere around the room which i firmly believe belong to Kate's father. Speaking of the devil, he revealed himself. No sign he's affected by what had happened
You! He faced his wife. What is she doing here.
She came to give me news about Kate. She's in danger.
I frowned. I want to reply him but Catherine signal to me to keep quiet.
All of them are beasts not worth living among people. Who are you here to kill this time?
I have no such intention, please believe me. I pleaded.
It happened because of me, then why are you punishing Kate? She did what she thought was right.
Catherine, show her the way out. Don't ever come back here, he said to me. We shared no relationship with her. He turn around and left.
I face Catherine. He's angry, i understand, but what about you?
As a mother, can't you take a stand for your daughter?
There is nothing i can do. He will never change his mind. She wiped off her tears.
Where is she? Is she alright?
She was attacked but she's recovering.
She took my hand. If you want me to forgive you, then don't let any harm come to her.
Okay. I whispered.
I will be back. She goes towards the kitchen and comes back few minutes later with a small bag.
Give this to her, she will like it.
I collected the bag and gave her Kate's number.
This is her number, you can give her a call.
Thank you. She hugged me.

I came with hope that she will be accepted back however i was wrong. Of all the men in the world, why did Mrs Catherine have to choose that man as her husband? He hardly smiles even when the situation was normal. So annoying man, his words didn't even hurt me a bit because he's right. We are indeed beasts. Someone like alpha Daniel, taking innocent lives. You will pay dearly for all the family life you've ruined. You even have the guts to attack Kate when she came looking for me.

Even though I'm scared of this new responsibility, still, the heaviness of my heart since I've heard what had happened to Kate lightened. The guilt, that i abandoned my best friend when she needed me most, for not trusting her, for not giving her a chance to explain and end up getting stabbed because of my stupidity. Yeah, i can only call my actions an act of stupidi...
I stopped as i saw the figure.
Den? He's sitting outside my teacher's house. What is he doing here? Weird wire!
Don't be ridiculous.
I should be saying that. I see you whenever i look back, but this time, it different. What trick are you up to now?
There is a problem.
Just spit it out.
They are not here yet, Kate description is everywhere.
Don't tell me this is why you are so worried? I asked disbelief.
They should be in Golden pack then. Let them keep searching, they will give up after few days.
I'm afraid that may not happen,
the search began as two of alpha Daniel's sisters committed suicide this morning.
He's crazy. I sat down next to him. I will give him two days to mourn for his sisters death.
Then? He gawk at me.
He will join them.
Today is Kate, tomorrow it will be Hartley. I don't want a situation where someone close to me will be dying and i will be helpless. I don't want to imagine any of you getting caught or...
Relax, no one will be caught.
Look who is speaking. Going to alpha king's territory. Do you want to die?
His targets has always been alpha king and alpha Lucas ever since i knew him. If my information is correct, alpha king has every corner of his pack house laid with trap. This is why i distance myself from them, so they won't get involved.
Weird wire.
Stop calling me that. He hissed.
Don't go near alpha king's territory.
He stood up. Why?
Recently, alpha Lucas was poisoned. I know who poisoned him. He looked away as i stared at him. Trouble him as much as you want, but spare his life. His face changed to anger.
Hartley isn't far away from me now, i can easily reveal your secrets to him. I threatened him. Hartley, being the oldest of all, everyone fears him, and i, being the only girl among them, this gave me the privilege to violate his rules until one day i over cross all the limits. While trying to manipulate a child's mind, i almost got her killed. The girl was hit by a car. For a moment we all thought she was dead until Hartley returned from the hospital and told us she just fainted. Luckily, she had only some scratches on her body.
He stood up. I should get going.
6692 is the password.
He walked away without saying a word.
I won't forgive you this time if Hartley knows about my movements.
Nevertheless, he didn't reply.
I'm sorry, i also don't want to do this but i have to, if i want you all save. I hope you realize soon, why i have to do it. We all want revenge but if we set out at the same time to get justice, a life won't be left.

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