Chapter 13

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   Emily in trap...

I paced around in the darkness, my hands searches the wall for the way out but everything is void, empty and hallow.
Hartley! my voice echoed around me in the darkness. Kate? Is anybody there? I bang the wall one more time. I soon got tired of the darkness and slept off.
In the dreams...

I woke up in the afternoon feeling pain in my whole body. Looking around, the room is well arranged with white paint instead of the purple it was. I have no idea when it has been like this but with the smell, i could certainly tell is not that long. I dragged myself to bathroom and washed my dirty hair with new shampoo before showered. When i got to my closet, i met new clothes instead of my old ones. I put on black pant and a flora top and went to get myself something to eat in the kitchen only to meet my teacher making toast bread.
Good afternoon.
You are still alive?
Was his response. He didn't even look at me.
I went to the fridge and grabbed a bottle of water before pulling out one of the chair and sit down.
I didn't realize how thirsty i am until i empty the bottle.
You really did a good work in my room. The paint, the bathroom, the closet, the new clothes. You arranged it all. It looks so perfect. I like the smell of the soaps, but i would have appreciate it more had you repaint my room red.
You can change it if you don't like it.
I don't like it when you snubbed me. You were the one who sent for me.
I didn't call you home to make trouble. He retorted.
I sighed. how long have i been sleeping?
Since yesterday. He closed the microwave.
Yesterday's memory came back in a flash. What? Wait, i stood up. How did i get here? What happened to me? My whole body aches when i woke up.
He's super angry when he faced me.
I found you lying unconsciously along the way to the backyard with wounds on your body. What explanation do you have for that?
But i have no injury.
I stared at him, silent and dumb.
Stop been wilfully, you are a girl and too young to decide what you want. I called your school three days ago, i was told you aren't be present for a while.
Where the heck have you been and what have you been doing?
I was with a friend, doing assignment project.
He looked at me. When did you started lying?
Since when I've knew that telling the truth will land me in nothing but trouble. I replied in my head.
I heard that. He snapped.
Arghh... You need to stop doing that. I pushed the chair back under the table.
Can you at least tell me what happened before you were unconscious.
I stopped. Is nothing.
I'm hungry, can you please just forget it. I can barely remembered what happened.
You are grounded for two weeks. The microwave stopped, and he turned to serve the food.
Not two days but two weeks! You can't do that, is not fair.
Don't tell me that! He face me. Do you have any idea of what would have happened had you been seen by someone else?
Roaming around like a wounded animal.
What happened to me is more than a wounded animal. Each time i close my eyes, all i see is my parents. How my little brother was crying, begging everyone to save him. No one step forward, not even the alpha who happened to be my father's friend. I can't walk during the day for the fear of unknown. My family's murderers are out there walking freely. At this point i was crying, because i never expected that words from him of all people. He came to my rescue twice.
I almost died yesterday when James and other three boys i don't know attacked me. I am still the target, everyone is still after me. All this you want me to ignore as if nothing happened?
He put the food he served on the table and pulled out the very chair i sat on a minutes ago.
Come here. He commanded. Or it will get cold. He added.
I obeyed him, sitting back on the same chair after wiped off the tears from my face, he also sat next to me with one of his hand on the table supporting his head, studying me.
I've  lost my appetite. I murmured, trying to escape the explanation of what happened yesterday.
You can change everything, but this is not the right time. He spoken calmly. You are too young to do that.
These people are too sinister.
Morganie, tell me what you did to James.
I kil- i paused and looked at him, thinking. Did he die or was it my imagination?
You did what? He asked calmly.
I don't know, i think i kill him. I'm not sure.
So you are the killer?
Is he dead? I asked nervously and he nod his head.
Part of me felt bad for killing my friend while the other part of me rejoiced. He deserved it. He betrayed me first, and for who? For the beasts.
Why? He was your friend.
Though he deserved the worst but i swear, i didn't do it deliberately. Did you know I'm wanted? A big reward awaited whoever caught me.
He adjusts himself on the seat. What?
The last time i came home, James saw me. I think he tell someone.
Why didn't you tell me this before? He said restlessly.
I don't know this will happen. Is a matter of few days, i will be gone.
To where. His eyes searches mine.
You are not going back there, he stood up. Nobody in your school knows where you were. One day present and three days absent. Is that school? Where did you always go?
I was in the school.
I'm sending you somewhere else, where you will be save.
I'm not going anywhere.
You still don't get my point! The other three boys you saw with James, do you think they will keep quiet, huh?
Things will only be fine as long as nobody sees you. Do you know the danger you are in? You won't listen if i told you don't go out.
Why? I snapped angrily. Because i killed someone? Did my family's murderers lock themselves up after killing my family? Or did anyone search for my brother's murderer after his death?
You've changed, did you know that? Now, i can imagine what friends you are keeping. You are not even sorry for taking a life.
I closed my eyes frustratedly. This verses has been coming up frequently when we're discussing which i don't like. I hate arguing with him, is like I'm fighting myself.
When will you stop saying it?
When you stop thinking highly of yourself.
I looked at him, surprised. Is that what you think of me?
What do you expect me to say?
I felt empty and strength less to know that this is how he sees me. I am still the same girl you know. Having you to protect me, is a big burden. These people won't stop until I'm caught and you won't want that to happen, how long are we going to keep running? You also will be fed up, that is, if you don't die.
I'm not complaining.
I am. I don't want to be under protection every single time. It's either now or never. Whatever happens, i promise to be safe.
He ignored me and walk away
Uncle! I ran after him and kneel at his front, holding one of his leg to prevent him from walking away.
I knew i was asking for the impossible because he will never agree.
I'm sorry for troubling you. I said quietly.
He pulled me up and walk to the couch in the sitting room. Sitting down.
We are in a wicked world ruling by those in powers. To many, life is a game. How good you are at the game doesn't depend on your result but how powerful you are. Such people, you need heart to make them bow. You can loss power but you can't loss what you learn.
I'm sorry. I apologize genially.
When did you paint my room?
Two days before your birthday. I thought you will come home.
I already told you i don't want to celebrate it ever. This will be the last time i will be telling you.
Why did you sent for me?
I did as he commanded.
I want to know where you were when you are absent in school.
I thought we've discussed this?
You didn't provide an answer for me. He said seriously as if that will makes me talk.
Don't listen to what they are saying. They are all given you wrong information.
The day you find your mate will be my best day ever.
Oh no, not again. I'm only twelve years old for crying out loud.
You will find him soon.
When will you find him?
He chuckled as i yelled.
I have work to do. I walk to the staircase.
Your food?
I'm not hungry anymore.
I will bring it for you.
No, i stopped walking. I will eat it here.
He gave me a suspicious but said nothing.
I took his food to him before dine mine.
I'm going out tomorrow.
Not allowed.
I know all our discussion can't be over that easily.
Don't what me young woman. You know the rules. He said. His teacher's voice clearly clear out.
Is been long he speak to me in that tone. No point in arguing, if i don't want to complicated things more than its already is.
He keeps talking about rules, which rules? Rules that is long broken.
No rules is long broken.
Stop reading my mind, will you?
My answers lies in your mind not your mouth.
But i was right this time.
Where are you going?
It supposed to be a secret.
The choice is yours.
How can i tell him I'm going to alpha's party unless i want another argument to unfold.
And it is a must, nothing can prevent me from going there.
A friend's party. I lied.
Which friend that i don't know and when did you started attending party?
Well.., she pleaded before i agree to come. I will be breaking my promise if i didn't go. You can read my mind to see if I'm lying.
After much of silence, he spoke. This is your last chance, you better used it wisely.
Thanks. I grinned triumphantly knowing he was unable to access my mind.

Weeks later. I woke up in a sunny afternoon to use the bathroom. This are things about home. Wake, eat, and sleep. If i had stay home much longer as my teacher wanted, i would had been admitted to the hospital. I had no friends, nor knew anyone in the environment. I can only use sleep to escape the boredom and on the other side, I'm hunted by bad dreams, and on waking up, i will be defeated by boredom.
The past few days hasn't gone as i expected especially after my teacher found out i lied to him. He surreptitiously followed me himself and caught me off guarded at the alpha's party. Imagine! A teacher stalking his student. Since then, I've been living like a prisoner.
I breath, my life is really a mess.
I washed my hands and my face. I checked myself in the mirror only to discovered that my beautiful face is gone.
I scream in terror which made my teacher ran into my room.
My face is gone. I cried.
He laughed. It just a face mask. You can remove it.
He guided me how to remove it. You scared me. Why do you have to do this?
For your safety. I made five different types in case someone is suspicious of you, you can change it.
It matched my skin colour. I love it.
The following day, my teacher took me to the garden in the underground under his house. The same garden he did for me.
Go on, join your friends. He said referring to the butterfly and the fishes. I have some works to attend to. He looked restless than usual.
He was disturbed before we went to bed the previous night. I became worried because you hardly see him like that. When i asked what happened, his only response was, "I'm tired, i just need a few days rest". I gave him a massage on the head like he does to me when I'm having difficulties to sleep to which he chuckled. I loved it when he does that. But today, there is something different in his eyes which I'm unaware of. His smile lace with sadness.
I can't help but think this might be our last meeting.
Are you leaving me?
I'm with you always. In your heart, we are one, Morganie. He finished his sentences with my name to remind me how special i am.
I watching him leaving till he's out of my sight before facing the garden. I don't know why, but i suddenly lost interested in what is in the garden at that moment.
Storm also seems to have notice the tensed air, he didn't chase the butterflies but sat at my feet at one corner i sat.
I kept glancing toward the way hoping he would come for me, but he didn't. I don't know how many hours has gone by, when i didn't see him, i decided to go find him.
It doesn't look like the home i left behind when i got in. The house is scattered. The flower vase on the center table is broken. The chairs are not on their usual spot, with damaged TV.
Uncle! I screamed as i ran to his room. Is empty. I check his bathroom if he had fallen but nothing of such. I checked the other two rooms, no sigh he was there. I finally found him lying in the pool of blood in his office.
Uncle! I ran to him, he's still breathing.
He coughed. Get out of here, don't come back. They know you are here.
I don't know where to go.
Someone will... Help you.
No, I'm not leaving you.
You need to leave before they come back. Promise me you will found your mate, give him a chance. He will protect you. Morganie?
I promise. I sobbed.
Go, take Storm with you.

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