Chapter 4

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Dogma will you please tell us the
reason for this meeting? Jackson, alpha of vengeance pack asked.
I knew nothing about it. He replied.
I can't believe all alphas are here seating and chatting and nobody has any idea why we are here. This is not a playing ground. He stated angrily.
Looks like someone mix something in his food this morning. Did they species his food?
I laughed, earning a strange glance from Michael and i sober up.
Are you done shouting? A lady's voice echoed through the room. All eyes turn to where the sound was coming from.
A lady comes into view. She wore navy blue Jeans, black shirt. Black leather gloves on her hands, her black hair flowed down her back. An angelical face with bright blue eyes that one can never get tired of looking at. What an angel. The room was silent like a grave garden. Including Michael who seemed uninterested in everything that has been happening earlier was now concentrated on her more than anything.
I called the meeting. Greetings alphas. She greeted as she took a seat for herself without caring whether they reply her or not.
Who are you? Levi, Alpha of moonlight pack questioned.
Are you really interested in knowing who i am or what the meeting is about? She asked in annoying voice.
Maybe she's not an angel as i presumed. As if hearing me, her eyes snapped towards me.
What is the meeting about then? Jackson questioned.
I call this meeting-
Excuse me alphas, Venoita interrupted dragging the lady off her seat and into the inner room not far from us. The inner room is soundproof so we couldn't make out what their conversation is about. Few minutes later, Venoita came out, with the lady she dragged away minutes ago, looking pissed.
What happened? Michael spoke for the first time since we got here.
Nothing much. No need to worry. She's my daughter.
Venoita is a witch, an elderly person who belongs to no pack in particular, she lives on the hill close to our pack. Her motherly figure makes our relationship with her easy. Her gifts gives her access to any pack so also is alphas meeting. She hasn't be present in the meeting for awhile now. Not for once had she mention she had a daughter so we are so confused right now like the others. The lady's face is blank. I side glance Michael for a clear explanation but his gaze are fixed on Venoita and the lady
You didn't tell us you had a daughter? Devin, alpha of river goddess pack spoke.
And she's telling you now. Can we continue?
Had it be someone else, that person's body would have been pieces. Was she not aware she's coming to jaw of death?
Venoita, we won't tolerate your daughter's behavior any longer.
I'm sorry. Venoita apologized and told the lady to go ahead with what she wants to say.
As we all know, people are been killed here and there, i call this meeting to tell you that the person behind the killing is none other than alpha Daniel's long lost daughter.
What? Everyone echoed at once.
That's impossible? I mean how can a girl behind all the killing? Michael said surprised.
I'm really sure. The lady replied.
How did you know? Alpha Jackson asked.
I met her early this morning when mother sent me to alpha Daniel house, claiming she's his daughter. She looked weird with blood stains.
How did you know know she's the one behind the killing?
I don't answer dumb question. She snapped. Her gaze fixed on alpha Daniel who I'm sure isn't paying much attention.
Did he says i am lying.
All eyes shifted to alpha Daniel now.
Daniel tell me she's lying Dogma, alpha of freedom pack demand.
She is telling the truth. He cried out. She's back but i knew nothing about it. I went out and when i returned, she was already in the house. She killed two of my men and my sister.
You mean that girl or is it another girl? Alpha Jackson asked suddenly.
That same girl.
I knew this will happen. I tried to stop you from taking up the responsibility of taking care of her you just don't listen. Have you seen it now? She went missing and all of a sudden she came back killing people.
Don't go around judging people you don't know. There must be a reason behind her killing if she's the one. Michael said before turning to alpha Daniel.
I'm sorry alpha, I'm not supporting her but we shouldn't jump in to conclusion for now as it beyond our knowledge.
Think about it, how can a girl manslaughter in every pack? Perhaps someone is taking advantage of the situation.
She's the only one. She leaved her sign behind whenever she kills and these sign was found in every pack. She also told me herself. Alpha Daniel said.
What kind of sign? Michael asked curiously.
All air knocked out in me.
That name has been seen multiple times on dead bodies in our pack. Each time we tried to set trap for this person something mysterious end up happened. The person seems to be very sedulous.
I murmured a silent prayer.
Wait a second, alpha Devin said. What is her real name?
Morgan. Alpha Daniel replied.
I agree with Michael. Something is definitely wrong somewhere but what could that be?
Why don't you ask her when she come visiting you. Alpha Jackson reply.
Why would she come? We have no business together.
Then keep mute if you have nothing knowledgeable to say.
Alpha Devin shoot up angrily and pointed a finger at him. I will advice you to pick your words carefully. I wasn't even talking to you.
Here is another episode, title "the clash of two stubborn alphas. Will this two ever unite?
Calm down both of you, alpha Daniel silence them and they sat down back shooting death glance at each other.

Venoita, what is your daughter's name? Alpha Jackson asked changing the atmosphere of the room a bit.
Emily. The lady replied.
Why are you just introducing her to us? Where has she been?
On the field, digging holes. The lady replied rudely with her gaze on him.
A silent laugh escaped my lips. I wonder why he's asking these questions, he has known Venoita for awhile now.
She just came back from school. Venoita smiled. I'm sorry about her behavior, we have a disagreement that is why. Alpha Michael, i was thinking maybe Emily can stay in your house for awhile?
Her eyes were up immediately. No, i will stay in my friend's house.
No. I want you to stay in a safe place.
If there is anybody that can manhandled Sandra, that will be her. No problem. I replied on behalf of Michael and she gave me a look, not so friendly, then she turned to Venoita.
I'm not...
Emily. Venoita threatened.
Fine! I will come over on my own.
What do we do about the girl? Alpha Dogma suddenly asked.
We will have to catch her before we can decide that.

Are you aware Venoita had a daughter? I asked Michael on our way home.
And you believe what she said in the meeting?
She could be telling the truth. He replied dryly.
It doesn't seem so.
You were telling me about Arielle before we are called. He changed the topic.
What is it.
I was telling you that Arielle has gone to school.
Who took her?
She went by bus.
And you allowed her?
I have no choice. You know how stubborn she is, i told her i will drop her in school but she insists she's taking bus. When i got to her room this morning, she was gone. She just called me now that she's in school.
He looked out of the window not saying anything.
I have always be Mr perfect between them. Isn't it complicated how they both fail to understand each other?
Michael isn't in his right state of mind these days and he doesn't talk about it even when i ask and it turns out my little sister has different view of it all. Her yesterday morning confession sadden me.
How about you do something, Like repaint her room.
I will think about it.
What is wrong with you? You have been quiet since morning, even in the meeting. Is this about Arielle?
Keep your eyes on the road and stop talking. He groaned.
Why? Are you scared? I asked jokingly.
How about you get down and let me drive?
No way. I don't want to die.
You won't die, you will just have to walk home.
Will you really do that?
Dare me.
l looked at him and noticed he wasn't joking. No difference between him and the lion in the jungle. He spare no one, cross his path, and you will be devoured.
None of us talk till we make it home.
Thomson. Michael called one of the servant.
He came out, bowing his head. Yes alpha.
Prepare one of the guest room, we are having a visitor.
Okay. He disappeared.
Michael who is coming? Sandra asked.
A lady. He replied walking inside.
She turns to me. Why is she coming here?
I don't know. I walked passed her, going inside.
What do you mean you don't know? Both of you went out and come back telling me a guest is coming over. She shouted.
Point of correction, He was talking to the servant. Mind you, next time you want to talk to me, don't shout. I'm in your front not millions miles away. Don't damage my ears.
If you desperate to get answer to your question, go and ask Michael. I think he's the only one who has an answer to your question.
Father. My daughter ran out of the room jumping in my arms.
Where did you go?
I went to a meeting. Where is your mother?
In the room. She did not give me my ice-cream.
Oh, is that the reason of my welcome?
She buried her face in her small hands.
I dropped her on the ground. Go and take it.

I stretched as i roll out of bed. I fell asleep after showered. I put on a shirt and went looking for Michael. He's going through some paperwork when i entered his office with papers mount up in his front. I stand confused. Seeing him like this is bothering me, i just can't bear it any longer.
I went to the fridge to get water for him.
If you over worked yourself, i will be the one to suffer for it, you know? You haven't sleep since yesterday.
I have to send them to alpha Levi before sunset tomorrow.
Relax. I snatched the papers away from him. There is still time, even father doesn't work himself to death.
I don't know why you are doing this, i just want you to know that i didn't blame you for anything. You are going through a tough time, i know but that is not an excuse. Why do i feels like i don't know who you are anymore? You meet him again?  What does he want?
He's also my father, i know him very well so stop hiding things from me and tell me what is going on.
I just told you he want nothing.
I think it is time i involved elder Abbott.
Who the hell are you? Sandra's voice boomed.
She's here. I will go check.
I will come along. He pulled back his chair enough for him to stand up.

There stand (Emily) as she's called. Still in the same clothes with a dog beside her.
Michael told her to come in but Sandra blocked her asking who she is repeatedly.
Emily took us by surprise when she spoke with her gaze locked on Sandra. I feel odd whenever she does that.
Alpha please tell this pumpkin to make way for me.
I just knew it. I bellow joyfully. I think i have to thank Venoita for this suggestion. Sandra, you found your match, not bad...

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